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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Las Vegas fans and players alike have a lot of confidence in their general manager, and they liked gained even more this past week as Vegas not only proved themselves to be the most dominant team in the league, but also made some bold and strategic moves in order to make sure their club stays atop the standings. Everything that has transpired as been positive in the team and has really proven to everyone that this young team wants the cup. In other news, reports from the camp of Denver Wolfe say he's adjusting quite well to the lifestyle of America, Sin City and just the atmosphere of being a player in such a big league like the VHLM, since joining the team his improvement has been A1 and his commitment to the team has been all there. He has shown time and time again that he can handle big minutes and can handle being in the spotlight if he needs to and it's quite obvious there is nowhere but up for this young stud. That is all for us here folks.
  2. 1. More big trades, Vegas is obviously looking to have a long run in the playoffs. Does this excite you and push you to improve your player to be part of a Founders Cup winner? It is very exciting, to see our active GM just go out there and make some big deals, its great to see and I am happy that we're getting stronger, it only builds even more confidence in our GM and our team and shows we're really trying to win the cup. 2. Are you surprised that Oslo decided to sell off so early? Who? 3. Whats your favourite sports movie and why? The water boy, need I say more? 4. Are you on the discord and if so how helpful is it for staying informed and interested in the VHL? People talk too much, but I am there lol, its just hard to keep up when I come back to 100+ messages every time I step away haha, but it is useful and a lot of good people to help out. 5. Who is your favourite VHL player? I haven't really looked unfortunately to find out, I am very much focused on the M right now.
  3. glad to have made it
  4. There are a lot of rumors swirling around the league that a new fish could be named as a sponsored player for a very big company in the coming weeks. No one knows too many details as of yet but the rumors state that its a new name to the league that is being signed, and with so many names having just come to the league, there is a lot of speculation as to who that is. Regardless of who, the news has sent shockwaves because the other mystery is of course what brand will be endorsing a new player, and with some contracts seemingly available for players, there is no doubt that the big guns are coming to play. When the brand and the player are announced, expect us to have it covered here first but until then, just enjoy the mystery and have fun with it, it's going to be a fun story to follow and we're going to make sure you have all of the goodies, tweets, and more from us. Signing off, this is your captain.
  5. Helsinki Riga Quebec City Seattle
  6. 1 Are you surprised at how well Vegas has started this season? Absolutely not, when I joined this team one thing I was told was that Vegas was at the top of their class and one of the best in the league, and now LV is just proving that to me and the rest of the M, absolute machines we are. 2 Are you liking the moves that the jubo is making to try to put this team over the top? He made the smartest move in obtaining me (let me toot my own horn, okay?) and many others that I backtracked to see, he's an amazing GM and I think he's done great things for this team, very impressed with his work and moving forward I look forward to what he will do by seasons end. 3 How has your player performed so far? For me underpar, but I am new, behind in TPE and just trying to adjust to my new team and fit in, just like any new acquisition there is going to be that transitioning period and while I'd love to overachieve right out the gate I know I play with some very talented guys who help us win each night, so for me, I'm playing good 4 What kind of player are you hoping to be? Expecting to be two-way, a little bit of both on the offensive and defensive side. I want to make sure my player is not a liability on either end of the ice, making sure I can keep up with everyone in the offensive zone but also not fall behind and leave our goalie out to dry, we'll see how that goes.  5 What other sim leagues are you involved in? Only one other one that just joined up, I am super new to the concept of player leagues so this was just me getting my feet wet. I plan to make the name Denver Wolfe a staple moving forward as best I can.
  7. Denver Wolfe has been a name not really spoken about around the league all that much, but what people do not know is that they are sleeping on a giant name that no one really knew about before, but are about to. Each week, we're going to update you on the progress of Denver Wolfe, what's happened in each week, his improvements, his strides and his abilities to really capture the heart of the VHLM fans. This week, we're going to speak about everything he's done to make his time here as impactful and enjoyable as possible. PRACTICE HOURS In one week, Denver Wolfe put in thirty-five practice hours, leading the league in practice hours for the week. This was impressive as no one really seen this coming for him, however it was a huge improvement and he looks to add in as many practice hours as he can moving forward. His commitment to his team has really shown a lot of GM's and scouts the dedication he has and the drive to succeed, this is going to be huge for him and his draft stock moving forward. A lot of people really do believe in Wolfe now and want to see if this production can continue, but for now we'll just let him gloat that he was the best last week. STATISTICS Games Played - 6 Goals - 0 Assists - 1 +/- (2) PIM - 0 Hits - 5 Shot Blocks - 5 While Denver Wolfe is not the most insanely gifted offensive presence on the ice, he is someone who has been able to show his true colors on the ice and help the Aces defensively. He's already on a good pace to potentially be a hit per game player and even a block per game player too. He notched his first assist with the Aces in his sixth game with them against the Saskatoon Wild, something he was very proud of and even received the puck for, while it wasn't his first goal it was still a milestone piece for him and something he cherishes. Moving forward we're hoping the big bodied defensemen can notch his first goal in the next sweep of games. BIGGEST GAINS Skating - +10 Passing - +10 If you read his biography, scouts said that Denver Wolfe knew exactly what he was doing when it came to playing his position and being able to outskate the opposition, and while he may not be the fastest player on the ice...yet, he is one of the faster ones in such a short time in the league and he's proving that he is eventually going to be one of the fastest. His other growing stat is his passing which is crucial for a defender as they are relied on as the point man to make plays when needed, and this is going to help him for sure moving forward. We'll keep our eyes on his progression each week to see just what he is working on and report it back to you. And that is it, week one is a wrap and Denver Wolfe is only continuing to look forward to his progression in the league, and as he progresses, we'll be the first to report it. Until then, this is the rookie watch...take care.
  8. why thank you
  9. hi Quik, if you ever feel like making one more, I'd love to grab one for Denver Wolfe. You can make it generic if you'd like as I am only on LV Aces for remainder of season but if you want to make it team specific that's fine too cheers!
  10. To say Denver Wolfe had a normal childhood is quite the understatement. Wolfe unfortunately was born into a household that was not super well off, in fact his parents while they had decent jobs just didn't have much to even get themselves by however their dream of having a child overtook their mindset of actually being able to support the child. Despite the harsh upbringings, Wolfe always made the best of every situation and always did so with a smile on his face, at least for the first few years of his life. While he grew up, his parents did everything they could to make him the happiest boy in the world, they spent money on him like they were millionaires and got him all the latest and greatest money could possibly by, it was great, however he was living a life of lies and as he would soon find out, the family wasn't as well off as his parents had lead him to believe. At the young age of six, his life would completely change. All of the toys he thought he could afford slowly began to vanish, his parents were unfortunately having to pawn them any chance they got in order to make ends meat, and his clothes that he thought he looked so good in and got compliments in? Same thing. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that his parents were not rich or even close to having money, but rather quite poor, and his schooling reflected on this. Wolfe would get bullied and it would be to the point that he would go home crying because of the simple fact that the kids would see him in rags and handmedowns and just terrible worn clothing and he was completely different at this point, and people noticed this. This bullying of sorts took place for most of his young life, and it wasn't until he was about to start high school that things changed. It all started with a fight at the age of twelve, at this point Wolfe was a bit bigger than the other kids and despite still not living a lavish life, he had grown quite the temper with kids because of all the bullying and the lying from his parents and so one day, he went off the deep end. The kids were out for lunch time at the school and of course Wolfe was being bullied, this pretty much was his breaking point as they were all kind of pushing him around, having their own laugh and at his expense, making him feel like crap. Because of this, Wolfe snapped and grabbed one of the kids, the one he had assumed was the "ring leader" and beat the crap out of him, needless to say his size advantage won him the fight that day, but also had him suspended for a weeks time, something almost unheard of down in Ireland, but the beating was so severe, it was warranted. And because of this fight, the next chapter of his life changed everything. Wolfe's parents pulled him out of school to begin secondary and because of this, the parents faced an uphill battle. Thankfully at this point in his still young life, Wolfe's father had finally gotten a job that could help support the family much more financially, but they could tell their son still needed a lot of TLC and when they noticed he was sitting on the computer pretty much all day and all night before and after his homeschooling, watching hockey videos and tutorials, they knew exactly how they'd peak his interest and how to get him to use his mind for something good, instead of something bad. So the dad slaved for about a months time, every single day he'd come home from work, put on his headlight and begin to build the ultimate hockey rink for his son. This rink was not anything huge, it was big enough to allow him to skate for a decent amount of time, it had a hockey net on either end and Wolfe could do whatever he pleased in order to get himself trained. For the next three years during his secondary years in school, Wolfe practiced long and hard, his father even got involved, something that they'd never done before is bond over a common interest but his father began to help him. Whatever Denver needed, his father provided, whether it was a speedometer, chairs, dummy posts to act like real life players, his stick, pucks and so much more, the two went out all the time to get it from their local sports store, who had to custom order this stuff in, as Ireland wasn't the "ideal" area for hockey culture. While Wolfe practiced his hockey, he began to get good, really good, even having some friends over from the neighborhood teaching them how to skate, how to handle a puck, maneuver, and so on. He was now using his amazing achievements and understanding of the game to help others, at such a young age, his "leadership" tendencies were already flourishing. What really helped Denver is that in his final year of secondary at the age of 17, he posted a video to YouTube, one of the most popular social media platforms for showcasing any type of fun or weird video for all of the world to see. It was a homemade video, made by his father who added effects, slides, pointers and so much more to really showcase his son off. Now while it was a homemade video and literally no one had ever heard of this kid, one scout did in fact take a liking to the video, his attitude, determination and skills he was showcasing in the video with no professional experience really proved to this scout that Wolfe had what it takes to become a superstar in the game. With all of that in mind, they flew Wolfe out to America just a week after the video posted to run a combine for anyone who may have had aspirations to join a hockey league, and by putting up some of the best numbers out of a youngster in recent years, it was a no brainer to offer him a spot...in the VHL/VHLM. The VHL and the VHLM are the two biggest leagues around, one major and the other minor, a lot of talent is produced in these leagues and when Wolfe posted such high numbers, the scouts could not pass up on bringing him into the league. They mentioned to him that there were a few teams in the VHLM that would likely reach out, and asked if he had an agent, which he replied no, he was just a young kid with a dream, and so the league appointed him one, an agent by the name of Goonie. Goonie had very little player management feats but did thrive as a GM for many years and also has helped players excel while playing in his organizations, so they felt he would be a good fit for the kid moving forward, and boy were they right. The two shared similar personalities, had somewhat similar backgrounds and upbringings and they just clicked, Goonie was happy to take Denver under his wing, and it didn't take long to get things rolling. Offers poured in instantly, as soon as Goonie brought his clients name forward as officially available, people wanted him. He was torn on his decision, things were going to be good to him either way, whoever he chose, there was opportunities for him regardless and so Goonie and Denver had to make some choices, and quickly if he wanted to appear on a team as soon as possible. This lead Denver to decide on Las Vegas, not just because of the opportunities but also because of the atmosphere and just everything he had heard, he felt his energy and his personality would fit right into the Sin City environment. And so it began, after signing a contract that Wolfe would now officially be apart of the Las Vegas Aces, his name signed on the dotted line, his debut coming up soon.
  11. 1. I hope to one day become the best two-way defender in the league. I not only want to be known for my good offensive play but also the plays I stopped as well, so hopefully I can set some league-high numbers however I know that's big expectations. 2. I do, I'd love to play out a full 8(?) seasons here, I think it'd be fun. 3. I would say my style is as I mentioned above two-way, I love playing both aspects of the game and love being involved as much as possible. I do believe my strong suits are for sure passing, skating and positioning/defense and my weaknesses as of right now are discipline and likely my checking, two things I am working on. 4. Lemieux and because fuck Gretzky, I don't care for him. 5. I love to listen to mix tapes of shitty rappers so I can remind myself I am better than them.
  12. PLAYER NAME: DENVER WOLFE AGE: 19 HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 200lbs FROM: IRELAND HANDEDNESS: LEFT TEAM: LAS VEGAS ACES Known as the A$$kicker, Denver Wolfe has a reputation despite not having played one single game of professional or minor league hockey and it's likely not the best reputation to have. Despite having hands of an angel, a shot that could break bones and speed like the flash, he's very much a hot head. Despite the temper he may have, he's able to remain professional with teammates and coaching staff alike and is very comfortable with taking orders and following coaching advise and tips from teammates without issue. Because of this, most teams will find that Denver can absolutely fit into any style of play, can make the best out of any situation and is going to potentially be a leader as he's shown signs of his potential at such a young age. All of these perks combine into one of the best players the VHLM and potentially the VHL has scouted, below are his pros and cons of the game. PROS SKATING SCOUTS COMMENTS: Denver Wolfe is an absolute nightmare for any player whether back-checking, fore-checking or just playing his position alone, Wolfe is always there. During combine, he's scouted to be one of the fastest of his potential class and showcased some of the best burst speeds the youngsters had to offer. His ability to take off and end up from point A to point B is just explosive and really has some amazing control, because of this, we'd list this as his best asset. SLAPSHOT SCOUTS COMMENTS: While Wolfe can shoot the puck with a wrister just like the best of them, his ability to maneuver the puck in such a way that he can pick the pocket pretty much anywhere he wants is absolutely unique and one of a kind. His keen eye for finding the smallest of openings and being able to so accurately get the puck where it needs to be just showcases his ability to not only handle the puck but really become a threat to any goalie who may feel safe with their positioning. Easily his second best skill, and the reason we rank him so highly among his fellow teammates and draftees. POSITIONING SCOUTS COMMENTS: Tying into the skating aspect of his game is Wolfe's fantastic ability to play his position which a lot of players just simply cannot say they do overly well. Whether it's in his own zone having to stick check or poke check, or if it's in the offensive zone making sure he stays open to nail home a slapper, he knows how to utilize his clear ability to keep himself in position at all times and make sure his teammates can rely on him. With this, his third best skill and showcasing his talents here as he does so with ease. CONS HITTING SCOUTS COMMENTS: Don't get discouraged just yet by reading this, however showcasing talents show that Wolfe doesn't know his true hitting potential just yet, thus does not throw the body as much as he's asked or told to do. During the combine, he did show one of the best hitting powers of the combine however really did not impress anyone with his body work or board play, had he thrown in his fair share of hits, he'd likely be touted higher in this aspect, but there is no concern for future development as Wolfe knows what he has to do to get up to the top tier of hitting. DISCIPLINE SCOUTS COMMENTS: This is a bit of a touchy subject, Wolfe knows he has a temper, and while we noted he does not allow it to get him in fights with teammates and coaches alike, he is known for taking some unfortunate penalties due to emotions taking over his gameplay. Right now, this may not be of concern as in the minors it's bound to happen however scouts do believe without proper coaching and proper discipline this could translate to the major leagues. We would love to blame his Irish temper for this issue, however we do believe that due to not having played in a league and always playing on his own, it's just a skill he's yet to develop. FIGHTING SCOUTS COMMENTS: While he may take dumb penalties as some would say, one thing he will not be doing much of is fighting. While he is Irish, he does not believe in fighting on the ice, however if he invites you to a bar after the game and you've maybe done something to push his buttons, I'd maybe politely decline, because off the ice, he's been known to crack some heads, for lack of a better term. However, the reason we scouted this feature is because some teams are looking for goons to step up and fight and with a player who just doesn't believe in it nor has any desire for it, we would like to push this forward as a CON for some teams. REPORT CARD Checking: B+ Fighting: D Discipline: B Skating: A- Strength: B+ Puck Handling: A- Face-Off: F Passing: A+ Scoring: B Defense: A- Penalty Shot: C Leadership: A GRADE SCALE A+ = 90+ A = 85-89 A- = 80-84 B+ = 75-79 B = 70-74 B- = 65-69 C = 60-64 D = 50-59 F = <50
  13. Player Name: Denver Wolfe VHL/VHLM Team: Las Vegas Aces Cash you have: 1.5M Purchase Name: The First Generation Cost of Purchase: 500K Cash Left: 1M
  14. Ask any and all questions, I am available to answer.
  15. The Las Vegas Aces seem to have received a power up in the form of a big bodied two-way defensemen named Denver Wolfe. Denver has spoken to the media earlier today to explain his situation, his upbringing and what his plans are moving forward in this league. No official statement was released from the league to confirm this signing however we do not see why a player would release this information if not true, so we choose to believe it. With Denver Wolfe now signed, we break down the defensive abilities of the Aces organization to see just what it'll be life for the youngster moving forward. Eric Parker - With speed, size and offensive skills, Parker is the most developed and skilled defender on the team. Already on a very nice pace for the Aces this season, Parker has demonstrated that he can and will be elite at both ends of the ice and brings a high-paced level of game the minor league needs. Expect Parker to explode this season as he continues to work on his balanced playing style. James Lombardi - Their #2 for the team and not far behind Parker, Lombardi is a smaller bodied defender but knows how to throw it around with the rest of them. With his primary sight being a shutdown game, expect Lombardi to show up big on the defensive side of the game. While he has some slight offensive upside, we expect Lombardi to be up there with the best of them in terms of hitting, takeaways and blocked shots. Mitch Matthews - Another more defensive-minded player, Mitch Matthews is focusing on his hitting game, his defensive game and is going to likely be a goon moving forward, a big presence on the blue line and if you see him skating at you while you're entering the zone, likely a good idea to run. Matthews does not have much offensive upside but its not always about the offense, the term defense wins championships was not said for no reason... With more players also on the roster, it's been said that Wolfe will suit up at the #4 d-man, whether it be with Matthews or whether Las Vegas has plans to mix and match the pairings to give themselves two players who play similar styles on each line we will have to wait and see. What this means for Wolfe however is that he can expect to play big minutes quick but should be prepared for that kind of pressure, as he is well aware of what will happen when it counts.
  16. Sitting Down With Denver Wolfe As a newcomer to any league, players are anxious to get their names out there and let people know just who they are. The same can be said about the newest addition to the VHL/VHLM community by a young fierce red-headed boy by the name of Denver Wolfe. Denver, a native of Ireland joined the league in hopes to break down the barriers and stigmas around Irish folk and hockey, he's hoping that by competing on such a big platform people will begin to realize that Irishmen and Irishwomen alike can in fact stand up with the best of them. That being said, below is the first ever interview with Denver Wolfe after coming to the VHL. VHLM INTERVIEWER: Hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us live at VHLM.com. We're here with a magnificent young talent who has just joined the ranks today and his name is none other than Denver Wolfe. Denver, first and foremost thank you for joining me today, it is an honor and a privilege to have you here. DENVER WOLFE: Honestly its a dream come true and a pleasure to be here myself. Thank you so much for having me. VHLM INTERVIEWER: You're very welcome. Now Denver, we know you made a few impact statements in Ireland with all the press back home but obviously with some questions of our own, we're hoping you can make a few more. The first question simply has to be, what was the logic behind coming to join this league? DENVER WOLFE: Great question, and while I did answer some back home, I absolutely knew I'd have to answer some here, and I've come prepared. Basically, there is only so much you can do in Ireland if really anything. My dad made me a makeshift hockey rink in our backyard as we own a lot of property but the upkeep of the rink was very expensive because we always had to keep it chilled and smooth, that being said, I felt like not only would coming to America further benefit me from showcasing my talents and everything I've taught myself, but it would also put out to the world that us in Ireland know a thing or two about hockey too. VHLM INTERVIEWER: Well now you've got me curious Denver, you just said you're self-taught which means no professional lessons, no other experience in a minor league of any kind, everything you're bringing to the table is completely self-taught? DENVER WOLFE: Absolutely is. We've got internet just like the rest of you around the world and all I would really do is play videos of skating techniques, stick handling techniques and binge watch countless hours of these videos to really establish myself on the ice. Once I felt comfortable on one aspect of my game, say my skating, I would move on to the next. I did this for years since I was a wee little kid, and it's really brought out all of the good and the bad of me, but I believe now with everything I've taught myself, I can be successful. VHLM INTERVIEWER: Well I have to say that this is certainly not only the most amazing story we've heard, but also the most unique. To have a player enter the league with no professional experience but having so many positive things said about him is amazing, we're certainly excited to see this talent you've created. Now with that being said, the big question has to be and I'm sure everyone is going to be recording here when I say this...whose it going to be? In the VHLM you have multiple teams, which one have you chosen? DENVER WOLFE: Right down to the big question huh? I guess I should have seen that coming. I have in fact chosen an offer and while it's not been publicly announced, I guess you'll all hear it here first. I have decided to go with the Las Vegas Aces, an organization that presented themselves wonderfully to me, with a lot of poise to be a top tier player in their organization. From what I've read up on them they seem like the type of organization I can be a good fit in. While the other teams offering on me were just as established, speaking with the general manager really helped open my eyes to what the area is all about plus they do say that Las Vegas is known as sin city and I've never experienced a place quite like that, so hopefully moving forward I'll see I've made the right choice. VHLM INTERVIEWER: While I'm sure some may be shocked this sounds like an excellent place and they do in fact call it sin city so expect some fun times out there for sure. That all being said, is there any final thoughts you would like to put out there for the world to hear? DENVER WOLFE: Not much else from me other than another thank you for having me and just letting everyone know to keep their eyes on me because I plan to make big waves very quick, I am not the type of guy to sit around and expect things to be handed to me, I want people to know my name and I'll make sure they know my name. VHLM INTERVIEWER: There you have it folks, you heard it here first from Las Vegas' very own Denver Wolfe, newest defender on the team. This is the VHLM report signing off, have a good night.
  17. Just so it's formally accepted on the forum, I do accept this offer
  18. I am a big fan of one of the youtubers who advertised your site, with his recommendation I joined hopefully I should have the hang of it but I shall let you know if I need help thank you.
  19. Player Information Username: Goonie Player Name: Denver Wolfe Recruited From: YouTube Age: 19 Position: D Height: 74 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Ireland Player Page @VHLM GM
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