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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. S69 donation player: Kris Rice Transaction ID: 3175-8811-9716-2379 Claiming 5 uncapped.
  2. Do we make our picks on here? And are we notified when it’s our turn? Any VHL player can be drafted?
  3. 1. Before the draft, were there any teams you would have liked to have joined? Which ones would you have picked and why? 1. The Hounds were the only team who reached out during my VHLM draft. They are who I ended up being drafted by. 2. Were you surprised to be drafted by the Hounds? Were you surprised to be drafted where you were (i.e. were you too early, or too late?) 2. I thought I went earlier than I was supposed to but I’m glad I did. 3. Look at the rosters of other teams in the VHLM. Do we have a chance at winning it all this season? 3.I think we do. We have some great players stepping up this year to take a big role on this team and some good young prospects who look to do some work and build upon their players quickly. 4. While you're looking at other teams' rosters, name a few players who you think would improve our team if we had them. 4. Liam Rooney. Good playmaking Center 5. Describe your playing style in 5 words or fewer. 5. Pass first, shoot later. 6. What are your goals for this season, stat-wise? 6. I would like to be top 5 in assists come season end.
  4. The S69 draft has come and gone. For some their VHL journeys start within a matter of weeks while others will continue to hone their craft in the minors as they prepare for the move up to the VHL in the near future. Kris Rice is one of the many drafted in the S69 VHL entry draft. Selected 11th overall in the first round to the Calgary Wranglers, Rice couldn’t be more excited. He will be playing down with the Mississauga Hounds another season while he continues to progress and make the jump. Next week David Amber will be sitting down with Kris Rice to talk about what is was like leading up to the draft, how he felt about being draft by the Wranglers and what it was like for his family on a such an important night. Stay tuned for this exclusive post draft interview when it drops next week. Word count: 152
  5. This was a really great read guys! I love seeing a breakdown of each player and getting to know what teams needs are.
  6. That’s brutal, my grammar can be terrible at times.
  7. Yah I do the other less intensive ways for sure haha! Thanks for reaching out! I just wanted to bring up my thoughts on Reviews. If it doesn’t change it is what it is, I’ll just continue to earn TPE other ways!
  8. It takes a while and the same amount of work as a media spot. At 2 TPE it’s not worth the time to do it, especially since there are much easier ways to gain TPE with VHL 950 and trivia. I am just thinking increasing the TPE to do reviews might create some incentive to do it.
  9. I have a slight complaint on the value of TPE you get for doing reviews. It takes anywhere from 30-45 minutes to properly do reviews each week. This includes reading the articles and then coming up with a review. The amount of time it takes is near to what it is to do a media spot which is worth 6 TPE. It’s also nearly the same amount of work. I think reviews are important but it would be nice to see some changes made to maybe incline people to do them on a regular basis. I suggest either changing the TPE from 4-6 TPE capped or making an increase to 3 TPE and making it uncapped. Please message me with any questions or if you are open to seriously considering making some changes to this point task.
  10. I joined the VHL after I had heard about it through an add from a local hockey podcast I listen to. I’ve always been a bit of a hockey nerd so I though it sounded like a cool idea. It is very easy to join and create your player but after that it winds up being very confusing. I didn’t know when I would be drafted or how to build my player. It was tough to figure out the way the league works and what you need to do to succeed. It is also tough for people like myself who have no idea how to write articles or are comfortable putting podcasts out there. Needless to say I struggled at first. What helped me the most was after being drafted I had a good group of people to talk with and ask questions. The Hounds locker room really helped with navigate through the site and helped me learn the ropes of being a part of this league. Because of them I’ll be playing this game for the foreseeable future. Ps. Doing reviews takes longer than writing media spots. They should be worth more than 2 TPE. word count: 196
  11. Year End Entry As the playoffs end and the Houston Bulls win the championship in S68 of the VHLM, I want to take a moment to stop and reflect on the year that was for my self in this league. The Mississauga Hounds were ousted in the first round to the Yukon Rush. It took only five games for the Rush to take out the Hounds and I want to take a quick moment to break down my playoff performance before going into my progression throughout the season. Playoffs Although my first experience in the playoffs was held to only five games I want to break down my performance during this short sample size. In five games against the Yukon Rush I managed to produce only two points. I contributed with 1 goal and 1 assist during the five games. I had a plus minus of 0 so I was at least responsible in my own end of the ice. Adding into this I had 6 hits and 1 blocked shot. I wish I could have done more to help the team succeed. Getting on the score sheet a few more times or blocking a few more shots might have gone a long way in turning this season around. I will not dwell on this poor personal performance and will look forward to the season ahead. The Season That Was The Mississauga Hounds finished with their best regular season record during the franchises existence. They finished the season with a record of 42-24-6 placing them 4th in regular season standings. For my first season overall I would say it has been a success. I contributed in all areas of the game while consistently showing growth as the season rolled on. I played with some amazing talent this year that will go on to play in the VHL as soon as next season. Our number 1 centre Balentine Kidd had an unreal season with the hounds. He reached triple digits in points with 100 points in 72 games. He was a leader on and off the ice and I wish him the best of luck in the VHL. Winger Jerry Wang finished close behind Kidd with 95 points in 72 games but led the Hounds with 50 goals. He will do great things when he moves up to the VHL. Lastly, I will mention Brock Louth who was one of the top defenseman in the VHLM this past season. He finished with 87 points in 72 games which was tied for fifth in defenseman scoring in the VHLM. To all these guys I wish good luck as they take the next step in their careers. I am excited to continue next season with an increased with players like Patrik Tallinder and Noah Hanley. Now its time to break down a few areas of my game to show my overall progress for season 68 and how I am going to improve going into season 69. Offense After 72 games this season with the Hounds, I finished with a respectful 33 points. I finished the season with 13 goals and added 20 helpers. As the season wore on I began to find my stride as a playmaker in this league. At the start of the season I had a hard time finding those passing lanes as the speed of the game was something I had to adjust to. With the help of great teammates and continually training throughout the season I saw the part of my game elevate. I am excited to see how much more I can contribute offensively. I am going to push to have a look on the top line as someone the Hounds can rely on. A few of our top offensive guys will be moving up to the VHL this season and its now my opportunity to grab a key role on this team. Defense This was an area of my game that I am most proud of. I started off terribly in my own end at the start of this season. I was -10 for weeks on end to start the year but with consistent work on my defensive game I was able to turn it around. I finished the regular season with a +8 rating. In comparison to others on our roster this isn't very stand outish but it is a personal accomplishment that I am very proud of. During the offseason this will be an area of my game that I will continue to be working on for next season. The Little Things Lastly, I wanted to touch on the little things outside of offense and defense that stood out in my game. I finished the season tied for second in hits with Guy Sasakamoose. We both finished with 112 hits behind only Brock Louth. My physical play was something I shied away from most of my junior career but as I have physically developed and learned to use my size against bigger strong players, the physical side of the game hasn't been so tough. I had a few block shits with a total of 16 on the season. I would like to improve on that number next season to only help with the defensive side of my game. It was a quick season and I learned a lot about what its like to be a part of the VHLM. The different ways to build upon myself as a player and being able to navigate through this chapter of my career with the help of my teammates. I am excited now for the chance to be drafted by a VHL team and after another season of working on my game at the VHLM level I should be ready to make the move up to the big leagues. Thank you all for tuning in this season, next season I will not be doing journal entries but I will be working on being a little more creative with the articles I write. I am looking forward to putting this first chapter of my VHL career behind me and am very excited for what the future has in store. word count: 1017
  12. 1. You can be teammates with any one Hounds player of your choosing in the future. Who is it and why? 1. Patrik Tallinder because we play opposite wings and have progressed at a similar rate. 2. Hounds alumni now hold either GM or AGM positions in Minnesota, Ottawa, Yukon, Halifax, and, most recently, Mexico City. Which one should we pick as our archenemy? 2. Mexico City, time to build that wall! 3. You can have any job in the league. Which job do you choose, and why? 3. GM of a vhlm team because I think I could build a winning team. the only downside is I am not great with talking on discord haha. 4. What is a question you wish I would have asked here, and what would be your answer? 4. What do you think of your fellow teammates? … Cowards. 5. The VHLM has a shallow draft pool this season. Is this good or bad for the Hounds, who have a ton of picks? 5. It could be bad as we would need plenty of picks in the top round or two. We have enough talent to carry over to next season however to carry the load. 6. How does your player plan to spend their last week of freedom before the season kicks off? 6. Gaining valuable TPE.
  13. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 4 -Malmo Nighthawks @ Seattle Bears Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Seattle Bears @ Malmo Nighthawks : 2-0 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points:Matt Thompson Series leader in goals: Matt Thompson Series leader in assists: Ryan Sullivan Who has the series PIM lead: Hulk Hogan Who scores the series winning goal: Joel Ylonen
  14. 1. We're officially out of the playoffs, after being shut down by Yukon. Your thoughts on the series? 1. Tough series, felt like we controlled a lot of the play in games we lost but we ran into a hot goaltender in the oppositions net. 2. Now that we're out of the playoffs, is there any team you'd like to see win the cup? 2. No, Hounds or nothing. 3. You're approached by a VHL team with a few questions about your player (who knows, you might have been already). What do you tell them? 3. I give them honest answers with full transparency. I may ask a few of my own. 4. The VHL cup final has come down to a matchup between Malmo (my team) and Seattle (the team with almost every active S66 alum). Who wins? 4. Malmo takes it this year. 5. How does your player plan to spend the offseason? 5. I will continue to add TPE every week. I want to be a top player in the VHLM this upcoming season. 6. Where will your player be next season? Staying here, going back into the draft, or going up to the VHL? If you're being drafted (at the VHL or VHLM level), where do you hope to end up? 6. More than likely I will be staying. I won’t have enough TPE to move up. I hope to end up on the top line of the Hounds to win that elusive title.
  15. I didn’t realize I had 12 TPE capped this week. I will try for next week even though banking is frowned upon. I didn’t know until now.
  16. Round 1 Exit The Mississauga Hounds had a fairly successful campaign finishing tied for 4th in the standings. This is the best they have ever finished since the franchises start. They matched up against the Yukon Rush during their first round matchup. They were absolutely decimated by Yukon losing the series in five games. They ran into a brick wall on the other end of the ice with ultimately led to their demise. The main reason the Hounds lost was because of the lack of production from depth players. One in particular and that is myself Kris Rice. I spent way to much time sucking literal dick that I ended up sucking metaphorical dick on the ice and costing the Hounds the series. I vow to suck a lot less literal dick during those important times of the season so that I may also suck a lot less metaphorical dick and help the Hounds make it to the next level.
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