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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Cups since Season 86 Van 1 Sea 0
  2. Q: July 18th, 2007; Where were you and what were you doing? If you can remember!! I was 14 years old. Three years before I joined the VHL. Likely doing some stupid teenager shit. Q: When did you join this league and why did you decided to stay? I joined off the recommendation of my friend. The community and league vibe is what got me to stay. Having @JardyB10 as your first GM doesn't hurt either ;). Q: What is the best thing about Birthdays? Why? When people do something genuine and we still pretend we hate them. Q: What was the best thing about being 16? Not having to work full time and still being hopeful about the future. Q: Since joining the league or in the past 16 years of the VHL; what has been the most memorable moment for you and why? It's all been a giant blur and I don't eben know how we got here. Q: Riddle: How can you tell when a birthday is very emotional? i cheated and looked @dogwoodmaple answer and now I'm laughing is this a joke of a riddle?
  3. Don't do it. Speaking from experience.
  4. Q: Malmo, New York, Helsinki and LA, where the four teams active during the trade deadline. Which team do you think came out the winner afterwards? Despite their record since I liked what New York did. The rest felt like a bit of lateral moves for the sake of making moves. LA would have been better off selling this off season and seeing how this season played out. We've seen a wild card team win the cup the last 2 of 3 seasons. Q: Do you have one trade that stands out made during the trade deadline? Which one and why? Our trade for Carter and Preo in S86 to help Vancouver win the cup. Q: It feels like forever that I have asked about awards but really it wasn`t that long ago, who do you think is Vancouver Wolves current Unsung Hero? Why? Wann Kerr despite the work ethic the results just haven't been there, until this season. What a breakout. Q: Who do you think is the Most Energetic player on the roster so far during the season? Has to be Payne and Pearce. They-ve been an injection of energy in the locker room Q: At the half-way mark of the season, who do you feel is the MVP of the team? It's really tough to chose just one player could be any of Bouchard, Maple, Pearce and Payne. Q: With Payne & Bouchard being as equal as equal can be; Who do you think should be consider our top defenseman at this point of the season? Payne had the fast start and Bouchard has had a strong second half. They both have had amazing seasons. I'd view them as equal.
  5. Thought you we're able to do it for free. I've run into the same issues they all want money.
  6. Not so good 931 sv pct.
  7. I'm good. Glad to see you back. I came back just as you left so it'll be nice to be active at the same time again. I still remember how much of a goat Skye was for Quebec!
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