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Everything posted by Dil

  1. all u have to do is open the app and click buttons. if @eaglesfan036 can do it, you can do it
  2. Thanks for all those willing to help out! The Beta testers are: @Philliefan @Rayzor_7 @oilmandan @Beaviss @Esso2264 @FrostBeard @Will @Matmenzinger @Josh congrats, I felt u were more competent than other people. I will apply your roles on discord and give you access to the beta testing channel where you will receive the APKs and where you can provide me with feedback and bugs. If you don't receive the role on discord soon, it's because I couldn't find your discord name or you weren't on the server. Then, just join and message me on there and It'll be applied. bye
  3. Did you really just reply 3 years later.
  4. Dil

    Count to 1000

  5. Calling all VHLers! We need beta testers for new VHL ANDROID APP!



    Sign Up Here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dil


      If someone wants to buy me a MacBook to use Apple dev tools... @Matt_O

    3. Gustav


      Not an Apple fanboy but BOO NO APPLE

    4. Higgins


      Why do you need access to my photo library?

  6. Not necessary for you to reply then
  7. Need about 10 people to test the VHL android app and find bugs and problems with the app. Also to provide feedback on the UI and other things. Reply below if interested (Android Only)
  8. Dil

    Count to 1000

  9. Dil

    Count to 1000

  10. Dil

    Count to 1000

  11. Dil

    Count to 1000

  12. Dil

    Count to 1000

  13. Simple counting game. One number at a time, per person, all the way to 1000. If someone decides to be a dick, just ignore them and continue. 1
  14. The starload strikes again
  15. I played SA a whole 3 times
  16. @Devise I figured you would want in on some of this action ?
  17. Damn some of these are taking shots at me wtfrick
  18. Not applying ? ?
  19. They insist it's superior because they don't have it lol...
  21. Wow peace, you are so kind. I love it
  22. You can have Mexico City. take it or leave it
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