i just read through the entire stats series you've put out. love whenever someone dives deeper into the stats, I think it's so much more interesting compared to other articles, shame you don't really get extra credit for writing code or anything like that.
anyways, my point is I feel like PIM's should also be a consideration. From what I've seen higher hits correlates to more PIM's. When voting on things like defensive defenseman or two-way forward awards I've been looking at a simple PIMs/Hits ratio. From what I can tell, your script doesn't really take this into account? I think it's an important consideration as penalties are really bad defensive play and need to be considered. Not sure how you'd do implement this though.
This isn't to take away from your article at all, I think the stats are really interesting and things I haven't even thought about as stats, and I'd love to have this available every season as part of awards consideration tbh because I think it adds a lot more depth and realism.