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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. they were my home for my whole career with my last player, nothing but good things to say about the Wolves haha.
  2. thank you for the kind words, thats all I ever want of our team, to be welcoming, homey and most importantly a fun and safe place for everyone that crosses through the locker room. It was a pleasure to have both of your players on the team at one point in time
  3. I know my attitude was always called into question so I have done my absolute best to change for the better, being more positive, starting less drama, and being a part of less drama too. I appreciate the kind words Bana, hopefully my new actions and findings of being more mature can really show people I am ready for the promotion when the time presents itself
  4. thank you very much for the kind words, that is the goal! We've had an amazing team this whole year that I am beyond proud of.
  5. The San Diego Marlins have existed in the league for 10 seasons officially, and they have only ever had one GM...me. In the last 10 seasons I feel as though while I have not lived the dream of winning a cup, I've built a franchise that has always held respect, loyalty, fun and dedication to the highest regard and really taken the competitive mentality to heart. I would love to believe that doing this forever would be amazing, but the ultimate goal as many know, is the progress to one day becoming a VHL GM, and as a wise man made of blue once told me "your tenure in the VHLM is basically worth nothing when selecting for a VHL GM spot", their words, not mine lol. So what does the future have in store for me? Well... I don't know yet. The cup has been looming over my head for all 10 seasons, so many opportunities to succeed with so many superior squads it really hurts to say I don't have one, that being said would a cup suffice my love and passion for GMing enough that I'd be willing to give it up completely in a hope and pipe dream that one day I am selected as a VHL GM? Who knows, all I know is that I take this rollercoaster ride one season at a time and I enjoy every single season in the moment. Guess we'll have to see how the rest of this season plays out and what the future has in store both for me, and the league in general. Stay classy San Diego
  6. I tagged a fuck ton of people here: so I will not make everyone relive that ping torture. That being said, I am grateful for the VHL, the community, the individuals and just the site as a whole. It's helped me a lot throughout the years and recently has really just kept me on the straight and narrow. I've met a lot of amazing people, more than are listed in the article and I am sure I missed way too many people to count, but I just want you all to know you're like family to me And I always remember, and respect family. So thank you all, for being an amazing part of this experience. And I can only hope I've helped those that were on San Diego my whole tenure really make the time count in the league, I know we are never together long, but I remember every single person who has crossed paths with me
  7. thanks and congrats to all on hitting and surpassing the milestone!
  8. sup OD! I can offer 4th line mins on a winning, fun team. We're super active, good LR, really fun times. I know its not a lot of mins, apologize I don't have more but the team is super deep (hence why we're winning haha). Let me know and quote if you wanna come win
  9. sup Hatter, I have your GM here, I can give 4th line mins on a winning team. It won't be a lot, I'll be honest due to how deep the lines are, but winning > let me know, quote this bad boy.
  10. similar to @TurnDaddy I posted in the VHL discord but will post here too, will donate on behalf of 1 member who cannot do so themselves (no reason needed, I respect it either way). Just quote this and let me know, first to quote will get it
  11. merry christmas to all I am very thankful to be part of this community
  12. Transaction ID: 20454564098474509 2 uncapped TPE full free week tier 1-3 raffle reward. Confirmed. -sterling
  13. Hello @STL83s I'm the GM of the SD Marlins and would like to offer you a spot on the team. Unfortunately due to depth, we can only offer 4th line minutes. I know it's not much but we are super competitive. There is plenty of offers I am sure that will come in, but if you wanna join the offer is here good luck on your VHL venture.
  14. likewise always enjoy GMing when the company is good.
  15. it was a no brainer to bring you back. Easiest decision I've made in 10 seasons
  16. this man is from a whole other dimension
  17. 26. Have you bought any Christmas presents yet? If so, what are some? Bought the whole family PS5's cause we a gaming family out here. 27. What are your thoughts on your players play so far this season? Quite impressed for a sub-500 d-man to be in his rookie year and obtaining this many points 28. Why did the Bears cool down? Seems like a lot of line changes 29. What is the magical fix that is needed? Better lines 30. Who is the leagues MVP so far? Gonna say Dood, but Uhtred is right on his trail! 31. What team is the biggest surprise? United maybe? 32. Will Davos make the playoffs? How much would you bet? Do pigs fly? 33. What are you having for supper tonight? Pasta on pasta on pasta 34. Kyl Oferson wants "extras" in his next extension. This could be cars, boats, choocolate, whatever. What would you chip in? @Nykonax Nothing, man wants to be here, sign boi 35. Your player was recently in the news. What for? Popping bottles in the club like an irresponsible boy.
  18. hey @CptSquall I don't have a whole whack of playing time at the moment due to the sheer depth of the team, but if you'd like to come kick it with a super active LR and a competitive team in San Diego, we'd love to bring in another active Quote this and accept, you're not obligated to sign this, other GM's should be offering soon.
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