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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Welcome back to the league! We have a nice top 6 spot available for you in Miami. We have a plan to make the playoffs again this season but need to fill in a few holes with players like yourself! If you want lots of ice time and a chance to play in the playoffs quote and accept this offer! Good luck my dude! Ricer13 Miami GM
  2. Hey @Berocka, I hope I can entice you into joining us in Miami. You’d get the starting role and we have a plan to get us into the playoffs. Having you in our LR would be extremely valuable as your history in this league speaks for itself. Good luck wherever you end up! Hopefully that is Miami! Ricer13 Miami GM
  3. Wow I am humbled! Thank you to those that voted for me and the players who made this possible! Go Miami! Congrats to all the winners! Another amazing season.
  4. Season 73 Prime Ministers Cup Jack Reilly Trophy: Ricer13 Season 74 Founders Cup: https://vhlportal.com/hof/cupwinners/vhlm Frederik Elmebeck Trophy: Ricer13 Jack Reilly Trophy: Ricer13 Skyler Rift Trophy: Cabe McJake @RedSus
  5. Another season has come and gone for the Miami Marauders and was it ever a season to remember for Miami. The team made the jump from finishing as the 8th seed the prior season to finishing the regular season as the number 1 team team in the league and then making it to the Founder's Cup Finals where they were edged out by the Minnesota Storm. Even though the season ended in heart break for Miami it was still one to remember and now has set the bar high for the franchise moving forward. Now after having a chance to look back we will be handing out the season ending awards for the Miami Marauders. I want to congratulate all of the winners ahead of time as they are all very well deserved. Our first award goes to..... The Lebastard Memorial Trophy This trophy is handed out to the Marauder who exemplifies what it means to be a leader on their team. They show that they are willing to put in the effort to not only be great on the ice but also off the ice. This player has shown throughout the season that through the highs and lows they believed we could push through anything. They worked hard to earn max TPE weekly and were a constant presence in the Miami locker room always engaging with team mates and management. Congratulate to the Lebastard Memorial Trophy winner... @Bacon!!! Dakota Lamb Award Next up is the award to the Marauders leading goal scorer for this season. For the second straight season the leading goal scorer for the Miami Marauders is Dakota Lamb @dlamb! He led the Marauders with 44 goals this season which is 7 more goals than his rookie season. He led the way on the scoresheet for forwards and worked hard to earn this award. Congratulations to Dakota Lamb! Kosmo Kramerev Award While this team had quite a few top notch defensemen there was one that stood above the rest this season. The Kosmo Kramerev is awarded to the top defensemen for the Miami Marauders during the regular season. This award is given to the defensemen who shows elite skill at both ends of the ice. This season I am happy to announce that the recipient of the Kosmo Kramerev award is Matty Socks @fishy!!!!! Matty led the entire roster with 104 points this season which was 12 more than our next player Dakota Lamb at 92 points. Not only did Socks put up the points on a nightly basis his +/- was a + 54!!!!! Those are some insane statistics for what is soon to be an elite defensemen in the VHL! Congrats Matty Socks! The Byrne This trophy is given to a waiver player who has shown to be a valuable member on the Miami roster. They have shown that they will come in and put the work in earning each and every week to help the team on the ice but also shows activity in the team locker room. This season Miami did not sign any waiver players as their roster was quite full so there will be no recipient this season. Most Valuable Marauder This is my favorite award given out each season. This award is given to the Marauder that is voted on by their peers to be the most valuable member of the Miami Marauders that season. This years winner clearly left a lasting impression with their performance on ice this season and was always involved in the locker room throughout the season. Congratulations once again to Matty Socks @fishy!!! This vote was close as their were many great individuals in Miami this season that I would consider MVM worthy and Matty was right at the top of the list. The BigAL Trophy This is another favourite award of mine as it is awarded to the member of Miami that is chosen on by VHLM GM's who shows that they will be a valuable member to the VHL community throughout their careers. These are members that contribute to the league, locker rooms and are top earners. They are members that even GM's around the league recognize their activity and believe that they have bright futures ahead of them in this league. After collecting all of the GM's votes this award turned out to be a FOUR way tie!!! I could not believe it when I tallied the votes at the end but it goes to show how many amazing members Miami had on their roster this season and it goes to show the next generation of VHL talent is among the brightest and most involved we have seen in many seasons. So the winners of the BigAL Trophy for season 74 are Patrik Laine @PatrikLaine, Dakota Lamb @dlamb, Kevin King @IamMOOSE and Victor Grachev @KaleebtheMighty! Congratulations to all of you, the future of the VHL is bright with each of you being a part of it. Best Graphic Each season I like to highlight the work that members have done throughout that season. There were a lot of graphics made this season so it was hard to choose just one but this one is a favorite of mine and I might be a little biased but the graphic is still quality work and deserved to be highlighted as the best graphic by a Miami Member this season. Congratulations to Kirishima Wakaro @Snussu for this Kris Rice Graphic. Best Media Spot For me this award was easy. There were lots of members who contributed Media Spots throughout the season and did a fantastic job writing them but this member stood above the rest. He was always writing articles updating us on his player throughout the season. He also writes for the VSN and does a very good job despite some controversial work. I could have highlighted any of his articles to put here but I will just post one for the viewers to read. Anyways, Congratulations to @PatrikLainefor writing the best Media Spot this season. Your work deserves some recognition and it was a pleasure to read all the material you put out for us to read this season. Best Podcast Not very many members make podcasts in the VHL but when they do they are great. This podcast is no different and it deserves to be given the spotlight as they do a fantastic job. Congratulations to Matty Socks for her work on the Spartan and Fishy show. They have put together a fun podcast about the VHL that definitely deserves a listen. Not very many members make podcasts in the VHL but when they do they are great. This podcast is no different and it deserves to be given the spotlight as they do a fantastic job. @fishy Congratulations to all of our Season 74 award winners. It was another great season in Miami and I am excited to see what the future holds for all of you! Also a special shout to Dakota Lamb for creating the graphics for this post!
  6. Press Conference ending September 20th 2020 1. We are well into the off season now which means drafts! Our boy Luke Thornton fell from ranked 1st overall to 11th overall in the draft. Is this the steal of the draft for Calgary? 2. How do you all feel about the VHL teams that drafted you? Would there be any other team that you would have liked to be drafted by? 3. Miami is looking to become a playoff team yet again. Do you think GM Rice has what it takes to sneak them in? 4. The AGM announcement is coming soon for Miami, Who is your guess on who takes the spot? Fun Questions 5. Do you like football? If so, who is your favourite NFL team? If not, then what other sport team do you like the most? 6. Dallas has a 3-1 lead over Vegas right now in the NHL does Dallas win the series? and who out of the east will they play in the finals?
  7. Welcome back, if you have any questions feel free to reach out!
  8. Transaction ID: 2NH354638M3673104 5 free TPE doubles week 1m player cash
  9. Thank you to all those of who have applied. I have made a decision on my new AGM but will not be making the formal announcement until after the VHLM draft. If I haven’t reached out to give you the position that means you’re out of the running.
  10. Miami Marauders AGM Post Miami is currently on the hunt for a new AGM. It’s a pretty sweet gig over there in Miami. What I expect from my AGM is activity! Active in the LR to help maintain a fun place for members to start their career in. Other than that press conferences will need to be done every Sunday and help recruiting waiver players. Having access to a computer to input lines if I’m not around would be ideal but not a deal breaker by any means! I’ll reach out via DM to interview potential candidates. Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
  11. Welcome to the VHL @Stevo71! The playoffs are nearing the end and the draft will be within a week. In the mean time you will want to earn TPE to build up your player for the draft. If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to reach out. If you would like to get a feel for the league and meet some new members I invite you to join the VHL Discord and you are more than welcome to come join our Miami Marauders discord. If that's something you would like to do then let me know and ill shoot you a link to our discord. Good luck in the draft! Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
  12. These are very kind words Lamb, Thank You! It has been a pleasure having you in Miami for your VHLM career. I’m excited to see how all your careers turn out in the VHL.
  13. The History Calgary Wrangler centre Kris Rice has been a member for his entire VHL career. He started his career playing for the Mississauga Hounds for two seasons and played in a Founders Cup final before moving up to the VHL. When drafted by the Wranglers Kris Rice remembered being disappointed that he had been selected by the Wranglers organization. At the time there was so much negativity across the league about Calgary that anyone who would be selected by them would dread the day they wore that red and white jersey. Rice was no different as he came up through the Mississauga VHLM organization he heard of all the similar rumors that surrounded the Calgary franchise. It had been run at the time by an aging GM who just didn't seem to have the same drive as he once had. The team was in shambles with a GM who showed up once every so often and the players and AGM were left to fend for themselves. Rice stepped into this organization and got to see first hand the chaos that surrounded this organization. First their was the back and forth between the players and the Seattle Bears which is usually a good rivalry but with the aura that surrounded Calgary it only made the players look even worse. Then there was the drama revolving former GM Bushito and AGM Dil that created a rift in the team that was heard across the league. This ended with an AGM who was essentially running the team to get fired. Things only got darker in Calgary as the GM started to become a no show. He would show up in the off season to get his business done and then leave for the season without any indication to the players on the path we were supposed to take. When it all Changed Things in Calgary were grim for a long time and the league wide speculation that Calgary was a terrible place to play wasn't unjustified. Players were ready to sign their rookie contracts and as soon as they ended they were ready to move on. Where things started to change is when Bushito decided to hire @Jubis as the Wranglers AGM which was one of the best moves that Bush ever made. While Bush was off living his normal life Jubis was essentially running this team in Calgary. He began to change the culture in Calgary with his activity, his positivity and his general purpose to make Calgary a better place for players to be. As time went on Bush was eventually let go as the GM of the Calgary Wranglers due to his inactivity in the team and the league. Jubis was moved into the Interim GM position for the remainder of the season and was eventually hired as the full-time GM at the end of the season. Now that Bushito was removed from Calgary and Jubis had taken over that is when the culture of the team began to change the most. He was involved with his players and reassured everyone on a regular basis that he was going to do everything he could to keep this team competitive and that they were. They went to two cup finals which unfortunately they lost but haven't missed the playoffs since he took over. Jubis wasn't the only person to help change the culture of this Calgary team other members and players such as Sigard Gunnar @Big Mac, Mikko Lahtinen @Beketov, Jacques Lafontaine @SlapshotDragon and many other members were pivotal in creating the change in the culture that is now Calgary. The Lasting Impression Things are really changing in Calgary. New players are coming in dreading the fact they were drafted by Calgary only to have their thoughts on the team changed as they enter the dressing room and become a part of the new Wrangler family. Former member Mikko Lahtinen had this to say about his time with Calgary, "I won’t pretend that I was happy when the lotto came up with Calgary having the two first picks in S70. At the time Bush had, honestly, ran the team into the ground in my opinion. Drama was high, morale was low, the league looked at us as laughing stock. I figured I would stick out my rookie contract and then bolt. Then I starting talking to the guys. Jubis and Rice and Gunnar and everyone. I saw passion. I saw guys who wanted to be here and deserved better. I truly believe this team got that when Jubis became GM, we picked him for a reason and I believe he can take this team far. I re-signed because I believed that." How incredible is that for someone who plays an important role in this league to have his view changed on a franchise that was once the laughing stock of the league? Next is a statement from a relatively newer member of the team General Zod @Matt_O "When I was first drafted to the wranglers I was not happy, I would of rather been drafted by anyone else, even Seattle, a team I hated. When I was drafted I fully planned on leaving ASAP. Things have really changed since then and this team is actually really good, hopefully other people will begin to understand this as well and Calgary will be a more preferable destination for some players. Perhaps this can be the start of the pro-Calgary movement." Incredible right? Many more players who have been through the Calgary organization recently feel the same way and that is an encouraging thing to see. Kris Rice This leads me to where this article started with Kris Rice. He was there through it all and got to experience all of the turmoil and be apart of the change . He played a pivotal role in helping change the way players view this franchise. He ended up resigning with Calgary because he believed that things would turn around and could see that Calgary really wasn't the place everyone else made it out to be. He has been through all the highs playing in multiple finals and experienced all the lows with the turmoil the team went through in his early years but Kris Rice is ready to move on. Kris Rice put a trade request in after Calgary suffered another playoff exit to the hands of the Seattle Bears. He does so with a heavy heart as Calgary has been his home for the past 5 seasons. Don't let the trade request fool you as it has nothing to do with Calgary as a franchise. Rice calls Calgary home now and will forever do so but Kris Rice is hungry for a championship before his career comes to an end and GM Jubis completely understands that. Kris Rice is leaving knowing that he left a positive impact on this team and will continue to do so from the sidelines. He leaves knowing that before to long Calgary will become a destination that players will be excited to call home and hopes to see Calgary lift a trophy in the future. As for now Kris Rice sits in anticipation for the playoffs to end and to find out where he will end up going to chase his dream at a Continental Cup. He wants to personally thank GM Jubis and the Calgary Organization for starting off his career in the VHL and looks forward to battling against them for the next few seasons. In Closing In closing I want to try and change the minds of players who will be drafted by Calgary in the future. There might always be that thought in your mind of "Ugh, why Calgary?" or "Please don't pick me" but try to change the way you feel about the Wranglers.The organization has changed from the way it used to be. It is now a fun and exciting place to play with a great group of players and alumni who have built a strong bond over the seasons competing and getting to know each other. As a matter of fact don't let the fact of being drafted by any team discourage you and don't let the talk surrounded those teams make you regret being drafted by those teams because once you become a part of that franchise your opinion will change. Each team does a good job creating a family within the locker room and once you go through the highs and lows with that team your opinion will be changed on that franchise forever. Trust in your GM's and trust in your commissioners to be able to step in and correct any problems going on within a franchise like they did with Calgary. This league is meant to be a fun pass time for many of us users so lets remember that while we are playing this game to take the time to respect one another as we navigate through our VHL careers. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this, I apologize for dragging this on and turning into a Calgary appreciation thread but I regret nothing!!! WORD COUNT: 1522
  14. Welcome @Flyguy28! Doom pretty much covered it all. Good luck in the Draft and stay active. Any questions feel free to reach out. Ricer13 Miami GM
  15. Finals Presser...Week ending Sept. 13 2020 1. Do you believe defense or offense wins championship? Why? 2. Which forward has been your playoff MVP to date? 3. Which Defender has been your playoff MVP to date? 4. Regardless of whether Miami wins the cup, is this season a success? Why or why not? 5. Are you excited to be moving on up to the VHL after this season? What chances does your vhl team have of making the playoffs? 6. What is one thing you enjoyed about your time in Miami?
  16. I’m already cup jinxed so this is a reverse jinx! Thanks Gorlab ?
  17. 1. Calgary has played a great series. Should be a sweep as we’ve outplayed New York in all 5 games so far. 2. Big Winner has to be Dredge. Playing hot on the ice and off the ice right now. 3. Time Square is pretty amazing. Never been to New York but I would love to stand in the centre of it. 4. Surprisingly I loved Warsaw. I’ve never been to that part of the world before so it was a cool experience. 5. Hot Take: Jet Jaguar is not a HOF player. 6. I never nap. I wish I could but my mind doesn’t let me.
  18. I believe jest comes up good
  19. He could be a vote for us moving forward? If he helps us maybe we give him jester win later on?
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