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Everything posted by Dil

  1. leave bro its not worth it
  2. Did you ever get out of Vienna??
  3. nah he asked me I said it was all good bro
  4. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    1 more than him! in way less than half the time !
  5. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    At least devise used to win
  6. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    That’s cute and all but like:
  7. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    When does it end
  8. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    Playoff wins in that span? 0
  9. Dil

    MOS/WAR; S94

    S87: 10th Overall, traded back to DAV, 12th Overall selected Hannibal Barca (1 VHL season), 13th Overall selected Tim Riggins (Clicker, IA) S88: 8th Overall, traded to NYA S89: 6th Overall, traded to DCD S90: 5th Overall, selected Maxim Anisimov S91: 2nd Overall, traded to MOS S92: 2nd Overall, traded to MOS S93: 6th Overall, traded to DAV S94: TBD, traded to SEA S95: TBD, traded to DAV S96: TBD, traded to MOS
  10. Good riddance, always hated that hedgehog mf
  11. At this point when we’re already paying $2.00/L everything behind doesn’t even matter
  12. I once had a .com rejected because I wrote it about how .com’s were judged too harshly, because it lacked effort and wasn’t relevant to the topic… despite being about the .com’s themselves and referencing sources and being well above the word count Just give up it’s not worth the effort
  14. Hey all! VHL Minecraft is back! Information: Version 1.20.4 Difficulty Normal Ip Address Plugins: - McMMO - Skip The Night - Anti Griefing / Block Interaction Logging - Death Counter In terms of gameplay, just so it's fair and fun for everyone of all different skillsets and time availabilities, please do not tryhard! i.e. don't rush to get max items, beat the game, etc. If you want to stay on all day and build cool things, feel free, but please don't just spend all your time getting OP, it ruins the fun for everyone. Couple things to remember: 1. No Griefing/Stealing 2. No Automatic Farms 3. No Villager Exploitation (Atleast for the first little while, i'm looking at you alex) 4. Use common sense and be nice
  15. Sure, as long as you’re willing to recognize that having sex in Minecraft does not count as losing your virginity
  16. To all that voted yes, another series of polls in the discord channel #minecraft-truck-central to nail down what plugins everyone wants
  17. Dil

    DAV/WAR; S92

    Good rule of thumb: if SprayTan is complaining it means it’s a good trade but he got priced out
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