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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I just used the wave filter i didn't really mimic it though. I added a ripple filter over the render as well though.
  2. Tried so hard only got so far, in the end doesn't even matter.
  3. @Draper
  4. 20$ for Sterling's new Ford Mustang.
  5. You know I love you. Just gotta keep a brave face for the pack.
  6. We don't need a goalie it worked perfectly for the Dallas Stars. Haters gonna hate.
  7. Miss you gays.
  8. Frank reacts to barbarian.
  9. @Victor you bitch fight me lets start a big argument you cunt.
  10. You funny mother fucker I like you.
  11. That's how you get in their pants yes
  12. You know a way to a girls heart
  13. First we should expand Higgins anus.
  14. Hey @Draper nice avatar. 10/10 would bang.
  15. Congrats Jackim!
  16. Got money on my mind, can neva get enoof. 

    1. Will


      will pay $$$ for nudes

    2. Daniel


      another one

  17. Do I look like the fucking GM?
  18. Gracias to whoever made that!
  19. Aren't we all though?
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