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Ricer13 last won the day on May 22 2024

Ricer13 had the most liked content!

About Ricer13

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    Spider Panda
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  1. I can relate to this and how I felt when I was punished for the same thing. You realized a tad sooner than I did but mistakes happen. Congrats on a good career Lemorse. You’re a legendary member of this league and I hope one day we see you back managing again.
  2. Welcome back!!!
  3. Welcome milkman! Everyone better keep their wives away from this guy.
  4. Welcome Jawa!
  5. Wooooo recreate hype! Welcome back
  6. It’s Hump Day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gaikoku-hito
    3. Banackock
    4. Gaikoku-hito



      LOL!! Sorry I had too!! Mean While I am actually listening to Kris Kross - Jump!! LOL!!

  7. Also follow our Twitter page folks!
  8. I guess I was fired
  9. A portal would be sick! Hopefully somethings in the works behind the scenes over there
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