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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. 1. What was your best drop the mic moment of your career so far, tell us about it? 2. Name something that is very nostalgic for you, do you collect or surround yourself with things that evoke the feeling? 3. What’s the biggest doubt you have about our competitiveness this season? 4. What professional athlete has completely lost your respect and what did they do that caused them to drop in you esteem? 5. What movie do you wish life was more like? 6. The most phones have you broken or lost in a single season? (we travel a lot and i know a lot of ya'll are rough on technology...) 7. Who or what is your greatest nemesis?
  2. Claim 2/2 week of Nov 21, 2021
  3. -> helpful hint, just use their names if you ever get stuck (as a person who is really right wing or old fashion might be offended by the use of they) tbh a name is the only truly neutral these days. ex. She talked to everyone involved Blade talked to everyone involved
  4. I think people forget it's just as offensive to call a person who prefers he or she a them/they. The assumption that everyone is ok with a branch term is what got people in that "Other" category using they/ them but hoisting that terminology on people who are not ok with it is just as wrong. I think when the pendulum shifts people often forget to look back and logic it out in terms of the base message. No one should have any type of self identifier hoisted upon them, they/ them is not a catch all and many people particularly in the older generation might be offended by the use of such branch terms, and tbh they have just as much right to correct you as someone who likes to have a they/ them identifier. At least from how i look at it to be truly inclusive you try to respect where everyone is coming from and move beyond your expectations to make others feel comfortable, at least that is the current expectation. As a person on the receiving end you respect that people are trying and be grateful for the effort. No one is going to get it 100% of the time and people are bound to make mistakes but just being courteous and upfront should make it easier. I think reminding people that the wounds you carry due to the world are not everyone's fault, in these cases it might be wrong for me to remind people to not take everything personally because tbh some ppl have a lot of trauma attached to words and i myself know i have a few triggers. My end point is the situation is complex and there is not a one size fits all (or even most) solution. If you want a real answer you need to aim to be truly inclusive, you need to consider the far left, the far right and everything in the middle to make a safe space for all, and it's not easy. My recommendation is what it always is, look form as many perspectives as you can, especially unpopular ones, and try for something that reads as fair and respectful for all. To keep it short and simple, no They /them is not a catch all. When in doubt use people's names or use what they have asked you to call them by.
  5. jagr scoring 7mill
  6. If anything ya'll should be feeling bad for me, I'm being moved around more by these two teams than a child of divorced parents.... @Acydburn @Banackock why are ya'll playing the "NO, you take her" game #UnLovedChildOfTheVHL but really I have nothing but love for these GMs, I knew i was gonna be shopped one way or another.
  7. if you can't fight it embrace it, call me Jinx
  8. Pick a weekend and I think we could do it as long as we had a couple of anchors lol
  9. Looks like i am the only one here that doesn't believe in the jinx, I won't wish you good luck because you guys have this in the bag
  10. Can you even imagine, the most talkative ppl in VHL all in one podcast... it would be crazy but in a fun way
  11. As of now: old but not forgotten 12m jagr defence 7m
  12. I think the in your face options might turn more into a necessary evil, but in the end of it all i just wanted to get the ball rolling. I honestly think that if it means enough to someone that they would go to a mod about it that they should also be willing to have them displayed. It kind of has to be a give and take scenario and I'm going to say I might be the worst user to talk to about user names defining someone for a couple of reasons, 1.) I have frequently gone by alternate names in different sim sites and 2.) it didn't change much of the over all perception of me. I know many of us go by custom names in our servers via the nickname, maybe it gets whittled down to you put (He/She/Them) in your nickname, just like people have done with being a GM or AGM for years. It's not a glamorous solution but it doesn't mess with colours or roles and people can change it as often as they like and it wouldn't be weird because people already frequently change their nicknames. It doesn't change the problem of it being in people's faces but I feel like it almost has to be in order to be effective. I think my main concern is that with subtly comes the higher risk of things going awry, and unfortunately that means we would run the risk of what was happening with no tags at all because no one saw them. Someone's feelings are bound to get a little trampled in the mix and i can just see someone pointing of a tag was present. The offender says they didn't see it and then what? Chances are the one user didn't see, yet the plaintiff in this case would still be hurt and by putting up that tag might feel they are rightful in asking for punishments for people not being considerate. The problem is no one is going to ever be able to guess how a person would like to be referred to, especially it is a situation by situation kind of thing (they would never be able to be that intuitive unless they knew you super well or made it painfully obvious). So what i guess i am saying how subtle the VHL or users wants to be on this issue should determine how they govern the outcomes of missteps as well. It's hard to a ying without a yang, perhaps the truth is you can't be subtle and then get mad when they don't notice of check the hidden spot but the flip side of that is we can't do nothing to protect the right of our members to express their identity how they choose. Also when you consider you kind of need an absolute line to make things easier to moderate, making something overly obvious usually makes it so people can't cry ignorance so the decisions on how to proceed usually go much easier in those cases. In the end i just hope that something can be found that works better than the current cumbersome system.
  13. I can't handle this reaction Seriously i was trying to be nice When both you nut cases win I think you are going to love this, This might contain the nicest things I've ever said about a group of people but I respect the superstition XD
  14. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Moscow--You-Mean-Mosc-wow-e19u9s5 Moscow is going to win the VHL cup and I'm here to tell you why... My little love note to russia with love GM @Spartan Team @AW13 @OrbitingDeath @Beketov @Victor @Frank @JetsFan81 @Mr_Hatter @IHateBobNutting @Gwdjohnson @Seabass @STZ @Advantage Prospects @Adrest245 @Cxsquared @ThomasSyster @Agito @Vkobe-v
  15. 30min Podcast - Claiming 2/2 - 2021/11/14
  16. We have I think I meant that the majority of my current stuff is me rambling alone and that I miss the collaboration. Literally nothing like a big monster of a podcast to just brighten everyone's day and it we can make it happen i would totally be in. BTW you might want to check out my latest monster it is dedicated to you and is 59min and some odd seconds long lol
  17. @dasboot Seriously i just thought every once in a while an updater checked to see if i was on topic, i was convinced no one tuned into my audio lunacy. btw your podcasts are always so entertaining, whenever i listen to you @JardyB10, @fishy, @Spartan @thadthrasher or @Berocka I think man i want to team up with these amazing people. the most fun i ever had doing podcast were back when i had a team and my players would hop on with me, to this day i miss those crazy recordings. Thanks for this, what a perfect way to make us all feel appreciated and heard
  18. This right here is the TLDR of the podcast, if your pronouns are that important to you put them up loud and proud and upfront. I honestly don't want to hurt feelings and i know the majority of the community is like that as well. Idk if i said it but i don't think i am an expert on any of this stuff but i just think it should be talked about because we do need a long term obvious solution to the issue and I don't want to clutter the discord but i also want people to feel safe and respected. hopefully we can find a good mix thank you for your thoughts on this topic and for not skewering me for my basic shower thoughts on the subject, there are multiple things we could do. As with most things i am just riffing and poppin out ideas in the hopes that a few will really make a difference or inspire others that will.
  19. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Finals-Talk-e19u7p7 VHL Current Reaction VHLM Current Reaction VHLE FINAL RESULT Is it 7 Mins in heaven or hell with this one ? IDK but it was a podcast .... TLDR _ what do you mean the VHLM and VHL final results aren't up.... well who is leading... why don''t we have leader boards.... lol
  20. Review Love the very graphic style of this one , it seems to have that new age comic look where it feels vintage but looks bright and poppy. 8/10 The jersey swap looks clean but the saturation and lighting on the face is lacking. I can't see definition of the player and it causes my eyes to go to everywhere but him . overall a lovely image and that DC logo is trippy with that effect.
  21. 1. Would you ever apply for a VHL job? 2. If you had the chance to invent a country, what would you name it? What team would they be on in the WJC? 3. What are two things that you think are normal, but become really strange when you do them repeatedly? 4. What’s the color of the mirror? 5. What do you usually think about while you are on the toilet? 6. Which superpower would you not want? bonus. What’s your most hated mode of transportation?
  22. 1. Is there a limit to how intelligent a single player can be? 2. Why is sandwich meat round when bread is square? 3. Who’s the fifth person on your missed calls? 4. If man developed from monkeys, what type of monkey do you think you came from? 5. Which would be the nicest if animals could only talk? 6. If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong?
  23. https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Lets-Play-A-Game--Suggestions-for-the-pronoun-tags-e19u66i Blade Trying to say user and player names S80-82 Then I go through what could make the tags more visible and decreasing the likely hood of user errors/ more freedom for users 30min Podcast - Claiming 1/2 - 2021/07/11
  24. No thank yous needed on this one, it is has been a honour getting to know you better and it makes me regret not reaching out sooner. Least we can do in this world is stand by good people and try to help them through the storm. So happy that the league has been working so hard on making this a transformative moment for the VHL and that you have been so strongly supported.
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