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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Game 3?????? Its been over a day

  2. How bout that Komarov kid 3 points to help his team come back
  3. They havent won the cup yet dont write us off just cuz were the underdogs
  4. Except im basically saying i wont be making an offer lol so not really tampering would mean im making an offer or trying to make sure he comes here
  5. Id love to bring you in to Davos, but unless i pull of a miracle it wont make sense at this point for either of us
  6. If you asked me 3 seasons ago when i took over, where i though Davos would be right now. I would likely have told you just starting to be competative. At the time i took over i had 2 active young players, and a vet whose time was coming to an end. Lucky for me the cupboard had a few picks. Covington and Adultman were meant to be the core of my forwards. Adultman went inactive, well Covington has bloomed into a super star. With the draft the same day i selected Pavel Komarov, and what at the time i thought would be the next davos great Jakob Holik. As expected the season, was a long one with losses pilling up. Flashes though of what to expect came with Covington as he won rookie of the year. The deadline saw Sinclair move, aswell as Volmont. Both adding picks to help build the core. The draft came and i made the two biggest blunders of my career. Selecting Bobby Digital and Tobias Klingberg. Digital was an instant cancer. Well Klingberg respectfully wished to leave. The trade for Digital was quick to avoid more drama, well Klingberg brought another great player in Roberts. The season unfolded as we seemed to hold onto a playoff spot. No intention of changing course, however i got a huge offer. Adding Muller, and Clegane two vets in exchange for a 1st and Holik. It was a tough call to make but i made it. The next big trade is another i regret after being burned by the player next year was a first for Kyannun. After almost winning the divison we fell to Riga. I had a choice, to make blow it up or try again. I went for it adding Ruutu and Francis York Morgan. The year went as expected battling Colonge, we added at the deadline the last piece in Nuck. The season ending falling just short of the division again. This time however Riga would finally fall, in 6. Next up was Colonge who proved much like Riga a challenge, but they fell in 6 aswell. After all the risks, the pain the frustration. We are here, the finals trying to stope history.
  7. Woooooo!!!!! I did it all this hard work paid off. Proud of each and everyone of you from @Ghost Reaper, @JardyB10, @TheLastOlympian07, @KingRobbie, @Christmas, @jRuutu, @NUCK finals baby!!!
  8. Creates shut down line, somehow shut down line becomes beast offensively wins series. #idontunderstandSTHS
  9. Gooningitups hopes and plans. Its been 13 seasons since i joined. With now 2 players. Both played for Oslo and then Davos. Both are defensive specialists, both tough to play against. Loved by teammates hated by opponents. Ive given my life blood to Davos, despite potentially moving on a few times to greener pastures i wanted one thing since i joined. That was to bring Davos a cup. Reality is, if i lose this year it will be a few season rebuild. Trading off notable names, Pavels best years will be rotting on a bad team. If all goes to plan just a season or 2 before, he hangs them up we will have another shot. That will mark 16 seasons with Davos, i have zero intention on trading my player in his retirement year. Ive had alot of thought, i intend to play out Pavels career as GM unless im forced to step down. Then bring in what will be my final player. Another Komarov, but my intent will be to put full effort behind it. Well he, or Pavel may never win an award or even a cup. I intend to play out this player and the next in Davos. I may not go down as the best player, or the best GM. However my legacy will be that of playing 24 seasons for 1 franchise. Its not that i dont want to play with other guys, meet new people. Its just that my loyalty and heart lie here. If i win the cup its here, it will suck going 24 seasons without the sweet taste of victory. However i can assure you i wont go down without a fight. My legacy will be one of crushing bones, playing hard hockey not everyone is willing to do. The part im sure most will remember is going to be my loyalty to my franchise. I do not expect anyone to hop on board just yet, because unless i get some crazy moves we are a core that is ready to be blown up. However remember this we wont be down for long, i promise to bring this franchise back strong again in a few short years. For all those draftees looking to join season 52 and on, keep an eye out for us. Im a strong fierce leader, already shown im not afraid to take risks. Some have panned out really well, like the addition of Kai Roberts. Well others not so well, Kyanunn. I want men and women who join this draft to be ready and passionate, i wont make the mistake of drafting those who do not want to be here again. Im going to even if i have to trade down add pick, draft only those who want and will be loyal. Much like Covingtom despite all the heat he gets has been nothing short of a loyal footsolider. Im offically announcing that i will retire from the league in Season 65 once my 3rd player, has retired.
  10. If we seriously lose to them again im done. STHS hates me
  11. We WON!!!!! Wooooooo finally lol
  12. Seems to hurt me so much 2 points in a win over your team
  13. I am so far in your head, that you can't even speak your native language. I think someone is rattled
  14. For Davos ya #buildingafunrivalry
  15. 2-1-1 vs You get lucky one game and talk smack its okay id rather you in the finals than Toronto atleast they can beat us everytime not one big game an brag haha
  16. Pavel Komarov has been a disappointment. Already better developed than his father,however has not be able to live up to the hype. Those close to him feel hes trying too hard to be his father, instead of focusing on being his style of player. One who prides himself on the defensive side of the game, but brings more offense than grit. Well his father decided it was time to give his son a talk. Told him its time to focus on his game, not to try to do things he is not strong at. In practice he has gotten back to the basics, passing drills, and defensive positioning. He kn9ws if he is going to build his own legacy its time to start working hard. He knows he needs to be a better player of Davos plans on trying to win that cup. Drills have been hard the last few days, results have been strong in their last 7 only 2 losses versus Legion and Muete. Well the Legion seem to be tight games the Muete game was a disapointment. Which has lead to changes in the line up, the moves saw a more balenced approach once again to the forward core, and the defense will finally see the benifts of Nuck. The hope is now with a deeper defense core, Komarov can open up and start focusing on the offensive side. They hope he can start showing that potential he had when Davos selected him 7th overall.
  17. Weve had Colgones number this year lol its Riga we gotta worry about lol
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