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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Sign up!
  2. You listen to shitty music with even shittier lyrics.
  3. FA open! ?
  4. HAPPY 4th of JULY, VHL Americans! USA USA USA!
  5. DA BEARZ stick together! Also, don't hire @Motzaburger. He's the enemy now!
  6. @leafssteen We've chatted so not much more to say other than thanks for your time as a Bear! You will have to state in here that you wave your NTC.
  7. Draft and day have already been magical. I expect more to come!
  8. @HenrikZoiderberg Damn, that jersey looks good on you
  9. We still on for the Arby's date after the draft?
  10. We have over 24M in cap space. I think we're good - but we'll talk him down. Can we talk about the Bears draft?
  11. Dope ass. 300 tpe
  12. Quality colours.
  13. @Rayzor_7 Made VHLM HISTORY as a new GM...
  14. NO - @Beaviss is the joke... See ya around.
  15. I'm already your biggest fan..
  16. @Kekzkrieg ITALIAN BEAST! Welcome to the league. Any questions, let me know
  17. @Donno100 woo! Good luck
  18. @Gscx420 Welcome to the league! If you have any questions, let me know. PS - VHLM Dispersal Draft is tonight (you got good timing!) PSS - DOPE last name for your player. SAKIC #1.
  19. @cartoes Welcome to the league! If you have any questions, let me know. PS - VHLM Dispersal Draft is tonight (you got good timing!)
  20. @Gordie Welcome to the league! If you have any questions, let me know. PS - VHLM Dispersal Draft is tonight (you got good timing!)
  21. @Vuuna Haaka Welcome to the league! If you have any questions, let me know. PS - VHLM Dispersal Draft is tonight (you got good timing!)
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