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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Somebody test Matthew Materazo for PEDs
  2. What a goalie duel.
  3. Happy birthday big fella!
  4. 4. Do you like that VHL Practice Facility changed from a forum thread to a button within the VHL portal? Have you forgotten to press that button within the VHL week tpe cycle, yet? I don't hate it, but I definitely got used to the forum thread. I hate to say that I missed a week of practice facility this season. 5. Moscow is currently 2 points ahead of Malmo, with 1 less game played. What will be the biggest point gap between the mighty Menace and the bumbling Nighthawks during S69? Malmo still isn't the worst team in the league, but I think Moscow is going to open up a 14 point gap at some point between now and the end of the season. 6. What time (EST) would you prefer the sim to be posted? Are you a morning sim fan, a late night degen sim fan, no preference? I'm a late night degen, so I'd prefer sims to go live at like 12am midnight EST. I don't mind that much though.
  5. ***** NEW QUESTIONS ***** 1. 15 games into the season, the standings are much tighter in NA than Europe. Do you think the balance of power has swung back to NA being the stronger of the conferences in the VHL? 2. Did you select any Moscow teammates in the S69 VHL Fantasy League? Who did you pick, and what pick did you take them with? 3. Smitty and Gritty have become fan favourites in Moscow. Which of the two do you think will have the most points at the end of the season? 4. Do you like that VHL Practice Facility changed from a forum thread to a button within the VHL portal? Have you forgotten to press that button within the VHL week tpe cycle, yet? 5. Moscow is currently 2 points ahead of Malmo, with 1 less game played. What will be the biggest point gap between the mighty Menace and the bumbling Nighthawks during S69? 6. What time (EST) would you prefer the sim to be posted? Are you a morning sim fan, a late night degen sim fan, no preference?
  6. How tf is Jaguar a plug again?? I thought I had things going good. ?
  7. FINAL TEAMS: Team fever95 F - Jake Davis F - Dan Wilinsky F - Gritty D - Condor Adrienne D - Lincon Tate G - JB Rift Team gorlab F - Rauno Paulo F - Hunter Hearst Helmsley F - Dan Baille D - Joseph McWolf D - Apollo Hackett G - Kallis Kriketers Team JayRad28 F - Julius Borwinn F - Elias Dalhberg F - Tyler Barabash Jr D - Lance Flowers D - Jerry Gracia G - Alexander Pepper Team SDCore F - Ryan Sullivan Jr F - Rylan Peace F - Chico Smeb D - Dildo Starload D - Tzuyu G - Brick Wahl Team KC15 F - Ryan Kastellic F - Jet Jaguar F - Don Draper D - Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen D - Charlie Paddywagon G - Raymond Bernard Team R Jubis F - Kronos Bailey F - Mikko Aaltonen F - Randoms D - Cody Smith D - Piotr Jerwa G - Michael Johnson
  8. Christian Stolzschweiger trophy winner, Shane Mars is still alive?
  9. This article hit too close to home. ?
  10. @Jayrad28 it's your pick (a forward) and since I need a goalie, which you already have, I'll pick G - Kallis Kriketers @fever95 you are free to pick your goalie at this point as well. then, the draft will be done. Hurray!
  11. riga really out here puttin in work
  12. K I L L Y !
  13. What do you mean, YOU PEOPLE?!?!
  14. Riga 3 - 2 .......... FOLLOW ME, BROTHERS!!!!
  15. FOLLOW ME, BROTHERS!!!!!!!!! 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 98 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 99 Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers 100 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans
  16. lets fuckin goooooooooooooooo
  17. let's go Killy!!!
  18. Also, yes, before anyone mentions that it's not actually my idea and has been done for sim 'fantasy draft' setups in both the VHL and other leagues, in the past, I still think it's worthwhile to explore and will claim credit for lobbying the idea in modern-day VHL.
  19. I've taken part of VHLFL for the past 4-5 seasons now, and I have some simple ideas/changes that I think will make the experience better for all VHLers! Now, running VHFL itself is a lot of work (calculating signups, creating groups, posting group threads, etc.) so my plan will both alleviate the work for the one person who currently handles VHFL and make the drafting experience more fun/straight forward. The simple premise, is that when the VHLFL head (DilIsPickle) locks the sign-up thread and creates the groups for the season, he simply chooses 1 more "active" member in each group, and assigns them the status of GROUP CAPTAIN. He will compile the draft order and 'team' formatting and send that to each group captain via PM. The group captain will then post the thread where the draft will occur. As a participant in the group, they will actively edit/update the OP of the post with the picks of each member as the draft happens. Or, Dil can post all the threads as he does now, but the group captains can be given access to edit the OP of the threads. This option seems like more work though, and is a bit messy in regard to member forum permissions. This setup allows for a much cleaner draft, and gives the VHL members doing the draft a much more concise/up-to-date list of the picked players, and which teams will need to select which positions in upcoming rounds. Worst case scenario, a few of the group captains are inactive and don't post the thread and/or update the thread in a timely manner, which is basically what currently happens (0 threads have had their OP updated as the draft has gone alone for the last few seasons, because that's way too much work for 1 individual person.) Thank you for reading. I will tag the people I think can appropriately consider/action my suggestion. @DilIsPickle @Bushito @Beaviss @tfong tl;dr - Select a 'group captain' for all the VHLFL (VHL Fantasy League) groups. Have the captain post, and regularly update, their respective draft threads, allowing members to see drafted players and upcoming position selections in one concise spot (the OP of the thread).
  20. I don't want to wait for our lives to be over, I want to know right now what will it be. I don't want to wait for our lives to be over, Will it be yes or will it be sorry?
  21. @SDCore you may as well make your 5th pick, since KC15 needs a goalie (which you already have) so there is no conflict. Sorry this draft went so off-the-rails.
  22. he works, now we have to wait for KC15, and you pick again.... but Chico Smeb will likely be available.
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