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probably not noah

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Everything posted by probably not noah

  1. 1. pxzero- Dirk Firkley 2. alfie fornever - E'Twaun Delicious
  2. This is where Jardy says I'm a shapeshifter and look different every time.
  3. Welcome to the first of many phenomenal podcasts featuring myself and the wonderful Muffins. http://www23.zippyshare.com/v/57758874/file.html
  4. Use Kora's bears logo. That thing is a beauty.
  5. Rookie Profile: Gifford Shock Position: C Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 lbs. Nationality: Canadian General Overview: Gifford Shock may have the name to turn scouts’ heads, but his skills remain raw. He has displayed flashes of brilliance from time to time, but seems to be struggling early at a VHLM level. However this could be due to a lack of professional level coaching. Right now, Shock’s game looks pulled straight off of a frozen pond. He shows explosive speed and uncanny abilities with the puck, but his positional play is weak and he seems reluctant to use teammates at times. Puck Skills: Shock’s greatest strengths lie in his hands. He handles from the wrist at a professional level, retaining poise as he carries. He has shown creativity and an affinity to challenging defenders one-on-one. More often than not, Shock comes out better than the defender in these situations. Dynamic puck skills are the cornerstone of Shock’s game. The only concern with puck skills is a tendency to hang on to the puck too long. Shock will dance around opponents and tire himself out. The result is often a bad-angle shot or a giveaway on a forced pass. Shooting: Shock has a quick, accurate release on his wrist shot and snap shot. He often aims short-side while in the high slot. While successful and difficult to save, this is an easy read. He shoots well from his front foot, which allows for release at unexpected times. If he could be coached to use this more instead of setting up in the high slot, his shooting would become much more dangerous. His slap shot is seldom-seen and nothing to write home about. He retains decent shooting accuracy on slap shots, but the power isn’t very strong. Skating: Shock doesn’t have the explosive speed of some of his peers. It takes him more strides to get up to speed, and he often relies on lengthy rushes to get himself up to speed breaking into the zone. While this hasn’t caught up to him yet, it could create problems at a higher level. When Shock starts to face smarter, better conditioned defenders, he will have to step up his acceleration. On the positive side, once Shock is up to speed he is one of the fastest players on ice. Carrying the puck doesn’t seem to faze him at all and he is able to retain speed while puck handling. When he has gained his stride, his zone entries can be lethal. Shock’s skating game is perfect for a fast-breakout team but may bring about struggles in a long possession game. On-Ice Awareness: The lack of awareness is the biggest knock on Shock’s game. He plays like an uncoached player, and has trouble fitting into systems. His style is erratic and unpredictable, which throws confuses opposing defensemen, but also confuses his teammates. The only area where he is predictable is in the high slot. In the neutral zone he will weave and leave himself vulnerable to open-ice hits. In the corners, he will try to outwork opponents when he has open outlets to cycle to. Shock sometimes looks lost in the defensive zone. He gets too involved in the game and doesn't end up marking his man, which can leave open attackers in the slot. He has a preference to carry the puck out of the defensive zone. When Shock is leading the breakout, it goes well but it can be difficult to engage cooperation on a team breakout. Physicality: At 6’2” and 200 lbs. Shock is a sturdy build. When carrying the puck he uses his size to shake off opposing defenders. In the corner he can win battles with a lower-body strength. His hitting game, like much else, is unrefined. He throws body checks at questionable times and will get caught chasing after an opponent for a hit. Future Outlook: Shock’s future depends completely on his coaching and organizational development. In terms of pure talent, he has the potential to be a generational player. He could be a creative, unstoppable offensive force with the right training. However, if a coach is unable to reel him in, he could end up falling into the highly talented burnout mould of many professional hockey players before him.
  6. If Seattle moves, I'm going to light the biggest fire the VHL has ever seen.
  7. I've actually never been in the HoF Though you know... ...Builders are lookin' like they could use some Noah lovin'
  8. I prefer it without players. It's clean and different. All of my favourite banners have been the few times we've gone without players
  9. Hey I dress up and get hammered at parties. I also get dressed up and get hammered at cons. And at weekends. And at mondays. Really I just dress up and get hammered.
  11. 1. Audioslave: Like A Stone 2. Rage Against the Machine: Bombtrack 3. Blink 182: Adam's Song 5. Foo Fighters: My Hero 6. Nirvana: Aneurysm 8. The Trews: So She's Leaving 9. Sam Roberts: Mind Flood 10. The Sheepdogs: I Don't Know 11. The Black Keys: Things Ain't Like They Used To Be 12. Weezer: Buddy Holly 13. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Sir Psycho Sexy 17. ACDC: Rock And Roll Ain't Noise Pollution 18. Aerosmith: Dream On 19. Pink Floyd: Brain Damage/Eclipse 20. Led Zeppelin: No Quarter 23. Pearl Jam: Fortunate Son (Cover) 24. Alexisonfire: Rough Hands 25. Arcade Fire: My Body Is A Cage 26. The Arkells: Whistleblower 27. AWOLNATION: SAIL! 28. BTO: Let It Ride 29. CCR: Heard It Through The Grapevine (Cover) 31. Barenaked Ladies: One Week 32. Rise Against: Ready To Fall 34. Beatie Boys: Sabotage 35. The Beatles: A Day In The Life 36. Billy Talent: Try Honesty 38. Bruce Springsteen: Jungleland 43. The Clash: Straight To Hell 44. The Who: Love Reign O'er Me 46. Eminem: Stan 48. Matthew Good Band: Zero Orchestra 54. Fleetwood Mac: Rhiannon 55. Genesis/Phil Collins: Fuck Phil Collins. Listen to Peter Gabriel Genesis. The Musical Box 56. Gorillaz: Dirty Harry 57. Green Day: Brain Stew 58. Guns N Roses: Civil War 61. Jay-Z: 99 Problems 62. Kanye West: Bound 2. Fo' real.
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