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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. That's fair, I just feel like it may be a bit "forced" to want people to post on the forum when 99% of discussion does unfortunately occur on discord. It would at least give people incentive to post on the forums.
  2. I don't know if this has been mentioned, since I'm on my phone and don't feel like scrolling through 2 pages lol, but what if like the SBA, we implemented a sim attendance task? It can be a supplement to say a VHL.com article or a press conference, where you must post in 2 game threads/week and you claim them 1 TPE per post. (2 max/week, and they would obviously be capped). I feel like since SBA and I believe even EFL does this, it does bring a lot of traction to the game threads and would boost forum activity quite a bit. Since games are posted basically daily, it would give people ample opportunity to post in 2 game threads a week, a very small task for them but a huge boost in activity. Just a thought
  3. No, we're not talking about the last place San Diego Marlins... however we are speaking about my player, Lucifer Olivier Leveque, aka LOL, and him being back atop the scoring leaders for defenders and back in the top 5 for the league in assists. If you would have asked me how I felt about my players performance about 3 weeks ago, maybe a little more than that, I would've had quite a different opinion than I did now. Leveque started the season with 12 points in 4 games, a wicked pace that seemed unrealistic to maintain however, I remained optimistic. Fast forward into the middle of the season, that pace slowed down immensely, despite Yukon scoring 5-6 points a night, Leveque would be lucky to see a single point to his name in a single sim (typically 2 games per sim). Now? I have a completely different view on things, and I am just enjoying myself through the good or the bad, but its much easier to be cheerful when your team is winning games, and you are contributing more too. Overall, Leveque is one of my least favorite players if I am honest, at least in the M thus far, but the M won't really define my career, so I am hoping to find some big success with the Bears next season when I go up with my boy @gregreg and just dust kids all day for a living. Is this long enough? idk. I am stoned. Someone fact check this shit. Or word check, whatever it's called.
  4. hello @DarthZak and welcome! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and while we are rebuilding we'd love to have you on the team. Right now due to how many new recruits have joined we really only have bottom 6 minutes but it will still give you an opportunity to play and grow. If you'd like to play for us, quote this and accept and we'll add you in right away.
  5. hello @soban419 I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I'd love to offer you a spot on our team. Due to the insane amount of new recruits, I am a rebuilder but do not have a ton of playing time, what I can offer you at the moment is 3rd line time with the potential of increase due to earning. If this sounds good to you, please let me know and quote this to accept.
  6. hello @Rayzor_7 you beautiful boy. I can't offer much cause my team is kinda deep with the youthful new recruits, but I can offer you 3rd & 4th line combined minutes at the time being until I get more people, in which time I will be keeping you 3rd line. I will also do my best to get you some kind of special teams minutes too. If this sounds sexy to you, quote me.
  7. Hey @2hawk! We are a rebuilding team in San Diego but do still have playing time on our 3rd and 4th line. If you’d like to come join us and have some fun and log some good mins then quote this and accept
  8. @AnthonyOuelletim rebuilding in San Diego but that means lots of playing time haha. If you wanna grind it out we do have a lot of new recruits and a very active LR. So if you wanna join us quote this and let’s do it!
  9. Hey @Greg_Di we would love to bring you back to your old stomping grounds in SD! I am at families house but nevertheless I can offer you top 4 mins guaranteed and tons of points to come along with it. I have a lot of new recruits that I’m sure would love some veteran leadership. if you want to come back please quote We are rebuilders but I think it would be a lot of fun.
  10. Hello sir. I have a spot open in my top 4. I don’t have much time to write a huge write up but you’re the commish so you know what’s going on with SD haha. We’re 100% a rebuilder but with that comes tons of playing time. I also feel like it would be fun to have you with all our new recruits if you wanna join and have fun quote this!
  11. @Beaviss i just had a top 4 role open up in San Diego. You know we’re not competitive but I feel like max mins could be a lot of fun to pad your stats. We have a lot of new fun rookies and I’m sure they’d love to have someone of your caliber on the team to learn from and grow from. if this sounds fun to you, come join us!
  12. @Sixersfan549 We know each other quite well. I am a rebuilding team so I understand if you don't want to come here, but in saying that I can give you 3rd & 4th line mins combined + 2nd PP and PK mins, maximizing your efforts to grow and gain. If you'd like to come to a fun active LR and just have a lot of fun with some new recruits, quote this and let me know.
  13. Hello @coolwhip120 and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I am happy to offer you a position on the team. Right now you would be splitting time likely on the 2nd and 3rd line but with dedication and growth, the sky is the limit here. We reward activity, growth and most importantly engagement with the league. If this sounds like fun to you, quote this offer and accept!
  14. Hello @s1mme and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I am happy to offer you a position on the team. Right now you would be splitting time likely on the 2nd and 3rd line but with dedication and growth, the sky is the limit here. We reward activity, growth and most importantly engagement with the league. If this sounds like fun to you, quote this offer and accept!
  15. Hello @askatingfish and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I am happy to offer you a position on the team. Right now you would be splitting time likely on the 2nd and 3rd line but with dedication and growth, the sky is the limit here. We reward activity, growth and most importantly engagement with the league. If this sounds like fun to you, quote this offer and accept!
  16. Hello @Mesa and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I am happy to offer you a position on the team. Right now you would be splitting time likely on the 2nd and 3rd line but with dedication and growth, the sky is the limit here. We reward activity, growth and most importantly engagement with the league. If this sounds like fun to you, quote this offer and accept!
  17. Hello @nmy14 and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the SD Marlins, and I am happy to offer you a position on the team. Right now you would be splitting time likely on the 2nd and 3rd pair but with dedication and growth, the sky is the limit here. We reward activity, growth and most importantly engagement with the league. If this sounds like fun to you, quote this offer and accept!
  18. Welcome @Pocket I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and we'd love to offer you a spot on the team. Currently we can slot you in top 4 on 5v5 and 2nd pair on PP and PK. We are more of a rebuilder with A LOT of youtube recruits on the team as well as Thrash himself. If you'd like to join, quote us and we'll be happy to take you on.
  19. hey @Hasek_77 I am the GM of the SD Marlins. We are rebuilding this year, and do have a starter but we would be happy to bring you in as a backup goalie. If you'd like to join and get some starts in, quote and accept and let's make this official
  20. I agree, lets do this thing! Cannot wait, will be sending over info and contract now
  21. Hello and welcome to the VHL! @DethByABK My name is Zack, I usually go by IR or Rockstar, and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. While we are in the midst of a rebuild, and you are going to receive a lot of offers, I’d love for you to consider us your new home, and I’ll start with the biggest reason. THRASH IS ON OUR TEAM AND I AM KLUTCH (HIS MOD)! BUT ON TOP OF THAT… We here at San Diego do not just consider ourselves a team, we consider ourselves a family. We provide a safe space for a lot of people to just have fun, explore the league and most importantly, enjoy themselves. As a rebuilder, I can guarantee that you receive good minutes on our third and fourth line, this gives you a chance to reach your max potential and get a lot of points doing it! On top of that, I am the most tenured GM in the league with 10 seasons experience under my belt and more than 13 years IRL experience in sim leagues. This means I can teach you the ropes and really get hands on with creating a player you will be happy with. If this all sounds like a family you want to be a part of, then please quote this offer and accept it. We cannot wait to potentially see you in a Marlins jersey. Thank you for taking the time to consider us, and best of luck no matter your decision.
  22. Hello and welcome to the VHL! @coochiman My name is Zack, I usually go by IR or Rockstar, and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. While we are in the midst of a rebuild, and you are going to receive a lot of offers, I’d love for you to consider us your new home, and I’ll start with the biggest reason. We here at San Diego do not just consider ourselves a team, we consider ourselves a family. We provide a safe space for a lot of people to just have fun, explore the league and most importantly, enjoy themselves. As a rebuilder, I can guarantee that you receive good minutes on our 2nd & 4th lines, this gives you a chance to reach your max potential and get a lot of points doing it! On top of that, I am the most tenured GM in the league with 10 seasons experience under my belt and more than 13 years IRL experience in sim leagues. This means I can teach you the ropes and really get hands on with creating a player you will be happy with. If this all sounds like a family you want to be a part of, then please quote this offer and accept it. We cannot wait to potentially see you in a Marlins jersey. Thank you for taking the time to consider us, and best of luck no matter your decision.
  23. wonderful! I am very happy to have you aboard. Will be sending over the official contract now and a DM shortly!
  24. Hello and welcome to the VHL! @BThyren86 My name is Zack, I usually go by IR or Rockstar, and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. While we are in the midst of a rebuild, and you are going to receive a lot of offers, I’d love for you to consider us your new home, and I’ll start with the biggest reason. THRASH IS ON OUR TEAM AND I AM KLUTCH (HIS MOD)! BUT ON TOP OF THAT… We here at San Diego do not just consider ourselves a team, we consider ourselves a family. We provide a safe space for a lot of people to just have fun, explore the league and most importantly, enjoy themselves. As a rebuilder, I can guarantee that you receive good minutes on our third and fourth line, this gives you a chance to reach your max potential and get a lot of points doing it! On top of that, I am the most tenured GM in the league with 10 seasons experience under my belt and more than 13 years IRL experience in sim leagues. This means I can teach you the ropes and really get hands on with creating a player you will be happy with. If this all sounds like a family you want to be a part of, then please quote this offer and accept it. We cannot wait to potentially see you in a Marlins jersey. Thank you for taking the time to consider us, and best of luck no matter your decision.
  25. Hello and welcome to the VHL! @Senjo1706 My name is Zack, I usually go by IR or Rockstar, and I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins. While we are in the midst of a rebuild, and you are going to receive a lot of offers, I’d love for you to consider us your new home, and I’ll start with the biggest reason. THRASH IS ON OUR TEAM AND I AM KLUTCH (HIS MOD)! BUT ON TOP OF THAT… We here at San Diego do not just consider ourselves a team, we consider ourselves a family. We provide a safe space for a lot of people to just have fun, explore the league and most importantly, enjoy themselves. As a rebuilder, I can guarantee that you receive good minutes on our third and fourth line, this gives you a chance to reach your max potential and get a lot of points doing it! On top of that, I am the most tenured GM in the league with 10 seasons experience under my belt and more than 13 years IRL experience in sim leagues. This means I can teach you the ropes and really get hands on with creating a player you will be happy with. If this all sounds like a family you want to be a part of, then please quote this offer and accept it. We cannot wait to potentially see you in a Marlins jersey. Thank you for taking the time to consider us, and best of luck no matter your decision.
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