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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank

    PRG/VAN; S89

    Thanks @Acydburn for the negotiations. @Spartan Welcome home, I mean back!
  2. I can watch Seattle take Ls all day.
  3. There's actually 1 hour and 3 minutes @Zetterberg
  4. Q: Close series against the Bears but once again we have come out on the losing end; What do you think needs to change to help the team get past the Bears and go deeper into the play-offs? We lost the final 2 games 2-1 in ot so it was a very close series. The Bears just had the sim luck. Q: Seattle versus Calgary in the next round, who are you picking or does it even matter? I picked Calgary because I loath the Bears. Unfortunately they fell short. Hopefully London can stop them. Q: Prague Phantoms were eliminated in the first round after being a very strong regular season team; since we had the same happen to us last season. What would you say to the Prague players in condolence? It just shows us that the regular season means very little in the VHL hybrid era. I think it makes the league more interesting and opportunity for different teams and members to win awards. Q: I always find it weird when the NHL matches up with the VHL is some way; Do you find it weird or more interesting and are you still watching the NHL play-offs? Vegas was gifted a team and Florida has no fans. Boring, can't support that. Give me a finals with large fan bases everyday of the week. Q: Off-season are tough and boring so what are you planning to try to break boredom? As a player it's tough until off season tournaments. As a GM it's tine to explore ways to improve the team. Q: Riddle: Why is it so boring to eat at a restaurant on the moon? There's no atmosphere! If I can get it, it's a weak riddle.
  5. Frank


    Is this the tread where we can request a sig from our lord and saviour? @jhatty8
  6. Q: After going down 2-0 to the LA Stars; How high was your panic level on a scale of 1-10? Why? 1. I believe in this group.regardless of the outcome. The blame should always be shouldered by the GM though. Q: After coming back to tie the series at 2-2 and forcing a deciding game five in the series; what were you expectations/feeling heading into the deciding game? Hope for the best and go in with zero expectations to avoid disappointment. Q: We are reversing the roles from last year as we head into our series against the Seattle Bears; How do you like our chance against the Bears? I liked our chances unfortunately we ran into an even hotter goalie than Fuhr. We'll get em next season. Q: Now that the first round or wildcard round is completed; who do you have as our current MVP of the play-offs? Why? Has to be Eagles. He's been a great two-way presence all season. He's a big reason why were in the spot were in now. So thank you @Greg_Di Q: Predictions seem to be everywhere at the moment with Stanley Cup, Fantasy etc… How do you rate yourself at predicting the outcomes? Why? I literally have no idea what's going to happen anymore there's just too much parity in this league. Q: Riddle: Why couldn't Goldilocks sleep? All the porridges tasted like shit or she already got mauled. I' m not sober enough for this one.
  7. Eagles, Maple and Bouchard headed for Wolves all-time scoring records.
  8. GG Seattle.. Naw I can't do it. Fuck Seattle.
  9. Pierre Emile Bouchard (VAN) for Abuse of Officials (Major / Game Misconduct) at 4:30Pierre Emile Bouchard ejected from game at 4:30 of 3rd period
  10. Firstly congrats to London on their first series win? @jacobcarson877 who I've watched go from a semi active member to one of the most influential members of the community since I've returned and it's fucking beautiful. @McWolf who is definitely missed can be proud that London was left in such good hands. Vancouver and La head for a game 5 elimination. May the better team advance. I was glad we made a series of it. LA is no slouch but the game 1 and 2 scores felt a bit disrespectful to the roster we assembled in Vancouver. Whatever happens in game 5 it'll be a testament to the parity in this league. Any team can win on any given day which makes things bloody interesting. On the season 89 draft its great to see @Advantage back at almost full force. @twists who seems to have made his mark when I was inactive but I've really enjoyed their content since they've returned. There's also a ton of intriguing first gens in this draft that tagging then all would be far too much work for 2 tpe.
  11. Q: With the season winding down at the end of the week, who do you think has been the Vancouver Wolves MVP this season? Why? I agree with @dogwoodmaple it's been a team effort. That being said our best players have been our best. I can't wait for Kerr, FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY and Oreo to tale a big step next season. We'll be force for seasons to come. Q: Staying along the same concept, who has been the unsung hero this season? Why? @Bobcat has continued off a strong rookie season and avoided the sophmore slump. Q: Blessed with two rookies this season; Oreo McFleury @JB123 & FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ; who do you think should be the Vancouver Wolves Rookie of the season? Why? I think they can be co winners. But I think it's clear FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY had the better season defensively. But that may have been assisted by playing alongside Maple and Eagles. Q: Interesting situation this season where all our prospects are either playing with the Wolves or inactive so what should we do with the Top Prospect Award this season? Hand it out to one of our two rookies based on performance or not award it this season as we actually don`t have any prospects? Award it to whoever our next prospect is. Q: We have three players set to retire at the end of the season; Kyle Peace @Peace, Matt Avens @Mr Bohannan and Logain Ablar @Kelsier all brought into the team to help stabilize the roster. Who are you going to miss the most and why? Peace has been the most active so he will be missed most. Hopefully they can go out on top. Q: Do you have any outstanding goals for the last week of the season; Team; personal etc….. What are they and by the end of the season should you have reached them? Spoiler not getting shut out in the final.two games. *Sobs quietly in the corner*
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