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  1. Claiming Week Ending 05/19 (1/4)
  2. Vancouver, B.C. May 19th, 2024 After a disappointing Season 93, Vancouver entered the off-season looking to improve the roster and build a contender for Season 94. With four players still on rookie contracts in Ninefingers, Martin, Galvirovs and Oaks. Now was the time to take advantage of the cap savings. Re-signings: First order of business was to get the core locked up. After signing Dalkr Vidarsson @KaleebtheMighty to a long term contract last off-season solidifying him as the goalie of the present and the future. Management set their sights on Ninefingers, Martin and Galvirovs. Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy - After being selected 1st overall in Season 92, Ninefingers has quickly become the face of the franchise and a player Vancouver would like to convert to centre long term. Logan had a tremendous rookie season after a slow start, finishing with 63 points in 72 games and scoring 32 goals. The bruising two-way forward will look to take the next step in his sophomore season. He signed a long term extension this off-season that carries through Season 98. There have been murmurs around the organization that Logan may be next in line for the captaincy with his work on and off the ice and his presence in the locker room. Riley Martin @Smarch - Selected two picks after Ninefingers, Martin has been everything the Wolves could have asked for and has been neck and neck with Ninefingers in earning helping to keep each other motivated. Martin is a high compete player who just wants to win no matter what it takes and is truly the heart beat of the Wolves on the ice. Management knew it was imperative to lock both forwards up long term. While Martin signed a slightly shorter extension than Ninefingers he has shown a commitment to the organization and helping the Wolves take the next step. After a hot start in Season 93, Martin cooled off a bit in the second half. He still posted 55 points and 29 goals which wasn't far off from the numbers Logan put up this past season. Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts - Gavilrovs was the 4th pick for Vancouver in the Season 93 VHL draft at 7th overall. He tore up the VHLE in Season 92 as an offensive two-way dman amassing 78 points in 72 games and throwing nearly 300 hits and blocking over 180 shots. He would go on to win the Jake Thunder trophy in the VHLE as the league's top defensemen. Expectation were high heading in to Season 93 but Vancouver knew it would likely take a few seasons for Gavilrovs play to translate as he was such a physical specimen standing at 6 foot 8 inches and over 250 pounds of human. Guntis had an absolutely punishing first season carrying over his dominant physical play from the VHLE. The offensive stats weren't quite where he would want them to be but he himself stated before the season started that he wanted to focus more on the defensive side and allow the veterans to lead the charge offensively. Gavilrovs is a rare breed of defense and one that Vancouver needed to lock up long term, Guntis would sign an identical contract to the one Logan signed. Trades: Vancouver receives: Mark Calaway D.C. receives: S94 HSK 3rd S95 VAN 1st S95 WAR 2nd S95 LAS 3rd Insight on this trade: As stated before Vancouver would be looking to take the next step in Season 94 and as a manager I've always been a bit impatient and wanting to be more proactive so once Mark Calaway @Beketov became available I knew he was a player we absolutely had to pursue. Beketov the agency has never had player on Quebec or Vancouver which is rather shocking considering how long the franchise has been around and Beketov has been here since the beginning. But then I realize how much I've liked to trade draft picks as GM of Quebec/Vancouver so it's really not that hard to believe. Beketov has already given us a big presence in the locker room and is a player/member we'd like to retain past this season. All that being said Calaway is one of, if not the top defensemen in the league currently and the opportunity to pair him with Slater was too good to pass up. Vancouver has had success with this type of formula before with Bouchard and Payne and have found success. Helsinki receives: Mikko Borisyuk Ocean Codoller S94 RIG 3rd S96 MAL 2nd Malmo receives: Vlad Von Carstein Vancouver receives: Owen Lazaro Insight on this trade: As mentioned previously as a manager I can be impatient this is more of an example of this than the previous trade. Both Vlad Von Carstein @Dom and Mikko Borisyuk @Minebro are excellent young players with bright future's in the league. Unfortunately they're more secondary role players at this point in their careers and with the earning. If we wanted to take advantage of our max earning players on rookie contracts we needed to move out some of depth to acquire more players in their prime and that's where the logic behind this trade comes from. Owen Lazaro @traphag is in their prime despite entering depreciation and has a very strong player build (that includes face offs) not to mention they've been a great addition to the locker room in the short time since the trade. We're really looking forward to them being in Vancouver this season and the coming seasons. Lazaro has a great two-way build and maybe a contender for top two-way forward in the VHL again this season. They had a career season in Helsinki putting up 50 goals and 99 points with over 270 hits! Vancouver receives: The Frenchman D.C. receives: DB IV S96 VAN 2nd S96 VAN 3rd Insight on this trade: Our second trade with D.C.! Got @FrostBeard on speed dial. Much like the previous trade DB IV is a very good young player but is more in a depth role at this stage of his career @wcats has bright future ahead of them and should be peaking just as D.C. exits their rebuild. Vancouver had a glaring hole entering this off-season. No center depth aside from Borisyuk who they needed to upgrade. Lazaro having 75 face offs solved the hole at 2nd line center now they've filled the other hole at 1st line center in acquiring The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath who really needs no introduction. One of the top players in the league in their final season looking to go out on top! Just what the doctor ordered for Vancouver. The last time myself and @OrbitingDeath won a cup together was in Season 56 with than Quebec City Meute. Pietro Maximoff won a cup with Quebec in his final season! Will history repeat itself with The Frenchman? Vancouver receives: Rip Wheeler S95 CGY 2nd Prague receives: S94 TOR 3rd S96 VAN 1st Insight on this trade: Rip Wheeler @ScottyP is someone I've tried to acquire two off-seasons in a row. This time we got it done! The main reason for this trade was so @Thunder and @Scurvy would stop bullying him but unfortunately that plan has back fired. The nice thing though is it has really brought the locker room together in picking on Rip so he'll earn more tpe. Whether that works or not is another story. With that being said Wheeler has a great build despite being depreciated with no fighters and I'm really looking forward to watch where his career goes from here. He'll be a nice fit with our team cap wise for this season and the upcoming ones. This would allow us to move Left Alone @okochastar to defense I considered asking Rip if he would move to defense but it made more sense to have a forward core of Ninefingers, Martin, Lazaro, Wheeler and Oaks heading into Season 95 with only one hole to fill. As opposed to putting too much tpe into defense with the addition of Calaway. Draft: 1st Round 4th Overall Selection - Bollos de Trueno @Thunder With our first pick in the draft we selected Trueno who has rocketed up draft boards since his late entry into the draft. The Thunder agency is coming off a HOF career with Jake Thunder and so far Trueno looks to be a defensemen built in the same mold. This was a very defense heavy draft and I feel like Vancouver got one of if not the best one available at 4th overall. From a team building stand point having a cheap max earning defensemen while Slater and Calaway are in their final seasons will make the cap manageable and I'm fucking stoked to see a pairing of Trueno and Gavilrovs as the future of Vancouver's defense. All that without even mentioning the seamless fit in the locker room. Honestly this is probably the most no brain selection I've ever had to make. 1st Round 5th Overall Selection - Soju @Frank With the last selection being the easiest decision I've ever had to make it would only be justifiable that this next one would be the hardest. I hummed and hawed over who to select for a good ten minutes and I'm surprised I wasn't pressured more to make the selection in a timely manner. The first four picks of the draft going each in less than 30 seconds probably bought me some time. The top contenders at this selection for us we're Felicia Hardy @JCarson, Lazlo Holmes @Gustav , Matteo Stefano @mmrs617 and my own player Soju having already selected Trueno and having Gavilrovs already on the team it didn't make much sense from a team building stand point to go defense with this pick. So the pick came down to Stefano and my own player, this is why the pick took so long to make. Stefano has completely blown the doors off expectations actually out earning most draftees since they created on April 7th. If they can keep up this trajectory they'll be an absolute steal at 14th overall for Davos. The logic for picking a first gen who was 100 tpe behind the next top earning forward at 5th overall would have been to reward @mmrs617 for their efforts and also because I truly believe they'll end up being one of the top players in this draft. I also just want to emphasize how close they were to going 5th overall. In the end I went with my player for only one reason, control. I know what I'm getting with my player and I'm curious how a top earning goalie will do in a tandem with Vidarsson until it's unaffordable under the cap. I fully expect Soju will be traded by the end of his rookie contract. 3rd Round 45th Overall Selection - Ethan Tustain @ethan tustain This was a hail mary as I hadn't spoken to Ethan before the draft but they had logged on recently and claim practice facility. Hoping he can be a diamond in the rough type of prospect for us. We had a quick chat so hopefully that will lead to more earning for his player going forward and maybe we can get them into the locker room on discord as well. Line-up and outlook: Forwards: Wheeler - Frenchman - Ninefingers Oaks - Lazaro - Martin Defense: Slater - Calaway Alone - Gavilrovs Goalie: Vidarsson At forward we're excited to see what @Noodle Enjoyer can do in their rookie season we'll keep our expectations tempered for Oaks. But we hope they can play a big role by the end of the season and into the playoffs as they continue to earn more tpe. I think we have a nice mix of high defense and scoring forwards so I think we match up quite well with the other teams in the league. On defense I think VSN will rank this the best defense in the league. Not only having Calaway and Slater but having two max earners on the other pairing as well. I'm hoping that @okochastar new build with pair nicely with Gavilrovs. Also @Subject056 has been neck and neck with Calaway in individual stats I'm hoping they can keep that on a pairing together and that Simon doesn't decide that the two players neutralize each other. Two defensemen that have put up 30+ goals it will be interesting what kind of stats they put up on the same team. In net we have Dalkr Vidarsson @KaleebtheMighty some speculated as to Vidarsson's future in Vancouver's crease after the team selected Soju but I'm here to quell those rumours as Vidarsson is the guy in Vancouver and we'll need him if we want to go anywhere this season and in future seasons. I'm really looking forward to what stats Vidarsson can put up this season with the defense he has in front of him now. 2155 words
  3. Stop bumping this it gets me excited.
  4. Musta declined your 4th round pick for 3rd overall proposal eh?
  5. Frank

    DCD/VAN; S94

    @OrbitingDeath Welcome to the Vancouver Dragon Wolves! @wcats Thanks for your time with the team, best of luck in DC. Hoping you get big minutes there next season and into the future. @FrostBeard
  6. 1. Who do you think wins the finals? (You will be traded if you answer the Bears) London. Please god be London! Wait it was the Bears? Fuck. 2. Who do you think wins the Daisuke Kanou Trophy? (other than Jesse Teno) I think Kerr had the most dominant post season but a Bears player might have the edge for winning a cup.. 3. Is there any player on either of the two teams that you would love to see lift the Continental Cup? Why? (Wann Kerr) @VattghernCZ he's worked so hard and been such a force in the league throughout his career if Kerr retires with no cup I'm going to be seriously depressed. 4. Does anyone know who won the Founder`s Cup this season and was it a good series? It was not a good series since Soju was eliminated rather easily by Saskatoon. Then they went on to whip everyone elses butt 5. VHLE Finals: I know someone is up 3-1; How is leading and how many games before they lift the cup? Oslo was leading and then they won. Wish Cologne would have gone further as Oaks was starting to come into their own after a tough regular season. 6. Draft Lottery: If Vancouver Wolves win the draft lottery and have a chance to select 1st overall; what would you do if you were the GM? I would select that Bouchard kid. But Wolves select 4th and 5th, and now we pray.
  7. My god we drafted a bunch a comedians!
  8. Calaway was always meant to be a member of the pack.
  9. Frank

    MAL/VAN/HSK; S94

    Best of luck @Dom and @Minebro thank you for the past few seasons! Thanks for the thoughtful negotiations @samx and @KaleebtheMighty hopefully it works out for everyone. @traphag welcome to Vancouver! We have big plans for Lazaro.
  10. Frank

    VAN/DCD; S94

    Glad we found something that worked for both teams. @Beketov let's gooo
  11. Transaction ID 53B190129U509964T Doubles Week 5 Uncapped 1 mil
  12. Give us game 7 now. We need it!
  13. Frank

    Soju Biography

    An artists depiction of Soju playing for the Philadelphia Reapers of the VHLM. Birthplace and Early Life Seoul, South Korea Soju was first distilled (born) in Seoul on March 13, 2006. Often times once a bottle of Soju is distilled it moves into marketing and is sold on the shelves of convenience stores. But this bottle was special. Purchased (adopted) by a Canadian family who decided to retire in South Korea after the recession of 2008. The family purchased the bottle expecting to consume it that very evening, likely accompanied by some kimchi and bulgogi. Fortunately the family already had a few bottles in the fridge and consumed those first, at that point they were quite intoxicated. The husband we'll call him Steve for lack of a more interesting name, had the bright idea of shooting pucks at this bottle of soju. Steve picked up his koho revolution hockey stick and hammered a slapshot which zinged right by Soju's bottle cap (head) and shattered the window of their back door. Now Steve's wife, we'll call her Mary was absolutely livid. She yelled some explicits and went to bed. Steve none deterred by his wife's reaction to the first shot wound up for another. This time he hit Soju square in the label. To his amazement the Soju bottle didn't even flinch the round rubber pancake didn't even leave a mark. Then suddenly Soju started to tilt back and forth and some sparkles and swirly wind circled around the bottle. Next thing Steve knew Soju started breaking out into song. Singing a rendition of Frosty the Snowman. "Soju, the bottle was a jolly happy soul With 12.5% alcohol beverage content and a promise not to drink and drive And eyes that we're non existent and no mouth as well Soju, the bottle is a fairy tale, they say He was made of glass, but Steve knows That he came to life one day There must have been some magic In that old puck Steve found For when he hit him in the label He began to dance around Oh Soju, the bottle was as live as he could be And the Steve says he could laugh and play goalie Just the same as you and me Oh, thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety, thump, thump Look at Soju go, thumpety thump thump Thumpety thump thump, over the hills of Seoul Ah Soju, the bottle knew the people were thirsty that day So he said, "Let's run and we'll have some fun Now, before I get consumed" Down to the village with a goalie stick in his hand Runnin' here and there, all around the square Sayin', "Things only a bottle of soju would say" He led Steve down the streets of town Right to the traffic cop He only paused a moment When he heard him holler, "Stop" Because ol' Soju, the bottle, he had to hurry on his way But he waved goodbye sayin', "Don't you cry I'll be back again some day, I'll be back again some day I'll be back again some day (with a Continental Cup)" The people around the village we're in utter disbelief not understanding how a bottle of soju could hop around town, much less towing around a giant goalie stick twenty times his size. Soju was the talk of the town and Steve and Mary quickly became folk lore. This would be where the career of hockey goalie Soju began. But first Steve and Mary would have to relocate back to Canada to make that dream come true. They chose Montreal as their location of preference and Soju began playing hockey after it took some convincing to prove that a bottle of Soju could even hold a hockey stick let alone tend a goal and learn to play a game with no brain. His coaches and teammates started calling him the 12.5% Ken Dryden, a clear nod to the fact he is a bottle of a soju and his skills in the crease. Soju got to play during the intermission of a Montreal Canadiens game at the Bell Centre, that's when he started to get the attention of pro scouts. "Seriously a bottle of soju this has to be joke." One scout remembers over hearing another. Then the other team rushed the puck up ice and Soju made a miraculous save. You could hear a pin drop in the scouts suite, legend has it their jaws are still on the floor. Relocation to Philadelphia and VHLM Scouting and Draft After proving to the city of Montreal and the internet that he could in fact play goal the Soju family had to relocate again. Because Soju has a speech impediment and the province of Quebec requires all new comers to learn to speak French, Soju was screwed. This time Steve and Mary chose Philadelphia as their preferred destination since they've rarely seen a quality goalie on the ice and the philly cheese steaks are quite yummy. Soju would suit up for Philadelphia HC U16 AAA squad and would back stop them to their second playoff appearance in their seven year existence. However they would be swept by the North Jersey Avalanche. Then Philadelphia Reapers GM @Lemorse7 was in attendance and impressed with the seemingly mythical being stopping pucks left and right and pegged him as a prospect of note for the S93 VHLM Draft. Philadelphia Reapers Career Soju would be drafted 10th overall in the S93 VHLM Draft to the Philadelphia Reapers. Soju progressed steadily throughout the season and posted a modest goals against average and save percentage. Philadelphia struggled for most of the season to ice a full roster and thus it hurt their overall team morale and place in the standings. Soju stood tall in the playoffs while Philadelphia iced only one defensemen. He become a folk hero in Philly for that series despite the Reapers only winning one game and getting ousted in five. Soju posted a stellar .935 save percentage through the five games. Future What does the future hold for Soju? Some will continue to question his future as a goalie in hockey since he's giving off mythical being vibes and who knows how long the magic will last. A lot of scouts also question how a bottle of Soju can hop around the net and stop players who are ripping the puck at 90-100 miles per hour. Despite all the question marks that remain ahead of him, he has already surpassed all expectations. Bending the laws of physics and what we know to be fact and fiction. 846 words (removed the song as most of the lyrics are taken from Frosty the Snowman)
  14. 3-2 series lead for team located where they eat bangers and mash.
  15. 1. Who do you think was the team MVP this season? Why? Since it was a losing campaign I'll go with the person who did well.on tye uce and kept spirits up in the locker room, Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy. 2. Unsung hero is such a hard award to hand out so why don`t you tell me who you think our unsung hero was this season and why? Our unsung hero in my kind was @wcats who hung in there even when their ice time was down and always gave 100% on the ice. They have a bright future ahead of them 3. With seven rookies on the team it made it feel more like a episode of survivor when trying to determine who the ROY should be for the Wolves; Who do you think is this season ROY? Why? I think it gies to Ninefingers but Martin, Carstein and Gavilrovs all have strong cases too. 4. Three Stars award is always interesting so without looking at the awards, who do you think won the 3 Stars award this season and why? (it might surprise you) i'll go with Liv Slater since she's our highest tpe player and likely mist consistent. My second guess would be Left Alone. 5. Clearly Liv Slater is going to win a few awards tonight so which awards do you think she took home? Top defender and best captain 6. Looking ahead to next season, What do you think the team needs to make the playoff next season? More internal growth and some shrewd moves from the GM to improve the team. Last off-seasons effort wasn't enough.
  16. Wann Kerr playoff agitator on the ice and in the forums.
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