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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. I'll keep sleeping ?
  2. I'm not sure if other writers are doing this, but I was told that the updaters want a link for the work you did that week when you claim your job pay, so each week I have to write a new article, and usually it is far longer than a typical media spot. Also, if you didn't see the explanation for why this one is short, it's because it was alongside the VHL power rankings, but that was never edited since our editor got busy. I do get what you're saying though; in the suggestions/complaints forum there is a topic "Give VSN more publicity". Definitely leave a comment about how you feel so we can try to make VSN better
  3. I don’t know, but it would find a way. Punch a hole in it like Kill Bill.
  4. I see what you're saying. Not trying to toot my own horn but with my rewind series, usually they are up around 1,000+ words, with pretty extensive research. In almost every case I wasn't around when these things happened, so I have to look for sources and find new stuff to write about. I do like the idea of just having a sit down with the entire crew and having a discussion about what ideas we can bring to the table that would make people want to come back week after week and see whats new, and re-evaluating what we put out. By chance, what exactly would you consider something that you would come back week to week for?
  5. Lets not forget this is a super intelligent snail, who will eventually find his way out of this box and dig his way out
  6. Yes, it may take a while but it will reach you
  7. You can get 1 million dollars and immortality, but a super intelligent/immortal snail will be following you for your entire life, and if it touches you, you will die. What would you do to not be touched by the snail? Would you take the bet?
  8. If New York protected me they would be first place in the NA conference guaranteed. Also remember Scott Shawnigen? Who would have guessed he has 49 points, he was on New York until last year. New York can't catch a break
  9. What was your favorite state? I've been to seven (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Florida, Maryland)
  10. SIX points for @Peace thanks for finally coming through in fantasy
  11. Only one assist but I'll take it. Malmo is back (hopefully)
  12. LETS GO. More production from my player and a win? I'll take it
  13. What states haven't you visited?
  14. As you know, VSN is the official sports network of the VHL. We have articles and podcasts weekly that have many different themes, but one big problem is that no one seems to care, as most VSN articles fail to hit 75 views. My Rewind series mainly gets views due to the old timers enjoying the nostalgia and revisiting, not because new people are coming and reading it. One thing that could help solve this by putting VSN articles in the featured articles section of the Portal. Another potential solution is a little out there, but perhaps we should make a reviewing system for VSN articles, that would reward people for reading VSN articles and leaving a review. Each article would be worth at least 1 review point regardless of length. BUT if it's 500-1000 words, you get 2 points. If it's over 1000, you get 4 points. This is a little strange but I think this would make VSN more popular. These are two potential solutions I thought of, but I'm sure there are better ideas
  15. Everyone is sleeping on USA
  16. We should delete the discord server for one week and see what happens
  17. Big win for Malmo! And I actually contribute
  18. We complain about spam comments to win the lottery and then people spam the tag #fixthelottery everywhere
  19. I'm writing a rewind on that one next week. I remember that game... even though I was on Saskatoon I thought it was hilarious.
  20. Now, I don't get to spend much time with my son Xander after Karen got me on a restraining order... but on weekends I get ten hours with him. He likes to play fight and wrestle, but he always yells at me for not trying, since he always wins. Well, I am trying, and yet Xander still beats me. At dinner he told me he wanted to be a hockey player, which was nice to hear. He's going to be a big dude, you can tell even at his young age. He likes to play in the front yard with me, and he only takes slap shots. I've never seen him take a wrist shot at the net, he only takes slappers. He has a rocket of a shot, he's only six! This kid is special... VHLM teams should be scouting him already. Just a fair warning, I anticipate my son will not be welcome to some teams, specifically Yukon and Halifax. They aren't in the big market. Saskatoon also fits this, but I played for them so maybe I will put in a good word. He hasn't said anything like that, but he is likely going to have the superstar mentality, and doesn't want to be on some random small market no name team.
  21. New York can EAT IT. just kidding I'm still trash
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