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Everything posted by BladeMaiden

  1. Representation and visibility is important in general. People are more likely to respect women and other minorities when they are given responsibility and power.
  2. Well what about nyko calling me a cougar in gen chat, in the middle of when i was asking not to be harassed? Literally we had a member framing me as an aggressor or cougar while i was unable to respond i was so uncomfortable. this is just from last night.. And sure the mods dealt with the first part of what made me uncomfortable but not with the mentality of the other user trying to flip blame on me. this is a culture issue
  3. Just want to go out and say I’ve been asking for representation in the bod for years. I have personally been affected by these issues for years. When I joined I wanted to GM and be a member of the Admins one day because I knew that strong compassionate voices were needed in the VHL so that ALL our members can feel safe. shout out to @Josh and @fishy who were supportive last night when i finally decided to come forward with an issue after years of ignoring things because I didn’t want to make a scene after being told for years i just attract drama. but we need more, because we should have more female members but the end up leaving because of things like this. This is not our culture we are better than this!
  4. @rjfryman just happy I could help at all, this brought me back to when I did this with @McWolf . Even though I don’t consider the help I gave major on any level. The league is lucky to have such an amazing Commissioner of these world tournaments congratulations to everyone who got hired and a big nod to everyone who didn’t as there wasn’t a bad application in the bunch. Much love
  5. You’re just an original,
  6. Review: I really appreciate this concept. It’s cute, kitschy and an appropriate amount of spooky. It’s really simple and if I’m honest I’m looking for the text and logo to fit better with the background and really be clean and incorporated. When you go uber simple it’s important to note you have less to hide behind. Which is a hard lesson I’ve had to learn because I also love simple. 8/10 it’s really good, keep up the original work!!
  7. 7.)feel like a potato, i wanna be baked and warm 8.)start singing ‘their taking the hobbits to Isengaurd’ with @Beaviss if they don’t laugh they are dead inside 9.) Out of this world, album Planetary Body 10.) @Banackocktonight we take over the world!! 11.) oreo cheesecake, no I’m not sharing… 12.) As my badass self!
  8. I was waiting for you to go into how hard earning TPE was at the inception of the VHL, it makes you guys seem generous when you have that context in mind.
  9. Full roster vs ones with bots is never a fair fight. gg Miami you did your best!
  10. Can’t say it was easy or comfortable but I’ve been here over 4 years, I figured that i’ve at least seen enough that I could be a voice and start the conversation. Think I’ve been searching for something worth saying since I stated with Venus, this just was it. Even if it helps one person it was worth it.
  11. All In Your Head: Mental Health and Sim Leagues https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/All-In-your-Head-e19hs7e talking bout a graphic I made and also about why i made it, this is my TED talk on mental health and Sim leagues. ^ Graphic mentioned in podcast
  12. All In Your Head So it's officially spooky season and so I thought this would fit best in that context . I think some of the scariest things that haunt a person are often all in their head. If you are interested what inspired me to make this graphic I Invite you to listen to the podcast I posted this week. I encourage anyone dealing with mental health struggles to reach out and get help, you don't have to fight your demons alone https://vhlforum.com/topic/110480-all-in-your-head/ <--link to podcast Alt Versions (The Process): Less Blur -Darker All Oil Painting No Name -No head on Figure The OG
  13. I'm sorry you don't like facts.
  14. I think this is a POV thing, as soon as the League started expanding they stalled out and have really not done much since. Their historical wins are in a time when it was easier to win and even then they are not the out and out leaders. I think what makes a team have real big dick energy is when they can really show a great track record throughout generations. I tend to think of Helsinki when I think of that, although obviously not since the last change up of management. I think you could probably make a better case for Davos throughout the ages if you included the argument of how many times they won the conference / were runners up. And maybe i would support it if @ShawnGlade had ignored my request to let CGY grab me with Brick and made me the main goalie for Davos. Who knows maybe Davos and Brick would have been a winning combo and brought a more recent cup to the franchise. But alas i am over here getting called out for being on the "fake purple team" with no reason to to have warm and fluffy feelings for the franchise, especially when they are taking shots at Prauge. So it's time for Davos to put up or shut up in the modern VHL. As a side note I'm glad my name choice is doing what it was designed to, nothing wrong with being a bombshell both on and off the ice and my girl was always meant to be a real smoke show
  15. This must be a joke. They are a long lived franchise for sure but using the term successful in this case is a mockery of the term. Davos was a struggle buss for a long time and idk if you were here for it but they aren’t a team with enough historical wins to start dropping lines like this… Edit: 8 cup wins in 79 (11.1%) seasons and the bulk of those are from before the league ever expanded thus giving Davos a greater chance of winning. Last cup was in 61 which is 19 seasons ago, so nothing recently and before that their win was in 38.
  16. Nice to know I’m livin’ rent free in the minds of Davos players
  17. I was looking at the portal stats when i said it, so idk what happened there
  18. You must be looking for Davos, they’ve been faking knowing how to play hockey since inception
  19. Review: STZ you know better than to get old man @Frank excited and i bet this one just took him straight to his happy place. Love everything from the modern effects to the focus fade.. seriously this things has git me hit and bothered and it’s not even A graphic for my player. This is a perfect 10 for me, Happy early Halloween hun, no ticks and all treats for you where is the chefs kiss emoji i need one of those for this beauty! 10/10
  20. 7. Would You Rather Look Like A Potato, Or Feel Like A Potato? 8.How Can You Tell If Someone Has A Sense Of Humor? 9.If You Were To Name Your Own Song, What Would You Name It? 10.If You Were In A Room Filled With You And Your Doppelganger And 2 Million Dollars, What Would You Do? 11. What Is In Your Fridge Right Now? 12. How Do You Want To Be Remembered By The VHL? 13. What Do You Hope Your Deceased Relative Would Say About You If They Saw You Now?
  21. 3/4 Oct 24th 2021 ( got interrupted by theme week)
  22. a 20+ min podcast on what should have been 5-10 min looking at the S80 Phantoms and Hyping my guys up a bit, give it up for my fav Purple team https://anchor.fm/huddlehussy/episodes/Lets-Talk-About-Prague-Baby-e197bcc @diamond_ace @BladeMaiden @Acydburn@Gaikoku-hito@Domg5 @Spartakiller2 @wcats @Snussu @Mistxh J @RStar @JB123 @Sharkstrong you are not mentioned because if i went into goalies it would have tripled the time, i love goalies too much and talking goalie stats wold have made this a really long one. I def owe you a goalie feature podcast
  23. I am thinkin' it's like pringles, once you pop the fun don't stop lol And Thanks Jardy, i'm glad it was a fun listen
  24. Thanks for the review, think this is the first time anyone has ever enjoyed my choice in fonts OG CGY has a special place in my heart and I am glad that i got to give you a little blast from the past.
  25. I agree 100% with the logo in the top, i actually loved this image without it (although for a flashback image i feel it was needed to really sell that this was a reference to his wrangler days). If i was even going to use this i would 1000% take it off. As for my wonky boarder I can assure you it was a design choice and respect it isn't everyone's cup of tea but tbh i wouldn't remove it as i think it adds dimension. Thanks for the review and for the record you spotting the things you did made me laugh, you have quite the eye...this is proof when they say that no one sees the flaws in your work that you do it is a lie lol
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