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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Oh shit
  2. I knew having Victor on my team would pay off.
  3. Nobody is saying that. Classic Kendrick post.
  4. Cologne did a good job taking advantage of the market this season.
  5. I'm aware Helsinki is not in any trouble as far as young up and coming talent. But I don't condone retiring a player cause you don't want an inactive player. Sounds like a pretty selfish move to me.
  6. They'd be better off with an inactive Svoboda though. It would not have hurt him to post this retirement in league discussion and leave his player be.
  7. Yes it was necessary. Agreed on the second point.
  8. Screws Helsinki over quite nicely. Is that not worth pointing out?
  9. It's VHL tradition to rag on people who retire they're player when it's not necessary.
  10. I was gonna make the title Draper the Raper but that seemed to be in poor taste.
  11. Frank

    VAS/RIG ; S40

    Can't wait for part 10.
  12. Slobo definitely didn't need to retire his player too.
  13. Moher gonna moh the lawn.
  14. It's okay I still love you.
  15. Gonna go take a dump guys I'll be back though I promise.
  16. Titans Meute Reign Meute
  17. Frank

    DAV/QUE ; S40

    There was much internal debate but we just could not part with the bag of potatoes that was promised.
  18. 46 members have voted don't think we're gonna get many more to vote.
  19. Sportsnets new star studded cast of insiders is second to none though. Especially PJ Stock unless of course we're comparing him to a talking turd then he might be 3rd.
  20. Banked in VHLM is total tpe + banked tpe. Where as in the VHL total tpe is both total and banked tpe added together. Just thought that should be mentioned.
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