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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Player Name: Vladimir Komarov VHL Team:HC Davos Dynamo Cash I have:12mill Purchase Name:Free Week, 2 Attribute Upgrade, Welfare Upgrade
  2. It took 7 hours to just do all this I wasn't really caring who I put for who I put forwards as D players in real life etc pictures were just because of the grade
  3. I saw it very early on not since like I stated I've actually had 1s and under. I appricate the help when I read it with a few fixes because it helps me grow but sometimes I get lists of shit.
  4. Okay so it doesn't have to change but in curious. It came to me more today after I wrote this http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/17875-unappreciated-stars/#entry190032 It took me quiet a bit of time(some of it research). Almost 7 hours due to the need to translate ive spoken English less than a year and actually joined about a month into writing it. My biggest problem being a European and being a star is unless you are good at graphics. It takes a lot of time to write even 550words(it takes me 3+hours right now at the beginning it was 5). I don't expect leancy in marking I get its an English speaking league. But maybe we can have a broken English area or something in media we get less TPE if we post there (say 4 or 5) but get marked abit less harsh(I've gotten like .5 and 0s). As it stands right now I've either gotta write a huge article to get torn apart on grammer( I know I suck) or take 2 TPE to do nothing which doesn't allow me to star on. It just helps euros and doesn't discourage us reading over and over how bad our grammer is. You can risk it all for the 6 TPE or be safe and go for the 4 or 5 in the euro area. I for one actually stopped writing because I was getting discouraged.
  5. The Guys who do the little things to win. Everyone talks about the stars the Thomas O'Malleys, the Don Drapers of the VHL the guys who score the big points. Each team however has another set of stars they are unappreciated the guys who every team loves to have, these are the guys who go out and play every shift like it is there last. They are one of the most valuable pieces on a team but not in a trade, they lack flash but they do those little things your stars just wont. Today we are going to look at a few of those guys around the league and make sure they get there spot in the limelight. Defense Vladamir Komarov Davos The season 40 product had a rough rookie season he showed flashes of brilliance but never really emerged. This season he has been as advertised he was for the longest time holding and unsustainable lead on the shots blocked lead, he now currently sits 3rd in the league. He has also amassed 62 hits which puts him in the top 5 for his position. Komarov does the little things well with only 9 points in 21 games hes not a guy most people look at on Davos as a star, but he has been a rock on the top pairing for Davos this year. Defense Joshua Rubin Davos Like Komarov Rubin has been a rock on the back end for Davos leading the league in shots blocked, hes shown he is committed to doing what it takes to win. Rubin is more offensive adding 16 points this year, but less physical adding 50 hits. Rubin is a more complete player. Right Wing Christoph Klose Americans The first forward on our List Klose has an amazing 15 shots blocked on his resume this year. To go along with 50 hit, and 20 points Klose is a guy whose trying to do everything he can to help his team win games. Hes off to a good start and could emerge as a great two way talent down the road. Defense Nicklas Karlsson Bears Karlsson has been a bit of a surprise this season a rookie on the Bears he currently is one of there best shot blockers, and hitters.He sits 3rd on his team is shots blocked with a solid 30+ hits and 16 points. A lot of people will question why he gets in over Villeneuve, or Samuelsson, however the reason he got in over them is we feel he doesn't get the same publicity as Samuelsson,and Villeneuve is a star defender. Defense Mason Richardson Express Richardson is not a star yet he was a highly heralded player but has not exactly been the star defender expected of him just yet. That being said that does not mean he has been bad either. With 44 shots blocked and 38 hits he has shown commitment to doing the little things his team needs of him. Left Wing Logan Laich Express He was expected to be a star in this league tear everything up, however things have not quiet worked out yet for him. That being said he hasn't just stopped playing hockey he has amassed and impressive 63 hits to go along with 9 shots blocked. He has shown commitment to both ends of the ice which makes him a valuable asset to the express. Defense Jamie Hill Legion Hill won out over Grr simply because of plus minus.Hill has had a solid campaign with 36 shots blocked and 40+ hits. She does not talk much but she has been an important pieces of the Legions defense now and hopefully in the future. Defense Koji Yamazaki Meute It is not easy to pick a guy who sits at over a PPG currently, however with 62 hits and 39 shots blocked its hard to leave him off this list as well. He plays on a stacked team which could contribute to his inflated offensive numbers. The fact is however he has done everything the Meute have asked him to and more. Defense Penis Hudson Reign Its a tough time for the Reign and without much support it wont be an easy year for them. However Hudson has been a bright spot on a rather dull team well he may be a minus 5 the team is almost all below him. With 44 shots blocked and 47 hits he is trying his best on the back end to help gather a few wins for his team. Defense Jake Wylde Titans Wylde has been a monster physically with 90 hits he is punishing anything and everything that moves. He has also managed to rack up 22 shots blocked, well its not overly impressive the sheer volume of hits he made puts him on this list. Right Wing Teuvo Ruutu Vikings Ruutu is a monster on skates with 93 hits he makes people pay for getting in his way. The downfall right now is his plus minus on a team that fluctuates. However he balances it out with 10 shots blocked as a forward. Ruutu has been a solid player this season striking fear into his opponents. Left Wing Kez Kinkaid Wranglers Kez Kinkaid is a horrible minus 12 which may make some wonder why he is included on this list, however he has hits a solid 66 times. That to go along with a great 12 shots blocked as a forward mean he manages to make it on this list. Another feat impressive for a winger is the fact he sits at a 50% draw average in the circle.
  6. 4 extra years on me and only thing he's beating me in really is scoring which I've barely boosted. In 4 years times Ill be 2times the Dman he ever was lol
  7. Where would u be without last years 1st OV? Lol and Far off? Im better than every defender on ur team and the stats show it. #Davosnation
  8. http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/2015/02/27/leonard-nimoy-of-star-trek-fame-dies-at-age-83.html Well thats shitty news to see today
  9. Komarov taking big strides early in his second season. Last season Komarov had a solid but underwhelming rookie campaign. He was asked to do to much with too little support. This season however Komarov is flourishing, the main reason is veteran help from Zadorov. Not only is he taking the pressure off the young defender but hes showing him what it means to be a pro in the VHL. This season Komarov is becoming one of the best defensive defenders in the VHL. The results have shown he currently leads the league in shots blocked by 5, and is among the top defenders in hits as-well. His offensive game has taken a step back this season but he never wanted to be known for his scoring prowess and fans that knew him never expect it. This growth has been a great story for a young Davos team, he will likely never see any awards in his career, however he may very well if he can keep this up go down as one of the best defensive defenders in VHL history. "I never want to be a flashy player, i grew up knowing one thing that was to do the little things and wear your heart on my sleeve" the young Russian said in broken English. This season he has been invisible on the ice and for and offensive defender that is a very good thing. The thing Davos fans love him for, however is his ability to lead by example. "He gives 110% every shift he never backs down from anything, i think that rubs off on the young guys and even the professionals in our locker room" Head coach of Davos stated in the interview. This is the reason he returns another season wearing and A on his chest hes growing as a leader of this team. Hes a leader and a guy who wants to do all the little things the super stars don't do to help win the game. Hes a coach's dream player, you basically don't have to even coach him he just goes out and is done what he is told. Hes the type of player every team wants for there cup run.His skills have shown on the big stage. There is big proof of that he lead and underdog Storm team to an almost title,he followed that up with a Western finals appearance the next season. He also already owns a super cup title, and another super cup finals appearance. For a young defender that is quite and accomplishment, and shows just how valuable he is when push comes to shove. Hes backing his teammates no matter what and if he keeps at this pace he will add a few more titles to his trophy cupboard. Davos certainly hopes he can be the key to returning Davos from a rebuild back into a dynasty that it once was. Komarov has shown his commitment to not only bettering himself, but to helping this team win he signed a cheep deal to stick with the club and retire as a Davos player. He hopes he can stay in Davos his whole career and maybe break a few hit, and shot block records on the team. He holds his head high and hopes well he may not put up the big points, that the Hall of fame will see when his career is over he deserves a slot among the best because he is so unique.
  10. Top 10 in D scoring 6th in hits and tied for 1st in SB. Now let's just see how beastly I am when we get real lines
  11. The Davos assistant captian made a bold proclamation today. That the Davos team that finished at the bottom last season won't just improve on last year, but in fact make the playoffs. People call the kid crazy but he's been know for doing the near impossible in his career. He lead a vastly underpowered Storm the the VHLM finals. Then helped them capture the best record in the VHLM that year. This season well he won't see his name on any awards was very good for a rookie defensive defender. This season he's ready and primed to bring Davos one step closer to the cup and that's making the playoffs. When the playoffs roll around who knows what happens. Komarovs a big thinker and he's never worked so hard in the last few years to prove to the league he's going to be a force to be reckoned with. They certainly will be an exciting team to watch.
  12. Russian defender new kid gives new motivation Defensive defender Komarov has found his drive again, the defender is primed and ready to become Davos number 1 defender. Komarov who came to Davos highly touted, earned a reputation from being a hard nosed, defensive defender. The Rock as he is called by fans never plays a flashy game and many scouts often refereed to his junior days as the invisible man. Most people would hear he is invisible on the ice and take it as a bad thing, however for a defensive defender that is exactly what you want. The kid showed flashes of being a franchise shut down defender, hes back now and more driven than ever to become the next great defensive defender. This is great news fro Davos fans as many were feeling it may be time to look elsewhere, or see what they could get for him well his value was still high. The defender had a great rookie season, finishing 3rd on the team in scoring, 1st in hits, 3rd in shots blocked. Davos struggled and well Komarov knows he wont be winning any major awards or rookie of the year hes happy with his first year. Komarov stated however that he plans on taking his game to a whole new level next season. He has been seen shooting the puck more in practice, leading many to speculate hes adding a bit more of an offensive game to his tool set. Komarov stated he was in fact looking to add a bit more offensive game but was not going to stray from the game that he plays best. Davos struggled last year knowing it would be a year of building, however this season is a different story the expectations are high. The rookies have a year under there belts, the draftees will join the team, and they added some veteran help to teach the kids. That makes some wonder who is going to play top pairing next year alongside veteran Zadorov. Many believe Komarov has the inside edge, but with both being similar developed its not so easy and may boil down to chemistry. Davos will be pushing hard for the playoffs this season, and next year they have cup aspirations. This team has a dedicated group of rookies who want to turn this team into one of the greatest dynasties of this VHL era. Fans are certianly excited to see what this young team can do especially if they can keep together and continue to grow at a steady pace like they have so far. Komarov has the drive with a new born kid to make his son proud. He also wants to let Davos fans know their GM didst make the wrong call when they made him there first pick in S40. He has set the bar high for S42 he wants to take the next step in becoming an impact defender in this league. He wants to go down as the best defensive defender the VHL has ever seen. Look forward to seeing what Shock, Hunter, Rubin, Komarov, as well as the other young players on this team can do this year. Davos will be a team to follow this season and they could turn a few heads this season.
  13. So as of 11:40 PM EST today i am now a father of a healthy baby boy Alexei Victor Orlov. Hopefully once things settle back down here i can be back to becoming the best defensive defender this league has ever seen!
  14. I should run Oslo i spent my whole career there and almost captianed them to the cup. I think i can be a great choice since my roots are there
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