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Posts posted by BluObieZ

  1. Ok, well as I said I can wait. I just fear depending on your return from Bern that that crosses them off the list from teams that can trade for me.

    From what I can see there are teams who are in need of a Center.

    Alright, as long as they are competing for the cup or the top team (Moscow) I will be happy. But once again take your time bud, maybe I will single handily win you games lol ;)

  2. Oh you haven't asked teams about me yet?

    Not yet, but there's time to do it. The offseason havent even ended yet!

    Ok, well as I said I can wait. I just fear depending on your return from Bern that that crosses them off the list from teams that can trade for me.

  3. Oh wow i'm not part of the trade. I thought Bern wanted me. Guess not

    I probably will trade you alone for one 1st round pick or more. That's the plan, so prepare.

    To who? any interest in me? Bern right after the draft messaged me asking if I would play for them. That is why I am shocked. So I am guessing they don't want to pay that price. So is there any interest in me at that price? Like I said earlier you don't have to rush trading me, wait till you get what you want

    I know, I offered them Killeen, Skovgaard and Truth and they took it.

    Didn't really answer if there is interest in me at your asking price

  4. Oh wow i'm not part of the trade. I thought Bern wanted me. Guess not

    I probably will trade you alone for one 1st round pick or more. That's the plan, so prepare.

    To who? any interest in me? Bern right after the draft messaged me asking if I would play for them. That is why I am shocked. So I am guessing they don't want to pay that price. So is there any interest in me at that price? Like I said earlier you don't have to rush trading me, wait till you get what you want


    Picture this as you may, but this is a story. A story about Sir William Covington III. The only way I know how to tell a story is in film form. So enjoy this script for what it is… A STORY.




    As we fly through the sky a private jet appears as William’s voiceover can be heard

    Sir William Covington III

     I actually do not mind going to Saskatoon at all, the thing I truly find funny and odd is the fact I dropped to thirteen. It had to be of all people to go at thirteen. Am I superstitious? Fuck no! I just find it funny and odd. All those teams that decided to skip over me obviously listened to me to not draft me or just did not like my attitude. I laugh at that because now Saskatoon has me at a steal. I was their top ranked player, they thought there was no way they would get me but hey here I am heading to Saskatoon. Sadly they have no chance in bloody hell to win anything this season. I have been informed that I will be shopped to get a good return. I respect that and I will wait for a trade. If I have to wait till the deadline so be it

    The plane dips below the clouds



    The private jet lands at the airport and taxi’s to a point as two black SUV’s roll up and park next to the plane. As the door to the plane comes down. Ahma a man in his 30’s steps out of one of the SUV’s and walks to the plane stairs as Sir William Covington a 16 year old male walks down to him. He looks at Ahma with an odd look on his face as Afma stands there in shorts, t-shirt and sandals.


    You must be not from here



    What do you mean?



     What part of not from here don’t you understand. You must be from some fuckery of a place that has an issue with English and you must drink a shit ton of alcohol


     Ahma looks around to make sure any media personnel can hear him



    I do love Vodka

    William smiles widely



    You won't tell me where you are from... So I will say you are from Vodkaland… On that note, have any?


    The two got into a black SUV and were driven away.



    William walks into a corner store and walks up to the teller



    Excuse me peasant



    Excuse me?


    William grows annoyed



    Must I talk slow to everyone here? I said excuse me. I am just wondering something and hoping you can help me



    What do you need to know?



    It’s more like a series of questions. First off where exactly am I?






    Well no shit, but where is the bars, the clubs the sexy ladies, the casinos?



    Sir we are not a big city



    Well no fucking way buddy! You guys literally have nothing going on here. Its flatter then paper here. Not to mention the atmosphere is fucking fucked like there is nothing to do here



    You can learn how to farm



    And you can learn how to fuck off, but I don’t see you doing that.



    Sir, if you have nothing important to ask and you are not buying anything then I will be forced to ask you to leave


    William slams his fist down on the counter



    You clearly don’t recognize who I am


    William pokes the man in the chest



    Buddy! Listen here and listen good. I am the rightful King of England and you


    William pokes the man again



    Are just some scumbag piece of trash, you are lower than a peasant. You aren’t good enough to be in my presence.


    The teller reaches for something behind the counter



    William rushes out of the bar with his arms raised



    Okay! Okay! Sheesh no need to lose it




    William kicks open the door of a saloon type bar in Saskatoon and walks in like a cowboy as people turn to look at him



    Alright! Listen up here bucko…bucko’s? uh…. Fuck it. Give me liquor and give it to me now!


    William walks over to a table and sits there looking at his phone while a waitress brings a bottle of liquor to the table for him. She stands there looking at him trying to figure out who he is. William looks up from his phone and over at her



    Got a problem?



    No… But I know you from somewhere


    William gets excited



    Oh, you do?






    Do I look royal?


    She looks at him closely



    No… not that. Aren’t you that guy from the dump?



    The dump? Is that a bar?



    No, like the dump. The place where people dump garbage. You look like the guy there



    The person who owns it?



    No, the guy who lives there


    William slams his fist down on the table and stands up onto the table



    Okay that’s fucking it! Listen here assholes. I am Sir Willaim Fucking Convington the rightful King of England



    Hello Mr. Fucking


    William looks down at her as she laughs



    I demand fucking respect from all of you. I came here to your shitty little town out of the kindness of my heart. I came here so you guys get a royal visit since the current monarch is a fucking cunt. Since I am the rightful King all of you should be kissing my fucking feet. You should be thanking me for playing for your little hockey team. But at every turn people in this shit hole mock me with jokes, guns pulled and no recognition. All you have a fucking issue. When you are in presence of royalty or celebrity you fucking make them feel amazing so they want to come back. But you people just don’t care. I now know why this town is not known. It’s because you people fucking suck!


    William sits down and drinks from the bottle straight up. The waitress sits down at the table and looks at him



    Okay, listen Mr. Trashman. We got off on the wrong foot


    William looks at her with an angry look in his eyes



    Got off on the wrong foot? You continue to mock me. We are still on that wrong foot



    I am just messing with you. Look… My name Is Sarah and if you give this town a chance you will fall in love with it. It’s not that bad of a place… Not like Bratislava that is


    Sarah winks at William who grows angrier



    Oh! So you do know who I am! FOR FUCKS SAKE!


    William stands up to leave but is stopped by a drunk Ahma who walks up to his table with a few other people



    Calm down Willie boy, meet your team mates and get drunk like a skunk


    William looks at Ahma and his team mates then at Sarah



    How about no! you people are fucked in the head. I will find another bar


    William grabs the bottle and storms towards the door





    Wiliam spins around






    Welcome to Saskatoon


    William storms out of the bar as Ahma finishes drinking from a bottle



    Where is he going? This is the only bar in town


    Fade to black


    Will do this weekly as an episodic thing. Like a “Life in Times of William Covington”









  6. Not your fault bud, you had 2 picks. I am okay if you trade me bud, I am more then happy to be here. But I probably have a high value. I know Bern is very interested in me. But if you don't like what they or teams like Ottawa and Moscow (only other teams I'd like to play for) then hold off till you get what you want. I don't mind at all

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