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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. 1. Elias Dahlberg- 782 TPE @Nykonax Originial slot: 2nd overall *Serious Bust 2. Brick Wahl- 773 TPE @BladeMaiden Original slot: 12th overall *Steal 3. Pat Svoboda- 773 TPE @StamkosFan Original slot: 5th overall 4. Diljodh Starload -732 TPE @DilIsPickle Original slot: 7th overall 5. John Madden- 713 TPE @Thranduil Original slot: 6th overall 6. Ryan Sullivan Jr.- 701 TPE @Advantage Original slot: 1st overall *Not a bust, but not as good as most first overall picks 7. Finn Davidson- 681 TPE @Poptart Original slot: 17th overall *Steal 8. Joel Ylonen- 667 TPE @Esso2264 Original slot: 3rd overall Second Round 9. Matthew Materazo- 574 TPE @Matt_O Original slot: 18th overall *Steal 10. Mark Gebauer- 527 TPE @Sova Original slot: 4th overall *Not a bust, but not up to par with the other first rounders 11. Jagger Philliefan- 504 TPE @Philliefan Original slot: 11th overall 12. Dan Baillie- 471 TPE @wcats Original slot: 19th overall *Steal 13. Piotr Jerwa- 466 TPE @majesiu Original slot: 9th overall 14. Gucci Garrop- 424 TPE @JG10 Original slot: 14th overall 15. Evgeni Komarov- 415 TPE @Gooningitup Original slot: 21st overall *Steal 16. Basabara Moose- 385 TPE @Toasty Original slot: 28th overall *Steal
  2. Even though Vegas wasn't very good this year, there were multiple individual performances this season that should be recognized. Let it be a seasonal tradition from now on. Welcome to the S66 Las Vegas Awards Show! We don't have any cringy jokes, and we won't have the award winners hold a burger. Best Forward Austin Fourier With 66 points this year, he found a way to light the lamp when the team struggled. His 22 goals and 44 assists were impressive, and his two way game was very prevalent. 50 blocked shots is a good total for a forward, and what is most impressive about his season was his plus minus. Las Vegas finished the year at -136, and yet Fourier still only had a -4. That is incredible. Best Defenseman Benson Van Roosen Despite retiring this player and making a new player (Benson Kramer), Benson Van Roosen had a very successful year. With 60 points, his offensive game was put on display. He also led the team in blocked shots, with 174! That was the second most in the VHLM. It was a great season for Roosen, who hopes to continue his success with his new player. Most Improved RJ Lloris After joining on the week of May 5th, he has hit the 130 TPE mark, and is likely going to be one of the top picks heading into next seasons VHLM draft. He had 50 points on the season, a good amount. Next season, Lloris can be a force in the VHLM if he continues his improvement. MVP MORPHEUS DESTRUCTUS Morpheus' impact on the ice isn't a question, his 373 hits were by far the highest total on the team, but surprisingly not the most in the league. He also had 237 Penalty Minutes, making his impact notable. His defense play and willingness to get down to block shots (137 SB) makes him the Team MVP. He also threatened to crush all my bones if I didn't give him this award, so that also helps his case. Congrats to all winners! We will see you next year for the S67 awards show!
  3. Edited again as of 6/29 11:05 PM EST
  4. Matt_O

    MIN/SDM: S67

    I guess I’ll just find someone else to trade with
  5. Also, if we consider the losing team as well, Shawn Glade should win it no doubt if we take both teams into account. If we take only the winning team, then Pepper should win. Thompson a close second
  6. I think it should be Pepper. He put up insane stats, and there are four guys in Helsinki that finished with 14 or more points. You could make the argument for all of them. The biggest difference between Vancouver and Helsinki was the goaltending. If you eliminate Pepper Vancouver would win the series. If you take away Thompson, Helsinki still would likely win in six.
  7. just go to player management and click retire player
  8. Toronto had access to S69 picks as of yesterday and has already traded four of them away.
  9. I actually think this is a good trade for NY, despite the madness. Good trade for both squads. What a way to start off a GM career
  10. Once Materazo entered the VHL, he planned to test free agency at the end of his ELC. While the plan was never to actually leave his team, he wanted to test the market to see what's up. When he was foolishly left open in the expansion draft, he held that same stance with Malmo. He wanted to test free agency. He still wanted to re-sign with Malmo, but the desire to be a UFA was pretty enticing. Honestly, I still think it would be cool to test free agency, but I love Malmo. It is so awesome to a be apart of a new expansion franchise, and it is even cooler to be one of the top guys on the team (even though my stats don't reflect that) My decision to re-sign with Malmo was extremely easy, and I am very excited to be on this team and contend for years to come. Our LR is great and all the people in it are great people. Our GM is also one of the best this league has to offer. His work with the New York Americans was something to behold, and the way he communicates with the team when it comes to trades, draft picks and free agency really makes it feel like he is a GM of the people. In the end our opinions probably hold little weight but it is still great to have the whole team put their opinions on certain trades and draft picks. I am hype for the future in Malmo. I am excited to compete with Moscow in the future, and hope to bring some continental cups back to Sweden!
  11. what? I thought the Ylonen trade was wild. Wtf is Vancouver doing?
  12. I predict Philly will win games four and five by a score of 4-2 in game four, and 2-1 in game five

  13. I've been trying to find a baseball sim league for some time. This could be cool.
  14. I'll apply for Team Mercenaries or USA. Either one is cool, although I'm open to anything (except Canada)
  15. Shocked HHH didn’t win the Pylon trophy. FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY
  16. Dilliam shouldn't have been picked in round one
  17. Except that backfired on Hossa. Although this series is not over yet, reverse sweep incoming
  18. Was there ever any doubt that Helsinki would win the chip? The excitement from most of the Titans seems a little.... artificial. Thompson (probably the best VHL player) signed with a team that made the finals two years in a row, and beat him last year, so obviously they should be better than everyone. If you can't beat them, join them.
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