First off, I would like to thank everybody who took a little bit of time out of their days to answer the survey. I first thought of this idea just looking through old VHL posts. I found one about a demographic survey. Over five years ago in September of 2016, Eagles conducted his VHL Demographics Survey. He concluded the following;
“Gender: Shockingly we are a sausage fest
Male - 98%
Female - 2%
Race/Ethnicity: Mostly white
White - 90.2%
Other - 5.9%
Asian - 2%
Hispanic - 1%
Age: Mostly between the ages of 18-31, so we young millennial buhls
14-17 - 2%
18-22 - 33.33%
23-26 - 31.4%
32+ - 5.9%
Highest Level of Education Completed or Plan on Completing: Lots of college peoples
High School/GED - 17.6%
Trade School - 5.9%
Associate 2 year degree - 7.8%
Bachelor 4 year degree - 56.9%
Master's degree - 11.8%
Estimated Household Income in US Dollar: Incomes are all over the place, don't really see a target group here
0-20,000 - 15.7%
20-40,000 - 23.5%
40-60,000 - 19.6%
60-80,000 - 17.6%
80-100,000 - 9.8%
100,000+ - 13.7%
Where do you live?: No major regions really stick out here
Central U.S. -21.6%
U.S. East Coast - 11.8%
U.S. West Coast - none
Canada East Coast - 11.8%
Central Canada - 25.5%
Canada West Coast - 13.5%
UK - 3.9%
Other - 11.8%
LifeStyles: Most of us are both gamers and sports fan
Enjoy the arts - 27.5%
Foodie - 37.3%
Gamer - 78.4%
Online buyer - 49%
Photography - 11.8%
Sports Fan - 98%”
I conducted a nearly identical quiz and my results were the following:
Gender: 69 Responses
95.7% Male ( 66 )
2.9% Other (2)
1.4% Female (Sam)
Race/Ethnicity: 70 Responses
88.6% White (62)
4.3% Asian (3)
2.9% Mixed (2)
1.4% Hispanic (1)
1.4% Indian (1)
1.4% Native (1)
Age: 70 Responses
28.6% 24-29 (20)
22.9% 30-36 (16)
21.4% 14-19 (15)
20% 19-23 (14)
5.7% 37+ (4)
1.4% 13 or under (1)
Highest Education You Have or Plan on Completing: 69 Responses
42% Bachelors (29)
18.8% High School/GED (13)
17.4% Masters Degree (12)
13% Associate (9)
7.2% Trades (5)
I skipped the household incomes question.
Where do you live: 69 Responses
27.5% Eastern USA (19)
17.3% Eastern Canada (12)
15.7% Central Canada (11)
15.7% Western Canada (11)
13% Europe (9)
7.1% Central USA (5)
2.9% Oceania (2)
Check The “Lifestyles” That Apply To You: 70 Responses
92.9% Sports Fan (65)
80% Gamers (56)
52.9% Nerds (37)
41,4% Enjoyer of Arts (29)
37.1% Foodies (26)
30% Fitness (21)
5.7% Photography (4)
Additional 16 Answers
Similarities And Differences
It seems that over the past six years, the ratio of genders hasn't changed much. We still are a heavily male dominated community as there is still only one female that took the survey. Of course, this does not mean that there is only one female league-wide, just that one took the quiz. Had every member in the league filled this survey out, chances are the ratios would remain around the same. The main difference in the league now is our addition of other genders. We’ve had two members using they/them pronouns join the league and complete the survey since then.
Once again, the league hasn’t changed much demographic wise. Still occupied by a predominantly White membership, 62 out of 70 people in the league are White. Eagles quiz had 90% of members identifying themselves as White. Both numbers are quite similar in both surveys. Eagles had a 5.9% “other” category which in my survey showed to be a mix of different races. I had eight total members who are Hispanic, Asian, mixed, Indian or Native. This was also the first and only time a response was not clicked, Black.
Age is the most interesting category to me. In 2016, one member clicked Eagles 14-17 prompt. In 2022, 15 members clicked my 14-18 prompt. In my survey, the league is the most balanced it's ever been age-wise. With the exclusion of four 37+ members and one 13 year old, everyone else is evenly spread from 14-36. This sudden increase in younger members can definitely be associated with how much technology is available nowadays. Kids have phones and computers at younger ages now and are able to discover things such as the VHL at a faster rate. Nowadays, the VHL can be stumbled upon in a ton of different ways. Browning reddit, watching youtube or just finding it on the app store isn’t something as common as the mid 2010’s. With the addition of discord in August 2018, the VHL now appeals to a younger demographic who doesn’t need to stay on forums.
The VHL somehow remains a pretty educated place. Since 2016, the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree has decreased, while people with a masters has increased. Other than that, numbers have remained relatively consistent.
I skipped over the household income question for no real reason. In my mind there was no real reason to ask it. The numbers would however be quite interesting with COVID and its effects, but probably not a realistic representation.
Where do you Live
Nothing really surprising came out of this question. The VHL is an english dominated community and has seen mainly english speakers join us. This results in a ton of members across the US and Canada. About 84% of people in Eagles survey were from either Canada or USA, with the hockey country Canada being on top. Six years later, Canada is still on top. Combined with the USA, these two countries are still responsible for 83% of members. Nowadays, we do see many more European countries being represented through members in the league, even if we are still primarily in North America. Eagles article has an 11.8% “other” category making it hard to pin down exactly where they’re from. Chances are they are from other European countries or perhaps Oceania, as two of my survey’s members were.
Lifestyles have been pretty much the same. We are still diseased with the presence of too many gamers and nerds. Being a hockey simulation league, it’s no surprise to see still more than 90% of us describe ourselves as sport fans. In 2016, one person said they were not a sports fan, that number has since risen to five. One thing that Eagles survey lacked was a section to add your own interests. I did add this option, here are the highlights.
Boob Master
Badass Motherfucker
Jewish (This one isn’t really funny or anything, it just made me realize I should’ve added a religion section)
Chicken Nugget Enthusiast
Wacking the Meat
Phallic Art Collector (Whoever you are, if this is true please share your collection with the league)
I also received a slew of other responses, mostly genuine activities.
And that’s it. No matter when this survey is done we’ll have similar answers. It’s nice to see the league has become somewhat more diverse, even if it has remained the same. The real change in the VHL is the members' behaviors. And so I invite somebody else to do this quiz in a few years time. Anybody, chances are I won't be around to do it. Maybe a special 10th anniversary VHL demographics survey. I bet you much wont change.