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probably not noah

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Everything posted by probably not noah

  1. I'd like to announce that I've signed a 2 week contract to be the Legion's stick boy. I am now a part of the organization officially.
  2. Interesting idea, but we're already fighting TPE inflation hard. This is just going to exacerbate the issue.
  3. Can I volunteer my services to a team and get paid for it?
  4. Exactly, just use one super cup to do what Device is suggesting
  5. If we wanted to do something like this we could do one season of it for a festivity event. Do a massive VHL fantasy draft and sim the entire season in one day and the playoffs in another 2 or 3. Otherwise this idea is just... just awful.
  6. Damn son this mod is competent. I'd best watch my back.
  7. My weekends are usually pretty busy but I might be able to do friday. I should bring Dirk Firkley along.
  8. Shock finds his stride Bratislava Watchmen prospect Gifford Shock has found his VHLM legs. The 20-year-old center is scoring at a point-per-game pace as the season pushes on past the its first quarter. Last night the winger added an exclamation point to his play with a four assist night. That was good enough to raise his assist total to fifteen. He has also racked up 8 goals in his twenty-one games so far. While these numbers are far from league leading, they’re starting to get in line with expectations. Shock’s entrance into the VHL caused a stir among the community. He had been spoken of around the VHL for seemingly his entire life, yet had shown no prior inclination toward the VHL. When he declared his eligibility, the league was taken aback. Some believed that he would not live up to the hype, and others have even accused him of being a different person than the Shock of VHL myth. The hype behind his name helped him climb the rankings in the S40 VHLM dispersal draft. He was taken __th overall by the Watchmen, above a handful of players who had already logged more practice hours than him. Joining a stacked Watchmen roster, he slotted into the second center spot behind Sachimo Zoidberg. While most of the team started with a bang and was on fire out of the gate, it took Shock some time to hit his stride. In his first few games he looked lost on the VHLM ice. His speed and skill were present, but he couldn’t gel with his linemates and seemed frustrated on and off the ice. In a post-game interview at the season’s beginning, Shock expressed his discontent with both his own performance and the expectations placed on him openly. “Yeah, of course I’m not happy. I’m playing my game but things aren’t happening. You [expletive deleted] expect me to be Jesus on skates. Maybe you’re gonna have to temper your [expletive deleted] expectations.” However, in the time since Shock has looked much more natural. He still isn’t scoring at the pace that was seen in the minors, but his playmaking game has stepped up. Playing alongside fellow S41 Draftee Mario de Rossi, Shock has seen his numbers shoot up. Despite playing second-line minutes he’s establishing himself as one of the best centers in the league. Perhaps most impressive is Shock’s shooting percentage. Through the first twenty-one games, he has maintained a shooting percentage of 19.05%, good for sixth in the league. Scouts have seen continued improvements in Shock’s game as well as just stats. Even with his improvements, he’s still behind some of his contemporaries in terms of development. Based purely on practice hours and stats, it’s looking like Shock is projecting to be a late first round pick in this year’s draft. With continued dedication to practice, Shock could see his stock raise as a project player. Some are even rating him as a possible top-3 pick if he continues on his current trajectory and teams take into account his high ceiling.
  9. We have Endurance and Durability, we just automatically max them out don't we?
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