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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Playoff Tree: DC and SEA tied at 1 LDN leads Moscow 2 zip
  2. Let me just check the playoff tree...
  3. 1. Vancouver Wolves hold the Calgary Wranglers 1st overall selection in this season draft, so are we cheering for Calgary or are we cheering against them? Against them byt I do think they deserved a better fate. They had a stronger team than Chicago imo. 2. Chicago Phoenix are three points back of the final wildcard and lost five straight games; Which NHL team does this remind you the most of during the final weeks of the regular season and why? (Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh or Washington) Washington. Probably the weakest playoff team but they were just able to squeak in. Now we'll battle them this off-season to improve our team. 3. Are you interested in the VHL Playoff even if we are eliminated? Why or why not? i'm interested in seeing Jameson and Prague do well. As well as seeing Seattle eliminated after loading up. 4. Both GM & AGM have players in this season draft; who gets drafted first and why? PEM gets drafted first I feel like Soju is too far behind in tpe so teams take the safers bets and hope the goalie is there later in the 1st. 5. What would your grandmother look like in Yoga pants or should men wear yoga pants? my eyes just left my head and my brain melted. This question makes me think a Canucks media member made it. 6. Riddle: What can be lifted but not throw? i'm going to go with the Stanley Cup. Cause if you're caught throwing that look out!
  4. On the Philadelphia Reapers recent road trip through eastern Canada, Soju was courted by Helsinki Titans management for a very early draft interview. "It was a pretty casual chat. Sam was just checking in. I think she was more curious how a literal bottle of Soju can play hockey let alone tend a goal crease. I think it went well though and I impressed them with my thoughtful answers despite being an inanimate object with no mouth or pulse." Soju stated after Reapers practice the following day. Helsinki is one of many teams who may be pursuing a goaltender in the first round of the S94 VHL draft. LA, Toronto, London, Helsinki, and Warsaw who currently don't own a first round pick. "Honestly I'm just happy to be playing hockey. I'll be loyal to whichever team selects me and just go with the flow. Hopefully we can be a good mix like beer and soju." Soju said prior to his VHLM season with Philadelphia. Soju is currently battling for playoff positioning with the Reapers. Posting modest numbers across 65 starts with a 28-27-10 record 909sv pct and 2.63 GAA.
  5. As if I needed more motivation.
  6. I call it Soja too after 3 bottles of Soju.
  7. Getting it ready for Seattle's first round exit.
  8. 1. As mentioned, it has been a dull trade deadline but Moscow made a trade to collect a top defender in Kronchy Kardashian for a depth defender Celise Pereira and S94 DCD 1st; what did you make of this trade overall? Think it's a nice trade for Moscow. Hopefully Helsinki gets a good prospect with that pick as their other trade of Jubis for a pair of 2nds was underwhelming. 2. Helsinki Titans was also involved in the only other trade of note so far by shipping off Fuukka Rask to the Da Bears for bunch depth players; two 2nd and two 3rd round picks; usually depth players so what did you think? As mentioned earlier Helsinki should have asked for more or waited until the off season. 3. Vancouver Wolves are currently six points back of Chicago for the final Playoff spot; Do you think we can make up the ground in the final 20 games and make the playoffs? I hope so but if we miss I won't lose any sleep. We're trying to build the strongest team we can and feels like we're getting close. 4. Playoff or No Playoffs, what are your overall thoughts about this season? Underwhelming expected our off-season moves would have paid off in the standings. I'll take it as motivation for next season. 5. Did you watch any of the Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate stream from Beketov or will you watch any of it later? Why or why not? No if zi had more free tine I would have tuned in. But also I have no idea what that game is. 6. With Playoff around the corner; it means the weather is becoming nicer; what are you looking forward to the most? It's a win win. Enjoy the nice weather or the playoffs.
  9. 1. Major trade ended the previous week as Vancouver Wolves shipped Larry Abass Jr @RileyL and Jens Lekman @Bobcat to Calgary Wranglers for Thor Odinson @GoalPlays and S94 CGY 1st; who won the trade and why? Hopefully it turns into a win win. Oddly enough we've trended better since we traded one of our best players. Just STHS things. 2. Vancouver Wolves have struggled to start the season so are you still confident that Vancouver will turn it around and make the playoffs? I hope we can sneak into the wild card round by seasons end. This season was all about turning the page on the rebuild but if it takes another season to contend then so be it. 3. Playoffs, Yeah, I am talking about playoffs!! With the NHL playoff only a few weeks away, is your team going to make the playoffs and what do you think of their chances of winning the cup? Yes but the Canucks love to disappoint so I'd say the chances are slim. 4. Fools day came and went with a few jokes being played, what one did you like and which one might have caught you out? (League embezzlement, Fake trade, GM stepping down etc..) Fake trade was the best. Especially since Josh fell for it lol. Not sure how he missed the VHL Bot wasn't the topic author. No harm done though. 5. What did you think of the Fake trade involving Vancouver Wolves and the Moscow Menace; where Vancouver shipped off newly announced Captain Liv Slater @Subject056 to Moscow for S94 WAR 1st & S94 MOS 1st? Would this be a trade that you would complete? Why or why not? Did this joke caught you out? Why or why not? @Subject056 is retiring a Wolf unless I step down as GM or she asks for a trade. 6. Captains have been announced so what are your overall thoughts about the new Leadership group being announced with Liv Slater @Subject056 as Captain, Left Alone @okochastar & Sunglasses Joyo @JetsGoalie101 as assistants? Three great members. Two nearing the end with their players. Hoping Alone can find sone playoff success if not this season than next season.
  10. @KaleebtheMighty after 9-5 Malmo over Van game re-simmed.
  11. Which Jets games did you wager the money on?
  12. Frank

    MOS/VAN; S93

    Ya by Vancouver.
  13. Frank

    CGY/VAN; S93

    @RileyL and @Bobcat best of luck in Calgary. Obviously we've had a slow start to the season. Hopefully this gives you guys a fresh start on a potential playoff team. And maybe switching up the chemistry will help Vancouver as well. @leandrofg tough negotiations glad we found something that works for both teams.
  14. 1. Left Alone @okochastar is currently in the top 10 of goal scoring in the league do you think he should pass the puck more or shoot the puck more? Why? Shoot the puck more! Pucks on net as much as possible that's the key to winning. Or so I've been told by every hockey commentator ever. 2. Liv Slater @Subject056 is once again top 10 in defensive scoring but where would you rank her amongst the defensemen in the league today? Why? I think she's top 3 along with McFleury and Calaway. I've noticed she's often a slow starter than turns it up after game 15ish. The fact she won all 3 defense awards last season should make her a candidate to be number 1 going forward. Once the team starts improving she'll get more praise as well. 3. What VHL team is surprising you the most so far about quarter of the season? Why? Seattle. I'm not sure how a team with a sub 550 tpa goalie is ahead of us but here we are. As well ass not a single defenseman at or above 700 tpe. 4. At this point of the season Vancouver seems to be struggling and sit seventh in the conference; what is the biggest area that we can improve as team to start turning our season around? Why? Just playing to win. We've had trouble defending as a team even in a more defensive system. In high scoring games we've typically lost by a single goal so we're losing a lot of close high scoring games as well. Hopefully our GM figures his shit out and the team starts improving. 5. Easter Weekend and a few seasons ago the Vancouver Wolves when to the Children Hospital for Halloween; Do you think the Wolves should do something similar in the community and what should we do? Definitely. Professional athletes should always give back to the community. Children's hospital or hospice is always a great choice. 6. What are your Easter plans, anything special or traditional? Relax. Drink. Spend time with family. Watch sports. In no particular order.
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