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probably not noah

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Everything posted by probably not noah

  1. I was hoping the 'Jaromir Jagr' would allow your player to have a filthy mullet in the sim
  2. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here Game 5: Riga @ New York - New York Game 6: New York @ Riga - Riga Game 7: Riga @ New York - New York Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: Riga @ New York - 4-2 New York Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE Brennan McQueen Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Phil Villeneuve Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Robin Gow
  3. Fun fact: Statistically speaking, every Seattle Bears pick ever has been Greg Harbinson.
  4. Also, there seems to be this image of the 'old boys club' that is used any time somebody in authority doesn't like an idea. It's a loosely defined concept used to talk about any member who has been here for a long time, even though we have all shown differing opinions on this. Know who is someone often considered in the old boys club? Frank, but he started this thread. Speaking as one of the older members in the league, we're not averse the change. I personally just don't like change for the sake of change. When something needs to be fixed (like the VHLM cap issue, or TPE inflation) we have put it forth to discussion and enacted change. It seems that far too often people try to stick all old members into the same boat. I have had very heated discussions for and against changes on either side, I've gotten into it with Kendrick, Sterling, or Devise pretty intensely in the past. Just because they're some of the old guard and I've been here awhile too doesn't mean I'm going to automatically agree with everything that they say. So can we please stop it with this idea that all members who have been here for 3 generations are conspiring and running the league? It's a narrative that people bend around members to detract from logical arguments. I'm fucking sick of being said I'm just part of the stubborn old boys club every time I voice my opinion regardless of what that opinion is. It detracts from the arguments, antagonizes members, and causes rifts in the community.
  5. Oh I know, that wasn't by any means a definitive "things can never change" statement, it was a legitimate question because I remember being strongly opposed to expansion for this exact reason
  6. Didn't we put this to the league before expansion and the consensus was we'd rather have breadth than depth?
  7. Can one of the poll options be 'Devise sucks' cuz that's all I'm getting out of this thread
  8. The single most embarrassing thread I've seen all year is your player page. Bam.
  9. Doesn't Simon T require 8 teams or something? Expansion was never a good idea in the first place
  10. No, my discussions on reasonable doubt were regarding the second conversation going on in this thread about Bill Cosby.
  11. No, but you can put someone away for proving them guilty 'beyond reasonable doubt.' In fact that's exactly what you need to do in a court of law to put someone away. And unless I'm misinterpreting the phrase, I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean 'without a shadow of doubt.'
  12. Well the Supreme Court of Canada for one..
  13. Agreed on both counts. Our legal system doesn't function on without a shadow of doubt. If it did, nobody would be convicted. It functions on 'beyond reasonable doubt,' which there damn well is going to be enough for Cosby. Also, yes. However I don't think that that's a symptom of rap any more than it is any other genre. For as long as popular music has existed, sexist, racist, and otherwise offensive messages have seeped their way into it. Rap is born of a popular music tradition that has looong taken a great deal of pride and pleasure in promoting misogyny. I'm a massive fan of blues rock, but I will be the first to tell you how fucking awful some of the lyrics from some of the greatest bands to come out of the late 60s blues revival are. Country music? Forget about it. Metal? Duh. Pop? Oh my god pop is a misogyny machine. None of this is to say it's okay, it's to say that often things are taken out of context, and more often Rap gets a bad rep for doing the exact same things that have been done for over a hundred years. Don't believe me? Listen to any Delta Blues or original 'Hillbilly' music. Ho-lee shit.
  14. The word "circlejerk" gets thrown a lot in a really weird context. I think it needs a word filter.
  15. Victor is a liar. Comeback settings are real. Jardy rigs.
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