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Everything posted by Frank

  1. And everyone else of course.
  2. Congrats to Boom, you selfish bastard.
  3. How did Kyle get 0?
  4. So I guess you're already in debt to Kora then. Kyle even more so about 10-20 careers worth of cash.
  5. Just because... I'll start; Aksel (Ak-sell) Thomassen (To-ma-sin) Now we won't have to hear any butchering of names during podcasts...
  6. Da fuck.
  7. Continue...
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doafN9KFrJg&feature=kp
  9. Good you admit it, now go pray for your forgiveness. That girl is 12 max.
  10. Simple explanation Edgar rode his bike home drunk hit his head on a lamp pole. Had a blackout fantasy about acquiring another 2 1sts and decided that Jason would comply.
  11. VHL Magazine Cover and Article Combo -$1,000,000 -Limit of once per season -Your player gets featured on the cover of the magazine and gets a freelance article written specifically for them. Should be about 50 page mag to start the season.
  12. I'll apply, if you hire me you'll get someone committed to the position. I'll keep everything organized and be sure that all rules are fully enforced and that things are updated in a timely fashion.
  13. I like this for the most part.
  14. Mange la merde.
  15. Receives: Tyrone Williams Receives: Konstantin Azhishchenkov I accept, very excited to have d3vilsfire on the team going forward.
  16. I'm just happy I didn't have to give him a blow job. Blow up doll is bad enough.
  17. So I win right cuz I added a NTC? Don't you dare add an NMC Jason.
  18. I agree to the above terms. Those nudes better be shipped in a bubble mailer.
  19. But you still like me right?
  20. Come to Quebec we have Squinty and Kora. Also that vancity connection...
  21. But then he might get a more reasonable salary too. Maybe we should install BoG members as agents for inactives...
  22. Or get rid of the fucking cap floor.
  23. S39: 7 000 000* NTC
  24. Not last, like a boss.
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