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Recruitment Crew
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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank reacts to barbarian.
  2. @Victor you bitch fight me lets start a big argument you cunt.
  3. That's how you get in their pants yes
  4. You know a way to a girls heart
  5. First we should expand Higgins anus.
  6. Hey @Draper nice avatar. 10/10 would bang.
  7. Got money on my mind, can neva get enoof. 

    1. Will


      will pay $$$ for nudes

    2. Daniel


      another one

  8. Gracias to whoever made that!
  9. You know it's bad when the guy you made your successor hates your guts.
  10. Funky would be a better word. Some more lighting would look good
  11. I hate dating sites as much as Devise hates malls. You never really know someone until you spend time with them face to face. Connecting in how you type messages ain't shit.
  12. Welcome I know your pain, if you ever want to wallow in self pity let me know.
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