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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. Three assists without even getting third star. FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY
  2. Welcome to the VHL @jscott! I am Matt_O, the GM of the Las Vegas Aces! While we aren't in a contending position right now, we can offer you second pairing minutes, alongside powerplay and penalty kill time. If you are interested, quote this offer and type 'accept" Hope you choose Vegas!
  3. Willy memelander Colby Cullimore Jad Clapperton @diamond_ace @Banackock
  4. @Devise new lines sent in. When I send in new lines do I have to tag you here?
  5. As the VHL takes a step into the modern era, many great things have happened to the league. A recent influx of new members are making serious contributions to the VHL landscape. The rapid growth of the league has also made room for many issues to take a front seat; such as whether we should add more expansion teams, or just make teams have a third line. Today, we will be tackling a different issue, one that (probably) drove one of our best members, @BOOMCHENKO™ (boom), away from the league. Today we will be talking about whether the use of discord is positive for the league and the community, and how it effects the forums. Why is Discord viewed as bad? Perhaps saying that Discord has killed forums is a reach. But it certainly has made the forums a place to gain TPE and not do much else. If you look into the All time VHL moments thread, you can see all the random stuff over the years that became so iconic in VHL lore, from the Oregon Trail games, to @Phil getting banned. Old members don't like the lack of genuine conversation on the forums, and @flyersfan1453said this in an article (link) "I feel that there is a sizable contingent of the member base that only posts on the site for TPE and nothing else. Discord is probably a leading culprit of this as well, but no one posts on the forum anymore to just talk. Just look through the Best VHL Moments threads and see how many of them from long time members are just about weird things that were posted on the site. With Discord, you lose that, because if you're not there in the moment, then it's gone forever." This article he wrote brought discussion among the higher ups in the VHL community, and many of the older members agree with what he has to say. The biggest fault for Discord seems to be the fact that if you aren't there when the conversation is happening, you can't reignite the conversation. It gets buried under 900+ messages of people commanding the bot to show their player stats, while on the forums you can easily have a conversation lasting multiple days, and restart it whenever you want. "Discord is great for people to chat about random stuff, but are pretty much impossible to keep track of any sort of discussions. It's very much a "You had to be there" conversation, which is fun, but being able to go back and see a full conversation is always fun, and leaves room to enter a conversation hours later" - @Quik "It honestly feels joe like people will only post on the forum if they have a chance to get TPE from it and that, to me, just feels wrong. The VHL has always been about the community and I personally don’t feel that community nearly as strong on Discord with 100 people talking over each other as I do on the forum with specifically structured topics holding relevant conversations." - @Beketov The Positives of Discord While Discord has become a place of controversy, it has to be acknowledged that it does have its benefits. One of the largest benefits is that it certainly makes newcomers feel more welcome, and their questions get answered faster. "It connects the teams and the players more and helps us get to know each other more and helps us all get along more" - @Connor mcdavid "I find Discord's better for certain subjects, mostly discussion about the league and the squad." - @cody73 Another advantage of the Discord is that it is way more convenient, especially compared to team locker rooms. Discord can be accessed any time, no matter where you are. @Bucky___lastard said it best: "Discord is far more convenient, and I think there would be more engagement if the LR was at the top of the page rather than buried at the very bottom. You have to go looking for the LR, which makes it out of sight, out of mind" "I prefer Discord to forums due to the ease." - @fonziGG The biggest positive of Discord is without a doubt that it helps retain members; our number of active members are definitely higher because of Discord. The use of bots is also very cool, despite people abusing it and asking the bot to show their player stats every five minutes. The positives of Discord come down to this; it is very easily accessible, and it helps retain more members. From what I have heard from members, that is how the majority of the public feels as well. The Verdict From the responses I got, the majority of people preferred the forums over Discord, due to its record of events. On Discord conversations get buried by hundreds of messages, while on the forums you can easily pick up a conversation the day afterwards. It seemed that people think that Discord has damaged the forums, as people only post on the forums to get TPE, and not to have fun talks and other stuff. Perhaps @Nykonax and his mafia games will help the forums. For my opinion, I'll take the forums over Discord. While Discord is very convenient and easy, I like the forums because multiple people can have a conversation that is understandable, and not jumbled around. It is easy to backtrack things on the forums, while on Discord they just get buried. For me, one example of this happened the day I am writing this. People were talking about the political compass and I was about to take a test to see where I land, only to find that the conversation happened two hours ago and was no longer relevant. If that conversation happened on the forums, it would be fine for me to respond to it two hours afterwards. What do you think about Discord and the forums? Let me know your opinion, and what issue I should tackle next!
  6. Shootout goals don't count as stats, right?
  7. Hey @crosscheck! Welcome to the VHL! I am Matt_O, the new Las Vegas Aces GM! While we aren't a contending team, we can offer you a third line center spot, with a chance to move up in the lineup. If you are interested, quote this and say "Accept" Hope you choose Vegas!
  8. Even though Malmo is losing at least I am playing consistent
  9. I wouldn't want to work with you either
  10. @cody73 @FakeJenton @fonziGG @Strooper99 @Gaudette @Motzaburger @HulkHogan Why was this so hard? Anyways, I wanted to thank everyone for applying, you certainly did not make it easy on me. None of you were easy outs for me, in fact in my original top three, only one of them actually made it into my final top three. I always thought that GMs were always overstating how hard it was to choose an AGM, but it turns out they weren't. It was a very tough choice, I honestly could not decide between my final two contenders at the end. It was extremely tough. I'm going to ramble a little bit, so if you just want to see who got the job scroll to the bottom. One thing I wanted to say may actually be helpful for the people who didn't get this job. When you apply for a job, especially an AGM job, you have to try to connect with them as a person, as if you are a salesman, selling yourself as a product to the GM. Start off with saying how you think you guys would be great together, talk about some ideas you have, and make the person who is hiring connect with you, it is way tougher to turn someone down like that, mainly because I felt bad for the people I had to turn down that had pitched themselves to me on a personal scale. I felt bad for anyone who didn't get the job; but those who tried to connect at that personal level were very tough for me to turn down. Is it just that I'm indecisive? Maybe, but if anyone on this site is a salesman of anything, you probably agree with what I'm saying. All of the nominees were good. It was tough to turn down some great members who ultimately deserve an AGM job, but unfortunately there is only one opening. In the end, I had to make a decision. I always thought it was silly when VHLM GMs said how hard it was to pick an AGM, and I thought it wasn't really that hard. But after this, they are right. It is very difficult to make a choice when all the applicants are good. That being said, lets get to the AGM. Congrats to @FakeJenton, the new Assistant (to the) General Manager of the Las Vegas Aces!
  11. Hi @Donini13, I am the new Las Vegas Aces GM, Matt_O. Glad you joined the VHL! We can offer you second pairing defense minutes, as well as special teams time. We aren't contending, but we have an accomadating team that is down to help. If you are interested, quote this offer and say Accept. Hope you join Vegas!
  12. Well I have been on these new recruits, but this is the first guy that signed with me
  13. Let me send you an offer. I'll add you to the team Locker Room and the team discord
  14. Welcome to the VHL @DameHoops! I am Matt_O, the GM of the Las Vegas Aces While we aren't in a contending position, we can offer you second line minutes, alongside some powerplay time. Hope you choose Vegas!
  15. Top ten haunting photos moments before disaster
  16. How do you average 22.8 per week? Did you donate or just do a crap ton of stuff
  17. Welcome to the VHL @Cornholio! I'm Matt_O, the new Las Vegas Aces GM! We can offer you second pairing defense minutes, as well as powerplay and penalty kill time. Hope you choose Vegas!
  18. what is the difference between a 2 TPE submission and a 6 TPE submission? What has to be different about the graphic
  19. It only took the three year old Xander twenty three minutes to get kicked out of his first taste of ice hockey. After he already dangled the opposing team and sniped one and then unleashed a fierce celly, he took it upon himself to make sure his teammates were up to his standards. Many parents heard Xander yelling obscene things, things that no three year old should know. One parent told us that he called one of the kids a f*ggot for not passing him the puck. The parents were very upset with the coach, who is Xanders dad. "I don't see a problem with it. He's just venting his frustration, and besides, he's only three." Matt told us. Midway through the second period, as the opposing team brought the puck up ice, Xander charged in and flattened Connor Jurein, the center from the other team. After this hit, the refs tried to pick Xander up off of Connor, but Xander kept pummeling Connor and the refs weren't strong enough to handle Xander. They eventually had to tag team him and tickle him to get him off. "It's terrible for the game. You won't be seeing Xander here anymore" the refs said after the game. "It's horseshit. I mean, this stuff happens in the NHL all the time. Why can't they just the three year olds play? I don't get it, people are getting so soft nowadays." Matt said. We will wait to see if Connors parents sue Matt.
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