S93 Recruitment Update #2
Hey, I hope all is well. Been busy behind the scenes planning current and future recruitment for the VHL. This is an easy way for me to earn TPE, be transparent with the league on what the recruitment team is working on and possibly for the league to hope in on discussions and voice their opinions respectfully/constructively. I've done a couple of these now which end up being in Media Spot form. This one is just a quick little update to earn the weekly TPE and keep you in the loop.
HIRED! @InstantRockstar, @Nathan_8, @samx and @Mysterious_Fish have been officially added to the Recruitment Team. They've been part of it now for something like a week, but with being busy behind the scenes with so many things, the official hiring post was put off until today. Each member has contributed to efforts already and been parts of good discussions regarding recruitment. Excited to work with them!
Tiktok. Slowly chugging along here. Focus isn't as big as it was as our following has grown. @Triller just sent over 2 videos to post on standing updates and is working behind the scenes on a recruitment video to post on there. IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE MAKING THIS KIND OF VIDEO/GRAPHIC WORK ETC, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. WE'D LOVE TO CHAT AND SEE IF YOU ARE A GOOD FIT FOR THE TEAM TO ADD TO RECRUITMENT.
Inactive Email to users who are no longer here. The template message has been typed out and we're currently in discussions with the rest of recruitment, as well as the commissioning team, to edit the best possible message and send it out at a good enough time.
YouTube. Our focus is also here the last little bit. Planning for future drives. A previous member we've worked with, who I believe is actually here @Rob Talks Hockey, have been in discussions with us to see what we can make happen, potentially during a future Trade Deadline.
Affiliates. Currently talking to a current Soccer Affiliate on bumping/renewing our old posts on each of our sites. Also a friendly reminder that we have TPE incentives for each. Helps members lighten the load for themselves, enjoy both leagues and share the love in the simulation communities.