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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Calgary Wrangler's right winger Willie Dredge has come down with a very frustrating condition called costochondritis. The condition is usually comes with a heart attack scare, as the pain resides in the chest area in the upper ribs and resembles the initial pain of a heart attack. Fortunately the condition has nothing to do with the heart, but can still bring a lot of frustration as many activities bring on the sharp pain in the chest including almost any exercise, cardio, or weightlifting. This pain can reduce one's activity to only stretches to relieve pain and keep muscles loose. Contrary to popular belief, the condition actually is not a mysterious inflammation in the sternum and chest area, although inflammation is brought on by the condition. The condition is caused by the thoracic spine and ribs in the back being frozen by collagen, disallowing the ribs in the back to be mobile and take pressure off the ribs in the front. This results in the ribs and the attached cartilage being stretched past their intended point, therefore causing pain and inflammation. To fix the condition, one must first break open the frozen collagen in the thoracic spine. One does this by either visiting a chiropractor, a tennis ball, or something else firm and able to put a considerable amount of force into the thoracic spine and the collagen. This is just the beginning though, as the collagen must be stretched in order to prevent it to freeze the vertebrae again. To prevent this, one must be breaking open the collagen daily and mobilizing their thoracic spine. To mobilize the thoracic spine, one can sit in a chair and do a swinging motion with the torso with their hands clasped in front of their chest. One can think of this as elbowing someone behind them. One should also hold that stretch as a separate stretching routine, as well as stretching the side of their ribs by doing a classic side stretch while sitting. Doing these stretches throughout the day, possibly 4-5 times is ideal and recommended. Costochondritis does not go away overnight. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to continue stretching and doing small exercises to mobilize the spine and ribs. Try to return to normal activities a week too early and all progress can be reversed. It is also important to not be scared of the condition, as it sounds scary but it really is not that huge of a deal. It just gets frustrating and requires determination if one would like to get rid of it and prevent it from returning. Fuck Costochondritis. Speed out.
  2. Another solid sig from gorlab, looks sharp
  3. 1. What would be your ideal player stats for the upcoming season ? I am hoping to finally get my breakout season which for me would be 30-30. I do realize I am more of a supporting role on this Calgary team but it would be nice to get some production going. 2. Who do you think should win the "Slobodzian Trophy " (most outstanding player) and why ? I looked at my former teammates stats, Brick Wahl still has it even at the brink of retirement! 3. I don't like this question but if it's not Calgary hoisting the cup in S72, who has the next best chance ? I think Moscow is an outstanding team, and has a good chance. 4. The Wranglers are having a secret off season party. Who is the best candidate to host it ? It's got to be me, Dredge would get every player smoking a fatty and on their ass by the end of the night. 5. No VHL player scored more than 40 goals in S71. Will someone do it in S72 ? Seems like the trend is downwards, but if someone could it would probably be one of those studs from Moscow. 6. Which VHL player has the best chance of hitting 100pts this season ? Jaguar maybe. Moscow has a good roster. 7. Had the NHL not been postponed, who wouldve won the Stanley Cup ? I think Boston would have a good chance with that hot first line.
  4. 1. Ok so things didn't go as planned. You have just been eliminated by Vancouver in game 6. I know the wound is fresh but how do you feel ? Pretty disappointed in myself, I did not contribute at all and maybe it would have made a difference. 2. Can Calgary come back next season an even stronger team ? I don't doubt it, Calgary is a strong team already but had a unfortunate ending. 3. Do you have any plans for the off season ? I am only practicing my game, I did not have the season I wanted. 4. What NA conference team are you cheering for now ? None, not even watching the games. 5. What EU conference team are you rooting for ? My former team Prague if they can make it. 6. Are you happy here in Calgary ? I'm happy in Calgary but not happy with my production.
  5. 1. I know this question was asked last week but the standings are shaping up and odds are we face D.C or Seattle, who do we match up better against ? I like our chances versus the Dragons, we have done well against that team. 2. Only a few games left in the season. Is there any statistical milestones you would like to hit ? It seems like another weak year from Dredge, although he is still getting used to his new environment. I am happy about hitting 20 goals for the first time. 3. Do you plan on growing a dirty playoff beard ? Dredge can't grow much, but he will do his best. 4. The season is almost over. Who has been your teams MVP this season ? Brady Stropko Jr is having a great year in scoring while keeping the puck out of our net. 5. Is there a player in the upcoming draft you would like Calgary to select with Helsinki's 1st round pick ? I haven't had the chance to check the draft class, I've been busy adapting to my new team and working on playing hard. 6. What is something you enjoy eating that most people dislike? Im not quite sure on this one, so I will answer the reverse. I hate meatloaf, but it seems everyone enjoys it.
  6. 17 Calgary Wranglers @ Vancouver Wolves 18 D.C. Dragons @ Seattle Bears 19 Malmo Nighthawks @ Moscow Menace 20 Riga Reign @ Prague Phantoms
  7. Looks like i will have to do a quick jersey swap in between competitions
  8. 391 D.C. Dragons @ Helsinki Titans 392 New York Americans @ Riga Reign 393 Seattle Bears @ Moscow Menace 394 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves
  9. Speed

    VAN/NYA; S71

    Terrible, it is so obvious who came out on top here.......
  10. Dude this is sick... It's like a propaganda poster!
  11. 1. With the NA conference being currently stacked. The New York Americans (25-23-2) are 9 points out of a playoff spot and might be the best team in recent seasons to miss the playoffs. How do you think they feel about their misfortune ? It's obviously not a good feeling, but that's how the league is set up and there's not much players can do but play. 2. With only 3 points separating the top 4 teams in the NA conference, who would you rather play in round 1 and why? Seattle 63 pts , D.C 63 pts or Vancouver 61 pts I like our chances versus any of them, but D.C for me given our recent performances against them. 3. Calgary gives you a performance based bonus of $500K. You have to spend it all. How would you spend the money ? I spend it on the most luxurious and comfortable pillow for the plane, my neck is killing me after that long flight from Prague. 4. Jacques Lafontaine has played 50 games and has 31 wins. He is allowed to play 14 more games. Can he record 9 more wins to hit the elusive "40 win " mark ? It would be awesome to see him get 40 in the win column, our defense will definitely be on their toes. 5. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast has the best foods that you can ask for. 6. Would you consider yourself to be a night owl or a morning person? Hard to say but probably morning, I'm one that likes to knock out a good workout at the earliest moment of my day.
  12. In Season 68 the VHL came out with 2 brand new expansion teams, one of them being the Prague Phantoms. Coming out of the VHLM, young Willie Dredge never knew his VHL debut would be shared with the actual team itself, as he was chosen 19th overall to the new expansion team. Yesterday, Dredge and the Phantoms parted ways. In a trade with Calgary, Prague received a S73 2nd round pick and Ondrej Ohradka in exchange for Willie Dredge. Although the trade seemed abrupt, sources say Dredge has been struggling and contemplating with the decision for awhile. "First off, I love Prague. It is such a special situation where you can share a debut with the team itself, and grow as a player with the team. I shared this situation with 3 of my teammates from Yukon in the 'M. Draven, Perrin, and WSJ were good friends and we went through a lot together given the situation. You know, it's a weird feeling leaving that team. I got a soft spot for them, it's where I started my career and met some great teammates and got coached up by one of the best. The only thing stopping me was, well, me. I didn't feel like my time in Prague was necessarily productive as a player and up to the standards of what I have for myself. My best option was to change the scenery and see if I can find my footing elsewhere." It sure seems like the change in scenery is doing well so far, Dredge scored goals in his first two games as a Wrangler, that includes his Calgary debut. With a good start on his new team Dredge hopes he can keep producing with his teammates in Calgary and get his hands on that Continental Cup that his new teammates are well experienced with.
  13. Beautifully written, gonna miss the guys in purple.
  14. Going to have to get used to clicking on the Calgary game results and not the Prague results

  15. Sad to see someone pass at such a young age, rest in peace.
  16. Speed

    PRG/CGY; S71

    Prague Expansion Team reunion in our last season? ?
  17. Speed

    PRG/CGY; S71

    It was inevitable, as Dredge couldn't find his footing in Prague even though he was surrounded by talented players and a fun locker room environment. Thanks to all my buddies in Prague for a great couple of years and I hope we may find ourselves on the same team in the future. Calgary I'm looking forward to meeting you all and hopefully finding a good fit on the team.
  18. 331 Helsinki Titans @ Malmo Nighthawks 332 D.C. Dragons @ Calgary Wranglers 333 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 334 Riga Reign @ Moscow Menace
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