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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. 260 Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans 261 Moscow Menace @ New York Americans 262 Prague Phantoms @ Seattle Bears 263 Calgary Wranglers @ Toronto Legion
  2. 1. What was your first memory of hockey? Waking up in the early hours of the morning to go to practices on the other side of town. It was always worth it to me. 2. Who was your favorite player in the NHL growing up? Good ol' Burnaby Joe Sakic 3. Who do you look up in the VHL? Rauno Palo 8. What VHLM teammate do you miss the most? John Frostbeard 9. Why do you miss this old teammate? He lit the lamp like crazy in the VHLM and was a true leader in the locker room, and I took a lot of inspiration from him and his style of play and applied it to my own. 10. Which teammate you currently have pushes you to be the best player you can be? Rauno Palo, he's a leader on and off the ice and I definitely look up to him and his ability to lead a team
  3. 175 Vancouver Wolves @ Riga Reign 176 D.C. Dragons @ New York Americans 177 Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans 178 Prague Phantoms @ Malmo Nighthawks
  4. 2. What is your workout power song? Sidelines - E-Dubble 4. What is one thing you cannot live without? Pink tape 5. If you had to keep only one app on your phone what would it be? The VHL Companion App 8. What movie can you watch over and over again? D2 Mighty Ducks, easily. Best movie I've ever had the pleasure of watching 9. How are you liking Vancouver? I absolutely love Vancouver, the city, management, and the fans have been nothing but extraordinary in my time here. 10. Who is your biggest rival either on this team or on another? I'd say my biggest rival is the scoresheet
  5. 100 Helsinki Titans @ Calgary Wranglers 101 Malmo Nighthawks @ Vancouver Wolves 102 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 103 Riga Reign @ Toronto Legion
  6. 3. How do you feel about the start of our season? 6-1-1 is a great start, I see the team keeping up the pace into the rest of the year for sure 4. How have you been playing as of late? I'm liking my game on the third and fourth lines. I'm getting the job done and I'm happy. 6. If you could change one thing about your game what would it be? Maybe a few more goals wouldn't hurt 7. What are you most proud of in your ability to play the game? Definitely in the general improvement from last year. I was a -21 last year and I'm starting as a +8 with 3 points. That to me is an infinite improvement. 9. What advice would you give to the rookies? If you struggle to start, don't let it get to you. You'll have an off year or two but who knows, maybe you'll score a game 7 OTW to propel your team to the next round 10. What do you think about your early role this season? It's perfect for the type of player I am, I think I can really help the team out in a depth position.
  7. 43 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 44 Calgary Wranglers @ D.C. Dragons 45 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans 46 New York Americans @ Seattle Bears
  8. 1. So the preseason is almost over what was your favorite thing about this summer? The cup parade we had in Vancouver and the parties we held for sure. It was easily the best summer of my career. 3. Where do you think we stand starting this season? Coming off back to back Cup appearances and a victory in the finals, I expect nothing less but greatness from this team for the season. 5. What are you going to do to the rookies and transfer player to welcome them? Give them the exact same warm welcome I was given when I first joined the Wolves. Once you join, you're family and that's that. 6. What role do you see yourself this season? Hopefully a better scoring winger, but I don't expect to pass some of the great talent we have right now, so I probably see myself in a depth scoring position. 7. How do you think this new squad will come together this season? We've all meshed pretty well prior to training camp and I definitely see that chemistry translating to good things on the ice. 8. What kind of player are you going to try and be this season? Like I said in question 6, probably a scoring winger. I do want to put up double digit goals at least and maybe that many assists too. But just playing for the Wolves is gonna be an honor in itself.
  9. As Reaper alumni, I would love to pick up where my former GM left off and bring glory to Philadelphia once again!
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