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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. In what world was i competing with 3 actives in 2 seasons time? When the Reign, Vikings, and Titans already have stronger cores than i started with. If it wasnt for selfish players demanding out, im likely not doing any of these trades because im still in a good spot rebuilding. But shit happened and i had to make a choice. Take advantage of a weak euro, or hope to god somehow the teams built better some how falter. North America is full of very old teams, that likely sell next year which could change power. Im not gunna win a title this year, no doubt but next maybe? And older they are S46? So mid player cycle, if they stick around i have 2-3 good seasons. By then europes caught up, then i start my full rebuild.
  2. To Seattle Evgeny Nezhmetdinov(30) NYA S51 1st DAV S50 3rd To Davos Biggu Kyanon(30) Welcome @tfong And of course another good deal @Banackock
  3. Davos GM makes bold choices Davos has been a fun team to watch, much better than the last three seasons with the circus in upper management. They have built a core of 3 young players, the very quiet Pavel Komarov a respected player who never speaks out of line. Much like his father just gets down to the nitty gritty. However the two biggest stars, also hold very big egos. The first is reigning rookie of the year, Sir William Covington. Hes blooming into a star, though his personality is off putting to many. Vladamir Komarov has put faith in him, to help lead the team to the glory land despite the risk of him bolting. Next up is Kai Roberts, another man with a larger than life personality. Well him and Covington have butted heads, they have also showed some great team work. Showing the desire to put their issues aside to lead this team to the finals. This is great to see after Komarov invested so much to bring him into the fold. Sitting safely in the playoffs GM Komarov had to make a choice. He likely couldnt beat out, the other teams in a rebuild. He could sell off assets and suck for many years, or he could compete. Then Seattle came knocking, after some talk, back and fourth they settled on a huge deal. Holik seen as the future star in Davos, was shipped off for the reigning Shaw winner Sandro Clegane. Also in the deal was Shawn Muller and experienced forward who brought a big threat upfront. Going the other way was Davos first this year, and the second. They made numerous transactions including sending, Mercer and Fiend back to the minors, aswell as signing Hackett to a deal. Then came another upgrade to Davos back end in the form of Escabar, in exchange for a second two years from now. Its a risky move, but they have choosen to fight a battle with Colgone to emerge as the euro champs. Neither likely stand a chance against really anyone in North America, but Davos GM just looking to bring fans back, show hes not afraid to make bold moves. It has brought some energy back to the crowds, the city has confidence in its GM, and hopes that he one day can bring them back to the dynasty days. For now, all Davos GM right now is worried about is making the most of his time as GM. He wants to show Davos fans that he loves this franchise, he hooes he can guide the team to the cup he just never could reach. He still bleeds Davos purple, even as a GM he is still a loyal fan, even wears his jersey. More than willing to meet and greet with fans, things many GMs wouldnt do.
  4. Love you kendrick but the goals to beat you
  5. A second 2 seasons from now for a 400TPE defender, which immediately upgrades my back end. He replaces a 85 TPE forward turned defender. Who i release. Saving me cap for another move.
  6. 1.5mill for the year. Should be an upgrade on what i had, helps the fight with Cologne.
  7. With the recent move im close to the cap. Shave 3mill, and sign a better cheaper Dman
  8. Why? Colgones not that strong, this addresses my biggest issue. The other teams are weak. The team without him kept games close with Toronto(whose the strongest team in the league). No reason i cant emerge as Euro champs
  9. Accept time to run the European division; )
  10. Whoa i actually got compliments on trades instead of the insults must be getting better at this GM thing
  11. To Seattle Jakab Holik(30%) DAV 1st S50 DAV 2nd S50 To Davos Sandro Clegane(30%) Shawn Muller(30%) Welcome @JardyB10 and @StevenStamkos91!!!!! Best of luck to @Beketov in seattle. This makes us alot more dangerous, with both guys still having a few years. The team is very strong. And hopefully will push us to the finals @Banackock best of luck with the rebuild
  12. Going back to the minors clear some space. For a bigger deal
  13. My entire VHL career has been Davos and Oslo. Talk about dedicated lol
  14. Got me beat by 3 seasons. Likely going to play 16 with 2 players and maybe more if i stick as GM
  15. Please god let it be the damn sharks, but who the hell woulda predicted this final? Maybe u say Pittsburgh makes it, but not on the back of Matt Murray. But Sharks on the back if Jones?. What a crazy thought. I really would rather SJS win it, but Pittsburgh is certianly the favorite
  16. Thats what i mean though at the draft he was seen as the best, a number 1/2 defender. I never saw more than a 4-6, yet he went over many better defensemen
  17. This trade looks great, if your playing in the old NHL, now a days a semi decent skating low offense defensive defender just doesnt cut it anymore. Never understood what made Gudbranson the best defender in his class anyways.
  18. Too many Davos is playing above their heads right now, currently sitting second in Europe. Dont ask the kids that, Covington continues to be a force, no signs of sophomore slump. His line mate Adultman contiues to be a wiz in the faceoff circle well putting up respectable numbers. Then you have Komarov centering current ROY candidate Kai Roberts, whose talent has ignited the centers play as of late. Fiend, and Mercer provide better stability on the back end than we saw last year. Vets Ned, and Demko round out the roster and have provided experience for the rookies. The biggest piece, however has been Holik has been lights out. V.Komarov stated him and Covington are team MVPs. Well the fans, and management are still holding their breathe, the kids are just out their having fun. The swag, they play with has rubbed off the fan base has never been as wild.
  19. Dont worry ill join the list, already off to a horrible start as a GM :/
  20. time to play in the big show buddy
  21. Calling him up to play defense for my team.
  22. Hes inactive so i can change him free right?
  23. Just wait till my update Komarovs starting to bulk up looking more like his father which means pain will ensue
  24. Coming in to the GM role, Komarov knew it would be a tough road ahead. Dealing with egos, and a team as well as fan base that has seen the franchise go from cup aspirations to bottom feeders. Previous GMs, left the team high and dry which has hurt the stock of Davos in the eyes of many. That showed the most in the last two days, when the former 3rd overall pick and 8th overall pick were dealt. Neither expressed desire to stay,and it had created a toxic locker room which Komarov knew he could not have. The return for both is less than steller, a first 2 years from now, some role players, mid round picks, and a suspended top prospect. Many are calling for his head, they believe he is steering the team down the wrong path. However he has added depth, both Dope Fiend,and Cain Mercer are expected to be called up this year, Both expecting to fill roles on the defense, well Komarov looks like he will follow down the path of his father next year going to defense. Still even with Kai Roberts likely to man the second line with Komarov and Adultman,Covington on the first many questions arise. There is always the fear of egotistical superstar William Covington leaving next year via FA. Which begs the question, how do they dig themselves out of this funk? The answer Komarov stated was in himself, and he blames himself for the failed draft. I didnt do my reaserch like i did last year, unfortuntely neither were really my top choices, but they are who fell and we needed their type of players. Komarov came to me and stated he will become the corner stone of our defense next season,till then we have a few stop gaps. Hopefully next year with a strong push in free agency, we can suprisea few people. It sucks what i have had to deal with, and repairing this franchises rep is far from and easy task. However i still am confident in my own abilitys as GM, I may have been dealt a shitty hand, but that does not mean im done.If Covington wants to bail that is his choice and i wish him all the best, but ill make sure he regrets that choice. Im a very open person,any player knows they can come to me with anything. GMs they know im a very approachable guy who will always try to give them my full attention when talking trade or anything. I like to think my rep is that of the teams, i hope people see me and want to play for my team. Im very honest, always willing to do what is best for my team and my players. Ive gone out of my way to accomidate, everyones needs i wish Digital, and Klingberg all the best, hopefully they wont hurt too much when i lift the cup over my head as a GM. My goal hasnt changed, im sure there is some doubters out there i have seen it, the reactions to the trades. That does not mean my goals changed, that doesnt mean im giving up, it just means those men who walked out when things got tough, they were not worthy of wearing Davos purple. To anyone whose ever told me they dont want to play here, i wish you all the best, but you bet your ass when Davos gets going there will be nothing in our way. We are Davos united, those who choose to play here and stick through this tough times i promise you i will do everything in my power to reward you with cups, with trophies. I bleed Davos purple, i bleed for my players, and i will continue to do so untill this team becomes a contender once again.
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