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Everything posted by kareykoala

  1. #takeoverbaby!
  2. Gradient Maps man!
  3. Actually, the Helsinki Titans are known for their pleasant aroma. But I get it, word play.
  4. My man!
  5. seriously Draper. Start scoring.
  6. Game 50: Game 51: Game 52: Game 53:
  7. Helsinki RW 1! Whats up with the shootout, does the sim always just place random players after 5?
  8. Way to grind it out boys. What do we call the O'Malley/Faraday connection? - Boston Bomb-Squad (too soon/sour taste [no offence as my heart goes out to the victims] I thought it was catchy) - O'May-Day? - Super Mass Bros.
  9. #you'llbemissedwhenweraisethatcup
  10. Sorry Mr. I-just-updated-while-he-was-writing-his-Fan590
  11. Thanks mostly to a plethora of first round draft day selections in the S39 VHLM Dispersal Draft, the Ottawa Lynx look to be the most skilled team in VHLM history with 5/6 Forwards in the first two lines having to stall development in order to be eligible to play in the minors this season. If those players were to continue development, each of them would have had to spend their next season playing for their parent squad. The dynamic mix of offensively gifted forwards are going to be a very daunting opposition this upcoming season. The formidable forward grouping consist of, the VHL 1st overall pick James Faraday, VHLM 1st overall pick Aksel Thomassen, the next great one in Thomas O'Malley, the second year Ottawa stud Andrew Erikson, and last but not least, the Captain Leo Tesla. One can argue that the team is very front heavy, as their defensemen lack the same pedigree as their top 6. That being said, the Lynx are in no way lacking in the defensive department as the top pair of Jack Ryan and Jerrick Poole bless the Lynx with an elite level defensive pairing. Only the Sakatoon Wild with Mason Richardson/Gunzerker Salvador combine for a better pairing. They are indeed looking for another player, hopefully somebody with a history of excellence to join Razzle Dazzle on the second pairing, but the skill level at this point will win them games and shut down opposing first line players. The Lynx, rather than taking Richardson as they were expected to in the first round, opted to draft the much needed Goalie in Soren Douffet. Although Douffet is indeed a project player, his work ethic as well as potential project him to be the best goalie to come out of this draft. The VHLM as well as VHL, unique to the leagues specifically, use a very accurate TPE system to grade players. The Lynx lineup consists of the highest overall TPE accumulation prior to any season in history of the league. Thomas O'Malley - 179 TPE *as of today James Faraday - 174 TPE Leo Tesla - 174 TPE Andrew Erikson - 174 TPE Aksel Thomassen - 172 TPE Aeldred Leskowsky - 101 TPE Jack Ryan - 135 TPE Jerrick Poole - 121 TPE Razzle Dazzle - 71 TPE Soren Douffet - 41 TPE
  12. New members rely on having somebody to copy to claim their easy TPE. A first gen minors player would not know how to predict the upcoming season as their whole focus has been in the minors league. This year, I went out on a limb and made my predictions. I didn't know whether mine were stupid or fairly accurate, but I did so boldly. Many new members will not be as inclined to be that bold and make their own predictions. I think we should keep it as is as it adds to the activity in the league.
  13. le poo = THE sh*t
  14. "Jag hatar att skriva dessa artiklar varje vecka, men det får mig 1 TPE. Detta är den mest värdelösa stycke jag skrivit i mitt liv. Min röv är svettig eftersom det är varmt idag. Leva länge i blomstra. Ha en bra dag alla."
  15. Congrats boys. I am kind of sad that I am not playing this year.... but... Faraday v. Erikson ROTY next year.
  16. Man, that battle started in the Helsinki LR weeks ago. Chris Raymond, Jackson Miller, Don Draper, Tyson Stokes are going to win it in a four-way tie.
  17. I was merely alluding to this line in your post. The last line I wrote was meant to be encouraging. Like a slap on the butt.. not condescending whatsoever. here, have a heart for my troubles <3
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