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Posts posted by jhatty8

  1. And plus, I was found with Doctor invest results while Osens was found with HM results. He's either hexed or the HM and I'm either Doc or Disguiser as the PM is dead.


    Osens is the more logical vote here.

  2. Though here's the thing, why am I being pushed? A perfect explanation for the veteran situation was provided and it just goes back to whether you trust me or osens.


    We were all voting osens earlier but started to vote me because of Hatter's argument. But if that one was proven false, shouldn't we jump back to sens? Or am I suddenly less trustworthy?

  3. I was on omg last night.


    I will be self healing tonight 😉


    Is there an updated list of roles? There's definitely something hidden around there, whether that's some vamps, or an arso, or maybe one of our experienced players is trying out the hidden SK strat.

  4. On 3/22/2021 at 4:17 PM, dlamb said:


    new york yes GIF by Jon Burgerman

    Week Ending 03/28


    1. SEASON HYPE! Who will lead NYA in points at the end of the first week of the season?

    2. If a movie was made about the S77 New York Americans, what would be the title?

    3. Do you prefer discord locker rooms, or forum-based ones?

    4. How important is it to get off to a good start to the season?

    5. Predict the S77 Continental Cup Champion.

    6. What's your favourite music genre? Band?


    1. Me, of course. They don't call me RJ "Points" Thatcher for nothing.

    2. Uhh the Mighty Americans I don't know any hockey movies.

    3. Probably Discord as it's easier to access for me.

    4. New York Americans.

    5. Rap, listening to Kanye and Tyler right now.

  5. 1 minute ago, bigAL said:

    Super weird thing happened last night. I chose to shoot Nobody, yeah good he dead, but I was also transported to another location? Shouldn't I have shot someone else?


    being transed switches who visits you, not who you visit

  6. fun situation. Sixers could be exe, but I honestly doubt he'd wait till D4 to make a push. That option is still open though.


    more likely situation is that ya boi was looking mad sus yesterday because he was arguing with the jailor claim and a framer decided to be useful for once. Frames are always a bit unlikely, but it's a perfect storm for one to happen.


    @Devise can you post your full will?

  7. 46 minutes ago, MMFLEX said:

    I feel like evils, if they're smart, could pick up on what I am based on the fact I visited someone (Devise) who has claimed psychic and had somewhat incriminating info. I visited them and nothing happened. So they could piece together that I'm a TP, specifically Bodyguard, since they know I'm not part of their faction. It would come down to the other evil faction or a TP. A TI on Devise wouldn't make sense since omg claims to have already investigated him.


    I'm hoping with revealing we can begin to stack protection, so I'm asking for a non crusader or LO on me tonight since a crusader is supposed to go on eagles tonight.


    N1: Jericho

    N2: Devise


    TP chain tonight bb? I'm on you, you on me, and no one can touch us. I doubt I'll be jailed.

  8. 2 minutes ago, bigAL said:




    I never like it when we veer out of salem and into the real world, but I have no idea who to believe here. Eagles is super sus and there's no way he can be jailor every single game. I've been cornered and innocently murdered for forgetting to be active, and so have some empathy for jhatty. Claiming IA is a bold move that I'm not entirely sure is part of the baddy playbook. But then again, jhatty is a salem expert and those two quotes up there are awfully contradictory...


    Honestly, I think eagles and hatty are both non-town.


    It's the honest truth, I can't respond to non-salem discord stuff without bringing in my own non-salem things.


    The reason why I specifically claimed IA is because a common schtick of mine is to get evil and literally never pay attention to the game. I feel like that's also why eagles tried to target me here, he assumed I would just be inactive again and wanted to take advantage. However, I was just busy last night and forgot to do my action. If I were jailed, I would've been pinged and would've had a nice talk with the jailor. But that didn't happen.

  9. Just now, WentzKneeFan036 said:

    I mean I could execute Jhatty tonight to prove myself innocent since he is clearly evil, but if coven or witch is smart they will probably just control me into someone else to prevent that from happening. 


    Witch/coven would want me dead. Do it no balls.

  10. 1 minute ago, WentzKneeFan036 said:

    I pinged you like 3 times lol do you have notifications turned off or something? 


    Unless Gustav never pinged OR even sent a message in my role channel, and all the jailing happened after 11 pm, then there's no way I was jailed last night.


    Now get ready for eagles to adapt his fake claim to my true information :)

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