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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. True. It's just funny that of all the great S63 players, only Borwinn has more points than him this year despite him not developing
  2. I'll apply. I'm currently the AGM for Malmo and the GM for the US for the WJC, and also work for VSN. I just want to get on the GM scene, and no better place to start then for the team that I spent the majority of my VHLM time with
  3. Shawnigen may have disappointed but look at him this year, 57 points? What a beast
  4. I'll apply. I'm the USA Gm for the WJC, as well as the Malmo Nighthawks AGM. I am a well respected member of the community (I hope), and have been around for seven months now. I am also a VSN writer. I also am a legendary NHL19 gm, I mean I have three franchise medium goalies for christ sakes. Anyways, I would love to be a VHLM GM, and being a VHL gm is ultimately the goal for me. I also have STHS installed on my computer and am pretty familiar with it, and am a very active in forums and discord, as well as being a vocal member of the Nighthawks, just ask Advantage or GustavMattias
  5. Minecraft peaked in 2013 but become a thing of the past until now. All of the sudden its popular again
  6. Damn it why does everyone hate my VHLM predictions
  7. Does anyone on this site own Minecraft Realms? If you make a realm and give out an invite code we can basically have a VHL minecraft server, which would be epic
  8. What the heck is a meute anyways
  9. Early playoff predictions/projections 1v8: Lynx vs Storm: Lynx in 5 2v7: Reapers vs Kings: Reapers in 6 3v6: Wild vs Hounds: Wild in 7 4v5: Halifax vs Marlins: Marlins in 6 Second round: Lynx vs Marlins: Marlins in 7 Reapers vs Wild: Reapers in 6 Finals: Reapers vs Marlins: Reapers in 5 The Lynx will probably beat the Marlins but I just felt like throwing in a wild prediction. I considered picking the Hounds over the Wild but ultimately pick the Marlins vs Lynx as my sexy upset. It probably won't happen, but just to make my predictions kind of spicy. Even if the Lynx beat the Marlins I still think they would lose to the Reapers
  10. Everyone leave me your opinions on the discord vs forums debate, I'm starting an epic new VSN series and I need YOUR opinions!

    1. Beaviss


      Discord is awesome because its fast paced but theirs to much so people miss convos

  11. Yarr spongeboy me bob, Malmo has flopped down the standings and now are likely not going to make the playoffs. Agagagagagagagagagagagagagagag. We can climb back from this though
  12. Moscow is helping Malmo out in this playoff race. Why does Vancouver always underperform, this is the second year I predicted Louth to win MVP and he has failed me yet again
  13. I can think of Dallas Jones and Alvaro Jokinen, but they are both having bad years
  14. I've been playing well lately, and we needed this win after we blew it against Seattle
  15. Come to Malmo after you win it all this year, were gonna win it next year
  16. Thanks everyone for your feedback; the VSN crew had a discussion on how we can make VSN great again , and we look to add more to what we bring to the table
  17. I want to make VSN as good as possible, so please leave feedback on what we can do better.
  18. 1. Are you excited to play for Malmo? I mean, thank god we drafted you, I would rather retire than go against you. 2. Do you have a team/player you don't like? 3. What is your favorite bone to break? 4. Philly or Vegas? 5. Who will win the founders cup? 6. How many men have you killed during your lifetime?
  19. I guess Malmo isn't that good... maybe if I would perform better we could be winning more
  20. Matt_O


    I'll apply. I'm on the forums so often, I would say the majority of the time I don't have anything to do and I'm just scrolling around aimlessly, so as an updater I would be very good. I'm so active it's creepy how often I'm on the forums.
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