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Posts posted by jhatty8

  1. Just now, jhatty8 said:

    we have a vote target, lets just use today to get all info on the table. And after sifting through omg's messages for the game, I honestly doubt he's a BG


    exe*** not BG. I doubt he's an exe

  2. 1 minute ago, JorgTheGoat03 said:

    I think this all be good. Tho there is the possibility that you're lying and OMG is the BG (and if OMG is jailed he cant protect Flex). However, that's the worst case scenario,  so I think we should be good.


    But if this happens, and then someone kills jailor, I'm dead tomorrow. And with the current state of Coven, they don't wanna be making any trades here.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    For what its worth, if there is actually a BG and hatty is lying, stay in FLEX, but this seems real to me


    If I'm lying then we will have a BG on flex. If I'm telling the truth then I will be on flex

  4. 8 hours ago, omgitshim said:

    Ok Exe. I'm BG


    N1: MMFLEX
    N2: bigAL (threat of going on Jailor hopefully enough to keep people away, going on TI claim who asked for it instead; Sheriff can find Coven and Dooms never actually voted Eagles so I'm a little sus of him)


  5. 5 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    I mean, that is possible, just because we have 3 claims doesn't mean one has to be lying. This is a big game. 🤷‍♂️


    This means we have 5 TI claims. And in a game with 4 RT spots and 2 TI spots, I doubt all of them are legit.

  6. I can confirm that Jorg is the Escort, or that he at least has the power to visit and roleblock


    I know who the Doc is, but I'd rather wait till at least tomorrow so they can save Jeff. And I'd also rather not see them die.

  7. aight so I know the roles of two townies and I think I should reveal them now. Coven knows everyone but them is an enemy and having these two people clear would prevent a bad lynch.


    Should I say who they are and what they are?

  8. Just now, JorgTheGoat03 said:

    I was witched last night, so either there is a witch in the game or I was the CLs target. I also triggered a trap, so that means that there is a trapper in the game.


    Cannot be a witch in a CL game. You were the CLs target.

  9. 2 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

    So we have a SK as the NK. We have a pirate and a claimed GA. 2 more neutral roles exist and I am guessing I know what one is.


    What info do we have?


    The SK didn't kill N1 and no one claimed to be attacked. Means he hit someone with defense

  10. 2 minutes ago, Hylands said:

    Mexico City Kings Press Conference

    Prime Minister's Cup Winners edition!


    1. We have clinched the best record in the entire league and Mexico's first Prime Minister's Cup. How good does that feel?

    2. We've been on a great hot streak to end the season, how helpful will that be to bring into the playoffs?

    3. What has been your biggest surprise of the VHLM season?

    4. Who do you think has been the MVP of our season?

    5. Do you think the Mexico City Kings need a new logo?

    6. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


    1. It feels pretty good ngl. Haven't been along for the final ride but I knew this was our goal from my first day being here.

    2. Hmm I honestly don't know. I doubt momentum is a thing in the sim so I won't consider that. It will either go down as the team is improving a lot as of late and in turn is doing better, or that the sim sees we're winning so much and wants to throw some Ls in there. We will see.

    3. Going inactive.

    4. Jakky. GOAT player and GOAT captain.

    5. Yes I wanna see the emo skull logo. Our current one is clunky and doesn't even feel like a logo.

    6. I feel like this question has been asked before here hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Anyway, I don't like it myself that much but I can see why others would. It's just a topping.

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