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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Didnt even put Davos G in this game still won lol
  2. To Davos Bubba Nuck SEA 2nd S51 To SEA DAV 2nd S52 CGY 2nd S52 Processed after Game 41 @Banackock
  3. Seriously :/ why are my lines not in want to get Davos G games played but i keep getting screwed:/
  4. Why were my lines not put in?
  5. To be fair their first line Center is Dubinsky so not like they were set there lol
  6. Can barely get enough to fill 10 rosters that, they needs to impliment 2 players a person to round out the rosters lol
  7. @jjdynamite your coming to the bigs to help our leathal offense
  8. Scoring is not an issue, for Davos they need to stop the puck. Defense needs to be addressed, likely wont come in the form of a trade. So that means the current defenders need to step it up. Francis York Morgan has been a stud with 20 points, first in league scoring. Komarov who switch to defense has struggled so far, he knows he needs to step up his game and fill a bigger role. Likely a free agent defender will be brought in, to help ease the pressure off Komarov. Not likely a big name brought in but the hope is with 4 defenders, that they can take some pressure off Morgan as they balence the work load. Clegane has been a stud so far, but if they can not take some pressure off him it may be an issue later into the season. They also are looking again to free agency to address a 6th forward in hopes to take some pressure off the big boys, and bring even further balence to the line up
  9. First and foremost its not shock Davos Captian once again Sir William Covingnton III Hes lead the group since i joined and will continue Next is the first and easiest choice for an A Kai Roberts The guys been commited since the trade despite all the hate for him Next was tough i had 2 choices, Muller or Ruuttu both great guys. Both set to help Davos. The choice was not easy but we settled on Jorma Ruutu. Thats all your season 50 Davos leaders
  10. Loss is due to my lines only reason. Once they are in we got this tonight
  11. Give me abit to send one in
  12. Cant say i never went big, Davos will reign. What else is up my sleeve ;)

    1. Phil


      Davos will Riga and Cologne will Fong (@tfong)

    2. Banackock


      "What else is up my sleep".. nothing after this season ;) #NoFuture #OneHitWonder

  13. I think im probably the boldest GM in the league now given i traded my future for what is likely a 2 year window. But i wanted to give Davos hope after a bleak time. Well i likely start my rebuild S53 this gives us 2 years to win a cup. And make those who left regret that choice
  14. 2.5 Davos offers return to us @Nobody
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