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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. @MD9 @Symmetrik @Corco @JardyB10 @Toast @Strtlght @Toast @Fire Hakstol @Frank @evrydayimbyfuglien @Ahma @BluObieZ @TheLastOlympian07 @Bring Back Chat @Corco @boubabi @Higgins @Trifecta @Kylrad @gregreg @diamond_ace @UZI™ @Kyle @STZ @der meister @Kendrick @Gooningitup @Spade18 @ADV @Kesler @John Scott @Lunaro @bgreene21 @Velevra @Phil @Beaviss @Tyler @hedgehog337 @solas @Jonessee27 @Will @tfong @Green @jRuutu @Banackock @Laflamme @CowboyinAmerica @Devise @Eggy216 @Pandar @DollarAndADream @Velevra @philthethrill81 @Jogn @Sixersfan549 @Mr.Baller @Exlaxchronicles @GoodLeftUndone @Boragina @Koradek @Arthur @stevo @bukss_a @FacePuncher @DeathOnReddit @nikkurri17 @HellBillyXIII @MadMax @Jepox @Polygeekism @Masxn1 @omgitshim @Sami K @OldTimeHockey @Vincebrown @VHLwhat @MWHazard @Týr @Shaka @Daniel @Dangles13 @probably not noah @iRockstar @.sniffuM @Victor @Barracuda @cpetrella @Sathurx @TrueNorth @Hoopydog @GCN7115 @Lloyd_71_Pav @Burzawa @CookieJo @Austin3886 @DomWalton90 @Broalie34 @TWalkerFC @10293lolo 2nd @declanburns @Quik @Aiden G @Talia03 @Dante Massaro @MexicanCow @jackphillips.18 @Hadz @MaikTheRed @Jera @That1guy @Zaramon95 @YayIWin @Benm2110 @ujju2 @InsaneEruptt @pennypenny @TNTGamer101 @ColtonMariner11 @AdderClounJr209 @OB1mx @YoungBlood @jcfbey01 @Erik Johannsen @Smarch @Bushito Don't miss this good shit, guys.
  2. T-Minus 1 week before I could potentially have 4 players in the VHL/VHLM together. 

  3. Geeze.. I wish once off-season started you were able to recreate/retire and keep your player. Whats the purpose of waiting an entire week?
  4. I feel this way too. Could be a surprising team and will be fine to "find a way".
  5. Excited to see what happens this off-season
  6. 1. We're looking to get a mixture of loyalty and talent. Of course, the goal is always the best player available while providing them with the best options and opportunities. But, loyalty is something we want to. We're excited to draft. We've given up much on this season. 2. New York. Calgary hopefully makes it to the finals against them. I'd be happy if either won, but those are the 2 I'm rooting for. Or Helsinki. 3. The 3 are on my radar. @Victor @Beketov and @street. Victor is enticing because he will be loyal and likely good. He's a chill, dude too. Beketov is highly active, but his "chasing cup" mentality concerns me. Similar semi to street but what attracts me to him is that defense is harder to come by and while he may not want to be the best player, it would be a great starting point. Especially owning the 4th OV pick too and recreating a GM player this season. 4. Working my ass off. trying to make money so I can have nice things in life. Also trying to be less involved in the VHL time wise while still contributing to help the site grow and shit. 5. Easy rebuild now ? 1 TPE
  7. Scouting - working on a project. But what else would you want to see ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Banackock


      Info wise, sure. Or idea wise. Improvements etc

    3. Beaviss


      I’m thinking 


      Player Name:




      VHLM Stats:


      that kinda thing

    4. Exlaxchronicles


      Maybe add:

      His positive attributes 

      what he needs to work on

      what style of player is he

      what he is projected to be as a player 

  8. I'm tardy with that (I'm good for this weeks PT's) and swamped at work but of course there will be one for draft time! Im gonna be looking to see what alternatives there are and see if it can be improved and maybe look better (more options etc).
  9. No to idea one. Too much change and the history of it is cool - though, for flexibility maybe update the names every now and then to maybe players slightly more relevant to those who haven't been around since S1-10 etc. For thw career lengths, always liked the idea of going longer but as always discussed - it affects career turnover and drafts pretty good. But again, I like the idea of a 10 year career but feel if it came about - it shouldn't be applied for a few seasons so we can fully think out brackets, cap and league format etc so that we're not in a sticky situation where we're constantly tinkering with the brackets etc.
  10. Good luck. Look forwards to our talks @Spade18
  11. Good deal. Excited to see what Kaiskov does and good work by both GM's to maintain that level of GMness.
  12. That was great.
  13. @boubabi funny that: 1. You log in for this just in time. Higgins text you? 2. You still log in checking stuff or seeing if you're unbanned.
  14. I'm amazed at how much you know
  15. @Higgins Lost to the best Sucks to be NYA but after everything, fuck yeah HSK, lol. Beat an amazing team in NYA. I had them as the winner from day 1 (as hopefully most did). Round 2 next year - I say NYA beats HSK in 5.
  16. Not too shabby but looking at others, tells a bit different of a story ?
  17. Probably. Yes. Same results in my opinion. Same thing. NYA has the cup next year. Calgary is good too. Wasn't worth being one of the two underdogs in my eyes for "one last push".
  18. Also, this. Be fuck all next year too but MAYBE a little more. Though and again, we'd be hit with retirement. Ive come to terms with the deal. I helped out McAll and Axelsson and have another deal in place to help out Kendrick and a few other guys. Very deserving members to not have slumps careers or be forced to retire or play on shit (Kendrick, as a goalie, especially). That's what this site is all about sometimes and I were here to have the best time possible. I ensured that in all or most members this season so its like a 75% loss, 25% win but think we'll come out of it. Markets shit and don't think that'll change for sometime.
  19. One more season and then what? Likely would have lost Johnsson this off-season and replaced him with AAR. Then i would have lost Quill, Federov, Gretzky, King to retirement next year. Either way, it's a loss. We're starting the rebuild now. That's fine and great. Many teams have started in much worse positions.
  20. Could have - but wanted the boys to win as well as start the rebuild. Plus, Id have been in a tricky position with quite a few people retiring and Johnsson gone to FA likely. DAV raped and knew it - but it is what it is. Hopefully Gow kicks some ass now ?
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