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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. The Yukon Rush are loaded with talent this season up and down the lineup. We already took some time a couple weeks ago to break down who have been the top defenseman and made a solid case for each of them. This week I am going to break down the forwards and make a case as to why each of them deserve the spot as Yukon's top forward. There are a lot of talented forwards this season so I am only going to choose the top 5 players I think have a real case of being the teams MVP. Ray Sheilds - Center @Zetterberg Lets start with the leading scorer for Rush forwards, Ray Sheilds. Ray is the number 1 centre on the Rush this season and has lead the way brilliantly. At the 41 game mark Sheilds has 70 points putting him right behind teammate Zyrok for scoring lead on the team. Ray has been one of the more consistent players on the Rush roster. There is rarely a game where he doesn't factor into the scoring somehow. He is top 8 in the league in shots, top 6 in the league in forward scoring and top 3 in the league in hits. So when he isn't scoring he becomes a factor by playing a physical style of play imposing his will on his opponents. While Ray makes a hell of an impact on the ice he is just as valuable off the ice. He is an active member in the locker room and helps his teammates learn different training regiments to earn that valuable TPE. Ray is a key piece of the Rush's success this season and deserves to be in the conversation for team MVP. Gino DiGiannontino - Right Wing @pennypenny Goals, goals and more goals! That is the simplest way to describe this next players style of play. Gino Digiannontino is a goal scoring machine this season. He currently leads the Yukon Rush with 30 goals. He has recorded 3 hat tricks this season and is one of the most clutch players in the VHLM recording 6 Game winners. This puts him in the top 5 in the league for game winning goals. Gino has struggled a bit with consistency this season but when he starts going on a streak he scores in bunches. To add to his impressive goal total he has also contributed 30 helpers which truly shows how balanced his style of play can be. He doesn't get too greedy and loves to spread the scoring around. Gino is the definition of a team player. Not only is he supporting his team on the ice he goes the extra mile off the ice to get his team pumped each game. He has even to the lengths of brushing his teammates teeth to keep them fresh. Gino has a solid case to be the teams MVP and I am excited to see him catch fire here down the stretch. Vin Calia - Center @VinCal Vin Calia is the 2nd line center for the Yukon Rush this season. Despite not getting top line minutes this hasn't slowed the production of Vin at all. He has been the most consistent forward for the Rush this season. It seems like nearly every game you will see Vin's name on the score sheet. He is currently 2nd in forwards on the rush in points. If Vin ends up playing another season in the VHLM then he will be the number 1 center next season for the Rush. With the ceiling Calia has he would absolutely tear of the M next season. The only knock I have on Vin this season is the play in his own end. He is currently a -3 and has taken 165 hits. This is an aspect of his game he will need to work on if he wants to take that next step in his development. Vin Calia absolutely deserves recognition as the teams MVP because of his production even with reduced minutes. Mickey Dickson - Right Winger @Brewins15 Now, I want to talk about Mickey Dickson. Mickey slots in on the top line with Ray and Gino. She has been a mainstay on that line all season and that is for good reason. Mickey is probably the most balanced player on the Rush Roster. Mickey has 45 points in 41 games which shows a decent amount of production from the young forward. Mickey shines because of her two way game. She produces consistently on the scoreboard but shines even brighter on her own end of the ice. Mickey has a + 40 +/- rating which places her top 8 in the VHLM. Mickey is also very impressive on the penalty hill. She leads the VHLM in shorthanded goals scored with 3. Mickey also has a knack of finding the back of the net in key moments as she also has 6 game winning goals which slots her right beside Gino in the leaderboards for VHLM game winners. Mickey without a doubt deserves to be in the conversation for team MVP, not for her point production but because of her commitment to both sides of the game. Trey Nets - Center @KillaScrilla Lastly, I wanted to mention Trey Nets. Nets came over to the Rush last season via trade and was a big part of them sneaking into the playoffs. This season Trey hasn't had the same kind of impact. He had to step away from the game for some time due to personal reasons and this slowed his player growth. Once Trey made his return he has quickly made an impact being back with the team full time. He was playing on the 3rd line and quickly got bumped to the second line. Since being on the second line Trey has been on the scoresheet nearly every game and is proving once again that he has the potential to be a star in this league. Trey doesn't deserve the MVP because of his offensive play or his defensive play but deserves it because of dealing with adversity in life and still making his way back to the game. There are plenty more forwards on the Rush Roster that deserve some recognition. I will do a player breakdown of the remaining active members in a couple weeks. I will also be talking about the Yukon goaltender Nicolas Fomba and his part in the Rush's success this season. Thanks for taking the time to read this article. I would be interested to hear your choice for Yukon's MVP in the comments below. Word Count: 1080
  2. Kay Rice Def +2 (78-80) 6 TPE SCR +1 (71-72) 2 TPE
  3. Player Name: Kay Rice Claim What player will lead the league in hits at the end of the sim on Sunday April the 19th? Demers
  4. Not that my endorsement means much but I really like Zyrok and Zetterberg. Both are great locker room presences. Zetterberg if very involved with graphics and has helped members get started on that path. Zyrok is very passionate about the game but is in Spain but is usually on throughout the day regardless. Goodluck on your hunt Berocka!
  5. Review: This is a straight to the point article that sums up your player well. Everything is laid out nicely and I like the use of your photo. There are a few grammatical errors in the article so I would take a few more minutes next time just to proofread and make sure everything is spelt right and you aren’t missing any words. Rating 7.2/10
  6. Yukon Rush Press Conference week ending April 19 2020 1. The Yukon Rush are currently 2nd place in the VHLM and only 7 points behind Ottawa. Can the Rush take over the top spot before the season ends? 2. We are halfway through the season at this point. Who is your vote for the Rush MVP? 3. Gino has started taking care of everyone’s teeth on the Rush Roster. He is probably the greatest teammate of all time. What can you do to become just as great of a teammate? 4. The VHLM just got TWO new GMs with Proto and Doktorfunk taking over Ottawa and Las Vegas. What are your thoughts on these hirings? 5. If you could be an animal for a day, what animal would you be? 6. Do you have any secret talents? If so, what are they?
  7. Review: I really enjoyed learning about the bond that Gino and Zyrok really have. Gino sounds like a fantastic human being and I think more acts of kindness like this will go along way for him and his team. As for the article I don’t have any complaints. The transition from talking about Gino to making it a Zyrok appreciation post was flawless. Rating 10/10
  8. @Zyrok @Zetterberg put in your applications guys!
  9. Sign me up! First timer, so beware
  10. Congrats @Proto and @DoktorFunk! You guys are going to kill it ?
  11. Welcome to the VHL @Bacon Teams should be reaching out to sign you soon. In the mean time please join the VHL discord where there is plenty of members willing to help you get started. https://discord.gg/NybFk9 If you have any questions please feel free to DM me! Goodluck Ricer13
  12. Welcome to the VHL @GrittyIsKing09! Teams should be reaching out to sign you soon. In the mean time please join the VHL discord where there is plenty of members willing to help you get started. https://discord.gg/NybFk9 If you have any questions please feel free to DM me! Goodluck Ricer13
  13. Welcome to the league! I am the AGM of the Yukon Rush and we are looking to add some depth to our contending roster. You would be getting third line minutes but on a team that has a chance to win it all. If you stay active and earn TPE then you could move up the lineup quickly! I’m going to keep it short and simple, if you like what you hear and want to join one of the best locker rooms in the VHLM then quote this offer and type “let’s get it!” and we will get you onto our roster ASAP! Goodluck!
  14. I am going to apply again! Only managed bronze last season and I’m hungry for gold! I’m good with any team!
  15. Welcome to the league! I am the AGM of the Yukon Rush and we are looking to add some depth to our contending roster. You would be getting third line minutes but on a team that has a chance to win it all. If you stay active and earn TPE then you could move up the lineup quickly! I’m going to keep it short and simple, if you like what you hear and want to join one of the best locker rooms in the VHLM then quote this offer and type “let’s get it!” and we will get you onto our roster ASAP! Goodluck!
  16. Ottawa selects - Adam Pelech @Matmenzinger
  17. It’s a tight race from 2-6 right now
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