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Everything posted by Speed

  1. 408 Vancouver Wolves @ Moscow Menace 409 Prague Phantoms @ Malmo Nighthawks 410 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo 411 New York Americans @ Calgary Wranglers
  2. When you realize you wrote a whole article about @omgitshim and didn't know Block was a woman.... cries
  3. is this thing on?

  4. We talked about an Unsung Hero in Prague earlier in a Media Spot, which you can read here: But I want to talk about another, since it's not a rule where you can only have one I described what it is to be an unsung hero in my media spot, but I will give a short description of my interpretation here: He does not complain, does not give excuses, and shows up everyday to put in the hard work that keeps the team rolling and in good morale. With that in mind, here is my second Unsung Hero of Prague. Cinnamon Block. It's in his name, he blocks shots and he does it often, that's what he is known for. But do you know he has 35 points, 33 being assists? He is doing his job on defense but is going above and beyond to get the team started in the O-zone. You don't hear about that often, as usually he can be seen sliding across the ice like a penguin in order to get in the shooting lanes. I once saw him make a pass on his belly right after blocking a shot right to the ribs. I honestly think he was raised by a group of penguins in the antarctic or something. Anyways, he has a black and blue body from putting his body on the ice for the team, and he still has the muscle mobility to make a pass. Truly admirable, yet unsung. Cheers to you @omgitshim
  5. Unsung Hero: Prague What is an unsung hero? An unsung hero is someone who shows up, does his job, doesn't give any excuses, and leaves. An unsung hero doesn't warrant praise, nor does he need it. An unsung hero only does what he does because it ought to be done, and without that, the gears of the team do not turn. An unsung hero takes criticism in stride, he listens, and if it is good criticism, he takes it. If not, respect is shown and moves on. He takes a loss the same way he takes a win, he treats it as another day in the office, or in this case, the ice. The unsung hero can run on empty for days knowing he is doing his best to give his team a good shot in the game. That's all you can really ask for from a player. A rather stoic bunch of characteristics that boost a hockey team, and nobody notices. But I do. The Unsung Hero of Prague this season is Solomon Crawford. You may be confused, maybe even hysterical. This goalie has played 22 games and posted a 4-14-1 record with a 4.31 GAA, thats no unsung hero! Owen May has way better stats! But I have seen the other half, the work being put in despite the harsh criticism from the league, the naysayers, and the rest. The criticism being soaked in and used to improve. The zero excuses given on account of a bad year for Prague all around. It is easy to turn around to the puck stopper and blame it on him with how the season is going so far. But Prague is not ready, already missing the playoffs for this season, and there is nothing to do but improve at this point. Crawford is someone who in the locker room, tends to keep to himself and do his rituals. I never catch him chatting, unless he is spoken to, and even then it is a short conversation. He knows it's a bad year, but still has not given a single excuse, if anything, takes the undeserved full blame for the season. For Owen May hasn't been all here this year, and has hit a sort of plateau that he will for sure overcome, but leaving some time for Crawford to step up. To me, it doesn't matter if he's 4-14-1 or 19-0. It is the way he executes his game on a nightly basis, as I said before, without complaints. As easy as it is to blame a goalie for a goal, it is easy to blame a defender for missing his assignment, but not a word has been out of the mouth of Solomon and never will. He does his job, to the best of his ability, and leaves always ready to start the next game, doesn't matter if his team has no chance, he still gives his outright best every night, for the pride of the team. A truly admirable man if I do say so myself. Thanks for reading, and you da man @AndrewWarren13
  6. 1. Love being around the family, and getting to see distant family come around for the holidays. 2. We do a white elephant exchange during one of our parties. 3. Help out where I can, offer to those who are in need. 4. My family tradition is a bit crazy, we have a big family so we do multiple parties. There is a lot of traveling in a short 2-3 day span. 5. I'm a breakfast guy, and when my close family is in town we usually make some Eggs Benedict, oh my lord I'm hungry now. 6. I don't watch much movies now, but Elf has got to be a all time classic.
  7. Holiday Press Conference: 1. What is something about the December holidays that you love? 2. What is an activity that you do during the holidays? 3. How will you make someone else's holidays a little bit better? 4. Is there a tradition that you and your family follow this time of year? 5. What is your preferred meal during the holidays? 6. What is your favorite holiday themed movie? Happy Holidays to my teammates in Prague! Have a great time with family and friends!
  8. I claim my gift of 1 TPE hohohohoohhohoho
  9. Name: Willie Dredge Position: RW Shoots: Right Height: 6'0 Weight: 185 lb Current Team: Prague Phantoms Early Life: Dredge grew up in a town near Boston, a very small town by the name of Spencer, MA. Willie had to do some traveling in order to play hockey as a young child, but he loved every second of it. To him, it was all worth it. He had loving parents that supported his hobby of playing hockey, but they were quite low on funds and young Willie would have to play with the same old equipment he was given as a kid, until of course he grew out of them. Hockey was more than a game for Willie, and he promised himself he would do anything to continue to play as he got older. When supper was being prepared, Willie was out shooting against the fence, trying to pick that one spot that has been slowly chipping away from the fence. At school, Willie and his friends would talk about hockey and the most recent games that were played, then proceed to play as if they were the big hockey players hitting each other into walls and scoring past the goalie, that were only two sticks shoved into the ground about the size of a hockey net. After a day of learning, Willie and some of his friends were somehow even more energetic than as the day started, but how? Well it was time to travel to the next town to go to practice. It was what Willie anticipated every day. He would go to practice with his friend's parents, who offered to take Willie and a couple other kids from the town of Spencer to play. He would see his friends with brand new equipment, sometimes very expensive equipment too, as some of the other families were much better off then the Dredge's. They would have new equipment every hockey season, yet Willie would always have his same equipment, slowly gaining wear n' tear over the years. He thought nothing of this during this time in his life. He just wanted to be with friends and have fun playing sports. High School/College: When Dredge was in High school, he understood more about his family situation. He had to get financial help from some of his high school coaches in order to purchase himself some new equipment. The Dredge's weren't proud of it, but they were barely scraping by with only buying him a new stick for his birthday. They wanted him to succeed, but they knew they had to afford the food to fuel his energy. He had been focusing a lot on hockey and also took up a job helping out around the arena after practice. He knew he had to help out his family. He would save 5 dollars every paycheck for himself, while giving the rest to his family who by this time had another child. His sister, named Kristine, was a beautiful little girl whom Willie loved dearly, and pledged to support. His 5 dollar savings would go toward his own vision of buying his own gloves that he would someday own, which he felt would last him his lifetime. During this time in high school, Willie would grow to the height of 6'0", and almost tower over some of his friends. Although he quickly halted growth while others passed him up, he remained a smaller kid. With his financial situation at the time, Willie had enough to maintain his weight but would never go up. With so much going on, Willie was struggling academically. He did enough to pass and a bit more, but not to excel. This would prove to be enough with the help of his success in hockey, to get him a scholarship for Boston College. They expected a lot from him given his academics, but he was able to prove himself. And he did. Willie played very well as a college athlete, but remained stoic. He knew what he wanted, and that was to be drafted in the VHL someday. He avoided unnecessary pleasures, as he remained unchanged of his financials. He worked for what he had, and he didn't waste. With free time, it was hockey and school. Nothing more, but he didn't need more. He was happy. Draft Day: Draft day was the biggest moment in Willie's life. Once he knew he would be attending the draft, he started saving some money to buy his parent's passage to the draft. He was beyond ecstatic to be even recognized, but that was Willie. His father watched every college game that Willie played on his TV. He was very proud of Willie and his accomplishments, and he knew Willie could make it. All along his parents supported his dream and it gave Willie that extra push to keep going. Willie would use his savings in combination of his father's to bring his family, Dad, Mom, Sister to the draft. He would be drafted into the VHLM, the next step into the VHL. A new adventure, a opportunity to be compensated for playing the game he loved. That night at the draft, when the Yukon Rush GM called Willie Dredge's name, he stood up, hugged his mother, kissed her on the cheek. Shook his father's hand, who then pulled Willie into an embrace. "I knew you had it in you, I'm proud of you." his father spoke into Willie's ear during the embrace. He let Willie go, and up to the podium Willie went to receive receive his new jersey that he would be playing in for the next few years, to prove himself to the VHL. Dredge Now: Willie Dredge now plays for the Prague Phantoms after being drafted 19th overall in the S68 draft. He has played a few seasons in the VHL and has not quite hit his stride yet playing with the big league. He still likes to help his family financially, and help fund the childhood of his sister Kristine. He reminds those around him that family comes first always, and that family is just another reason to keep pushing in life. He is able to own a condo in Prague, where he lives with his dog Kobe. He is grateful to finally have some financial freedom, but he remains humble and knows money isn't the purpose. Willie calls hockey his one love, to combat those who criticize him not finding a significant other yet. Willie loves his life, works hard on the ice, and is continuing to find his flow in the VHL, and gel with his teammates. He wouldn't want to live any other life. Oh, and he smokes fat doinks.
  10. Everyone have a great Holiday season, be with family, eat until you're stuffed, and most importantly CLAIM YOUR VHL GIFTS! ?
  11. 319 HC Davos Dynamo @ New York Americans 320 Vancouver Wolves @ Malmo Nighthawks 321 Toronto Legion @ Seattle Bears 322 Prague Phantoms @ Helsinki Titans
  12. Gold World Silver Canada Bronze Europe MVP Jerry Wang
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