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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Ottawa Lynx NEW GM! As always, tough choice. Lots of good candidates, but with the off-season quickly approaching, we wanted to give the new GM as much time to get settled, review the rules and league and get comfortable with their new role. This member is fairly new to the league, but everyone starts out this way and since he's joined, he's really made a strong impression on myself and the rest of the league. He's been in talks for recent roles prior and at this point, he edges out the competition and earns himself the gig. @Acydburn Best of luck moving forward in your new role and thank you to everyone who applied for the position. I know it may feel as though we snub, snub snuuuub you but it's not the case. If ever you have questions, please feel free to message us. @VHLM Commissioner
  2. Welcome to the league @Sam Morreale
  3. Done on the portal!
  4. Ya ok m8
  5. Ottawa GM Position Thanks to the bird himself, @Esso2264, for his great work and efforts during his time with Ottawa. Always a GM you could count on and it’s too bad his time was a little shorter than we’d hoped for but he’s promoted to the big boy league! Good luck! With that being said, we’re on the hunt for a new GM. If you’re super busy and/or going to be busy in the near or semi-distant future, this job is not for you. We get people have lives - even I’m busy as hell now - but if you’re unable to make time in a week or struggle, don’t apply. It takes commitment and some time throughout the week. Remember, VHLM is the roots to the VHL. You fail, VHL fails. IF INTERESTED, apply here!
  6. Calgary won. That's what happened.
  7. Hell yeah you will!
  8. You should stick around anyway. Fuck, if you ain’t got much time - make a player and be VHLM so you can still stick around and enjoy the league and never lose interest
  9. Wait... it was 3-0 for the Hounds? Lmao
  10. Act like you’ve won before o w8
  11. Just happy Davos is losing. someone wanna cheers emoji react this? @DilIsPickle @Walter Fizz @Jubo07 Huh uhuhuh
  12. S66 VHLM Achievement Tracker You must list your player name and position or else I will not be counting your tpe for you. You have until the conclusion of the VHL playoffs to complete this. 1. Before the end of the VHL playoffs, players that want to and are eligible for TPE bonuses from the VHLM must declare in this thread their PRIMARY stats for tracking throughout the REGULAR SEASON. These stats will then be tracked for BONUS TPE and can be declared anytime throughout the season. 2. Unless a declaration is made in this thread, players will not receive BONUS TPE at the end of the season for their achievements. This thread will be locked upon completion of the VHL playoffs. 3. Inactive players cannot have their declarations be posted by their team GMs. 4. The following stat achievements can be declared for skaters: Goals Assists Points Hits Shot Blocks +/- Rating Faceoffs Won 5. Forward Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/10 Assists/12 Points/10 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/15 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight FO Won/150 6. Defensemen Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/5 Assists/10 Points/7 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/20 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight 7. Goalie Achievements (All APPLICABLE) WINS/5 40 Games Started = 5 TPE Save % 0.900+ = 5 TPE Save % Sub 0.900 = 2TPE Shutouts = 3 TPE per SO 8. Declaration Form Format (Put choices in the order they are listed) Player Name Forward/Defenseman Choice 1 Choice 2 Example Mitch Higgins Forward Assists +/- *Please note that goalies do not select any choices, but must submit a TPE declaration. 9. S68 Prospects are not eligible 10. The VHLM Achievement Tracker is capped at 20 TPE per player. Whatever your formula gives you, add 3 TPE to it as mentioned below. 11. TPE from the Tracker cannot be applied to your player until the payout thread is posted by a VHLM Commissioner @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM @Commissioner *EDIT* It's not simply that the minimum goes up to 13, it's that whatever the formula gives you, add 3 to it. So if you'd otherwise have earned 13, you now have 16. You still max out at 20.
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