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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. aw I missed this. Next time I'll sign-up
  2. 1. It feels pretty good ngl. Haven't been along for the final ride but I knew this was our goal from my first day being here. 2. Hmm I honestly don't know. I doubt momentum is a thing in the sim so I won't consider that. It will either go down as the team is improving a lot as of late and in turn is doing better, or that the sim sees we're winning so much and wants to throw some Ls in there. We will see. 3. Going inactive. 4. Jakky. GOAT player and GOAT captain. 5. Yes I wanna see the emo skull logo. Our current one is clunky and doesn't even feel like a logo. 6. I feel like this question has been asked before here hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Anyway, I don't like it myself that much but I can see why others would. It's just a topping.
  3. dont think it says anything like this in the ToS wiki
  4. Vote count Eagles - 7 votes (omg, jhatty, ricer, hatter, osens, bigAL, flex)
  5. Plus, they would want to keep the vigi alive because they can control you to do their bidding
  6. if you had said something uber-important, I would have considered the crazy thought that coven used a PM on you, knew you were important, and is now doing a big-brain play. But...a vigi? Yeah no.
  7. eagles your back is against the wall here. And the "my role is too important to share" line is very commonly stated by evils. Out with it so we can have some fake info to talk about
  8. Considering that when you are evil, you stay quiet the whole game, I sorta trust this
  9. I got no info that should be shared at the moment. Based off the kills, I'd like to think that the CL controlled someone into the medusa and then someone else visited the medusa on their own accord. Unless someone living was controlled that is. There was also no SK kill, so probably a WW or Arso or w/e other neutrals there are. So basically, we got fuck all. Any TIs feel like coming out?
  10. if you're an evil you should come to my house tonight
  11. SBL is a baseball sim league that popped up for 2 seasons then folded
  12. 1. Yes for sure, we can do it. 2. I'm not sure who Gobeil is but Tee Pee E II is a fantastic player. 3. Very important. We not only have a big team, but a skilled one at that. 4. Its insane that one of our defenders has been the leagues offensive player. A testament to our all around skill. 5. Don't know really. Clothes, gift cards, etc 6. Summer for sure. Warm winter days are great but in general, I like the heat.
  13. the edit feature doesn't exist apparently? I give it an 8/10
  14. Review: Mmmmm it's pretty good. Few things I like and don't like. First of all, lighting is super well done here. The lighting is also done well enough so the text stands out, which by the way the text is easily the best part of the sig. The glowy X is cool but I'd like to see it more than just once. I know the big text is your style, but here I'm not a big fan because it cuts off awkwardly around the face. The dust is nice, but I'd mask out some of it over the black on the jersey. It just looks like heavy gran. And lastly, the render is plain af. The face almost gets lost in the mix even though it isn't a busy sig.
  15. Review: Very clean graphic. The box and surrounding info is formatted well and very readable. The DAKOTA text is a bit awkward, I probably wouldn't even include it, but the LAMB text is great. I really like the skyline clipping mask. Only other critique is the render cut/mask is a bit shoddy. 8.5/10
  16. Yeah I def was not trying to undermine your effort, I like the graphic as a whole, the city part is very good, it's just a bit rough around the edges to be displayed...literally. Considering you joined the site recently, keep up the good work. You're way better than I was in just a month.
  17. Miami's player doesn't have an elbow on 4
  18. 5 woulda been my pick if there was a jers swap. 3 is clean af tho
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