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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Review: There is a lot of good info in here I didn’t know about. I appreciate anyone on this site who takes the time to try and help the rest of the newcomers out. It’s been an overwhelming first month for myself personally and when people like yourself take the time to help like this, it really makes it easier.
  2. Review: -Lots of great info on all of these players. Clearly have done your research. Good use of bolding and paragraph to have good separation throughout the article. -No photos though? It’s pretty easy to throw a random photo in to illustrate it! I recommend them in the future.
  3. Review: Nice breakdown of each draft type. Would have liked a bit more detail on each player you’ve ranked but overall it is well done. Interesting to see a goalie almost crack the top 10!
  4. Review: -The Bio itself was good. Grammatically in some spots it’s a little messy. I am no expert in grammar either but I did notice the long running sentences throughout. -Great use of photos and bold headlines.
  5. Review: I liked how you wrote this from the eyes of a reporter rather than from the player himself. It is very sound and well written material. I do think some more photos to help illustrate the story a bit better would have been good. Overall though - A+
  6. Hello everyone, let me start off by saying welcome to the third edition of my journal entries. The Mississauga Hounds have been playing some fantastic hockey over the last 16 games. The last time I checked in the Hounds were 10-6-2 and were sitting tied for fourth in the standings. Today we are sitting at a 22-10-2 record and still currently in that fourth spot. Going 12-4-0 over the last 16 games the Hounds now only sit 4 points back of the top spot. It’s anybody’s race to the top now and the hounds find themselves right in the thick of it. Now that I’ve briefly gone over how the team has done since my last entry, it is time to reflect on how I performed during this stretch of games. There have been some positives that I will touch on but also some major concerns I have that will need to be addressed. Once these have been addressed I’ll touch on a few miscellaneous statistics and reveal what new feature will added to future entries. Offense The offensive side of the game has completely disappeared from my game over the last 16 games. I have managed 3 points over this stretch scoring 1 goal and adding 2 helpers. This has been an extremely frustrating stretch for my self personally when it comes to the score sheet. I can not seem to keep the puck on my stick and the seams seem to be disappearing faster than normal. Clearly this is one aspect of my game that needs a major overhaul. Defense When the offense is lacking, I have been making up for it by playing extremely sound Defense. I have improved from a minus ten rating to a solid minus one plus/minus. We have a lot of very talented and offensive forwards and Defensemen. The high offensive production we have been getting from players like Balentine Kidd, Jerry Wang, Brock Louth and newcomer Finnegan Macburn, has aloud me to focus on the defensive side of my game. Misc. While the defensive side of the game has been improving so has the physical side. I am currently sitting at 50 hits. Shot Blocking hasn’t been a strong suit of mine. Currently only have 9 shots blocked over 34 games. Things to work on I think it’s time to start helping the Hounds on the scoresheet. We can rely on our top end scoring to carry us to a championship. The depth players which includes myself need to start contributing on both ends of the ice in order to push this team over the edge. We are 4 points away from the top spot in the league and I will do what I can to help this team win. Thanks again for tuning in this week. I have something new I want to be trying next week. I’ll still touch base on how I’m performing and how the team is doing but I’ll also be throwing in a little scouting I’ll be doing on our competition as well. Take care, see you all next week! Word Count:514
  7. 10/6: 1. The Hounds committed themselves to buying this week, spending two picks in S70 for defenseman Finnegan MacBurn. Is this a good move? Do we have what it takes to win it all? It was a slightly high price for the player. He is a good talent and will help this team. We have a chance to win it all but the depth needs to pick it up. 2. Speculation about team management has escalated this week, with @GlowyGoat making his nickname "berocka is a racist" and "gustav is a stalinist" on a couple separate occasions. Who's a bigger concern, myself or @berocka? Who gets overthrown first? Neither are a concern to me. If I had to guess I would say Gustav because it seems like there’s been more than one person trying to get you overthrown haha. I personally have no issues with either of you. 3. Which team would the Hounds beat easily in the playoffs? Yukon 4. Which team would you least want us to face in the playoffs? Houston 5. You have to describe hockey to someone unfamiliar with the sport in 10 words or fewer. What do you say? the greatest sport of on earth. 6. Pick any VHL player whose build you'd like to emulate and tell me who it is and why (if you don't know your VHL players, now is the time to do some research!). Ryan Kastelic would be the build I would emulate. I want to be a playmaker and he has his skating, puck handling and passing at 99 overall. Defense also at 99 overall. He’s put a lot of time into that player.
  8. 175 Vancouver Wolves @ Riga Reign 176 D.C. Dragons @ New York Americans 177 Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans 178 Prague Phantoms @ Malmo Nighthawks
  9. As a Child Born in Red Deer, Alberta Kris wasn’t introduced to hockey until he was about five years old. Before the age of five his parents experimented. Each season he would play in a different sport to see if there was something he would find interest in. They put him in soccer one season but Kris never seemed to have much interest. He was one of those kids either socializing or chasing butterflies around the field. They tried baseball another season, Kris showed some interest in baseball but only when he got to hit the ball. They continued to try different sports such as basketball, gymnastics and swimming but he never seemed to really enjoy any of it. When Kris was four his family went out tobogganing like they always did during the cold winter days. They had been at the hill for a few hours, his parents were busy getting his younger sister ready to go home. They turn around and Kris was missing. Of course both parents were panicking look all over the hill and around the playground near by but could not find him. His dad caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye. Kris was standing on top of a chunk of ice next to the outdoor rink across the field from the hill. He was watching as the other kids and adults were playing a scrimmage hockey game. His dad ran over to make sure he was okay and to explain to him why he can’t just walk away like that. Kris told his dad he wanted to do what those kids were doing and then continued to watch. Kris’ parents never thought about putting him hockey because of the cost to play. They made the choice to put him in skating lessons to see if he would even enjoy that. After Christmas that winter Kris started to learn how to skate. Weeks went by and he seemed to be excelling at a much faster rate than any other kid. He also continued to ask his parents when he could get a stick and start playing like those kids he saw before. Kris never lost the passion to want to try hockey and as winter ended his parents decided that they would save up for a few months and enrol him in next years season. As the season neared Kris got his first stick and ball. He spent the last few weeks of summer running around the drive way with the stick and ball and trying to shoot at the garage door. Finally the day came where he got to play on the ice for the first time. Minor Hockey Right from the start of his hockey career Kris was passionate and intense. Not long after he first started he was skating faster than any kid in his age group. As each year passed Kris continued to move up the ranks going from Novice B hockey in Red Deer to playing AA hockey in his second year of Atom. After his first year of playing peewee AA Kris was the number 1 ranked forward in Alberta. Kris was never the biggest kid and never was he the smallest. He was always the fastest. His shot continued to progress through his minor hockey years but it was his vision and playmaking abilities that made him stand out from off the rest. He was always six steps ahead of any other kid his age. In his first year of peewee he was moved up to Bantam in the hopes that he could play with kids with a higher skill level than his own and really push him to become a better player. After a few months of adjustment to playing with bigger, older and more skilled kids, Kris began to push his game beyond what any one had expected from him. Kris finished out his minor hockey years continuing to grow as a player each and every year. Not only on the ice but off the ice as well. He would be tested in his final year of Bantam to see what his character was really made of. Tragedy or Triumph? When Kris was playing in Bantam the year he was going to be eligible for the Draft into the juniors, his dad got hurt. He fell from a ladder 20 feet in the air and broke his back. He was paralyzed from the waist down. He couldn’t work anymore and was being paid through workers compensation. This was barely enough to pay the bills let alone pay for Kris to play hockey. Kris devastated that he wouldn’t be able to play in his draft year but his emotions were more fuelled by the fact he almost lost his dad. His parents saw Kris’ selflessness putting his dad and his health before his love for the game. They reached out to friends, family and Red Deer Minor Hockey to exercise any option they could to get Kris to play. The community came together to help one of their own. The funds were raised and Kris was able to play. Junior Kris was taken first overall by his hometown team Red Deer Rebels. Kris was overwhelmed with emotion. He was able to play for his hometown team that he watched since he was a child. The most important thing however is that he was still close enough to his family to be able to continue to help his father manage his new life as a paraplegic. Kris went on to have an extremely successful stint with the Red Deer Rebels which put him on the map to be considered for the VHML draft. He was approached by a few teams but knew that making this next step in his career meant being further from his family. His father explained how proud he was of Kris and how it was now his time to put his dreams first. Reluctantly, Kris declared for the draft. Kris was taken by the Mississauga Hounds and made his way cross country to his new team. He keeps in contact with his family every day since he’s joined the team. A player with immense skill but even stronger character. Word count : 1040
  10. Journal Entry #2 Hello everyone, this is Kris Rice from the Mississauga Hounds back for the second entry of my weekly journal. At the time I am writing this the Mississauga Hounds have completed eighteen games. We are nine games ahead of the last time I checked in. What a turn around it has been for our team. The Hounds are sitting tied for fourth in the standings with Mexico City. We currently hold a respectable 10-6-2 record and are only getting better. The team is currently being led by a trio of offensive dynamos. Balentine Kidd leads the team in goals, assists and points. Jerry Wang tied with Balentine in goals and of course Brock Louth who is right on there heels for the team scoring title. As for myself I am currently 5th on the team in scoring but no where near the level of the gentlemen mentioned above. I have found myself playing as more of a role player through the first few weeks. Similar to last week I will break down the week that was for myself as a player and what I can do to continue to help our surging team succeed. Defense Last week I really harped on how poor my defense had been during the first week of play. I was minus ten over that stretch and not doing my team any favours. Well I’m happy to report that I’m still currently sitting at a minus ten rating. Of course those numbers don’t seem great but over the last nine game stretch I’ve played at a zero plus minus to remain at minus ten.This is a huge step forward in my defensive play. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done but I take pride in my defensive game and it will be an attribute that I will continue to work on. Offence Another area that has improved over the last nine games. After the first week I had one goal and two assists in nine games. After another nine games I am sitting at four goals and 5 assists. This is a six point effort over a span of nine games. It doesn’t show off that I am an elite level scorer but it is showing progress. I do contribute this to the whole team playing better as a unit which is allowing each individual to succeed as well. Miscellaneous Another stat I wanted to touch on were hits. I added another ten hits over the last 9 games. This is a continuing trend of physicality that I take pride in. My discipline has been on point since day one. Over eighteen games I’ve only managed seven minutes in penalty time. Being able to play a physical defensive game and stay disciplined is extremely important. Whats next? As I continue to work on the individual components of my game such as defensive play and contributing on the score sheet, my main goal is to help the team push past where we currently sit in the standings. Over the next few weeks we could be contending for a top three spot and maybe before season end we can lock down the top spot in the league. I will continue to progress and build to be the best that I can be for the Mississauga Hounds. Thanks again to anyone who might be following these threads. Doing these journals helps me keep track of how the team is progressing on a more detailed basis and of course how I am progressing as a player. I will check back in with another report sometime over the next week or two! Salute! Word count: 613
  11. 1) The Hounds made a goalie signing this week, picking up Nicolas Fomba (@efiug) as our second goalie. Who wins the battle for Hounds goalie dominance, Fomba or Lukas Schweitzer? 1. Fomba comes in and steals the show. 2) What's your single favorite emoji to drop in Hounds Discord? 2. Drunk bird is everyone’s fav, no? 3) The Hounds have three players in the top 10 in points league-wide. Does this surprise you? 3. I am not surprised. Our top end talent is right there with the best. It us depth guys who need to pick up the pace. 4) Do you think our chances of success are higher or lower than they were at the start of the season? 4. Higher. It’s been a steady climb throughout the first couple weeks and it’ll continue that way. 5) The team starts a tennis tournament, and you can pick one player to be your doubles partner. Who is it? Wang! 6) @fonziGG, general manager of Halifax, knocks on your door with some religious material. Do you let him in? Started ripping into him about the no soliciting sign I have on my door.
  12. Signed up for yahoo 1. No bench players?
  13. 100 Helsinki Titans @ Calgary Wranglers 101 Malmo Nighthawks @ Vancouver Wolves 102 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 103 Riga Reign @ Toronto Legion
  14. I have no idea how to even start doing graphics. How do I do this haha?
  15. No worries No worries! It’s only constructive
  16. Review: I like the idea of the article. I like the reasoning for each club. It would have been nice to add some photos to the article to liven it up a bit. Also bolding the team names and separating the paragraphs would make it easier for the reader to identify what they are reading.
  17. Review: No pictures were incorporated into this media spot. Also there are a lot of spelling errors. I would just take a few minutes after you are done to read through it and correct any errors.
  18. Review: No use of photos makes it a little bland. I do like that you separated each pro and con and bolded each attribute. Written very well too.
  19. Review: No photos, would have been nice to have you attributes bold as well to make it easier to identify. The info itself is very good and getting it done quickly is great.
  20. Review: Pro: this is a masterpiece! Con: didn’t touch on his hockey career even once. So much history here my mind almost exploded. Great job
  21. Review: One critique I have is the transition from one part of the story to the next was a little awkward in some parts. What I enjoyed was the history lesson we got in the first half of the biography. I always like learning new things about certain cultures. Also, I think tragedy in a story always makes it more personal and therefor brings out the emotion in the person reading it. Great job!
  22. I have a hard time writing about other things. I’m not very creative haha
  23. Journal Entry # 1 Hello everyone, this is Kris Rice from the Mississauga Hounds. I thought I would take a crack at doing Journal entries throughout the season to allow the fans to be able track my progress and be able to understand that I am committed to becoming a better player for their team. I am very excited to be apart of this amazing organization and am excited to be giving you an inside look at my progress throughout the season. It has been nine games since starting my career with the Mississauga Hounds. Acclimating to a new system and playing in a new city has been more of a challenge than I had anticipated. It has not been as seamless as a transition as I had hoped making the move from the WHL to the VMHL. Breaking down my statistics will help me see the areas of my game I need to improve on to make a more positive impact on my team. Offence After nine games I have finished with one goal and two assists. The pace of the game is much faster in the VMHL and I need to find a way to adjust to that. I’m not a typical goal scorer but I feel I should be at least helping set up my teammates better in the offensive zone. I pride myself in being a playmaking forward and with only two assists to start shows I still need to improve on an area of my game that I once considered my strength. Defense The biggest issue I have noticed in my game thus far is my defensive play. I have managed a minus ten in only nine games. My defensive play has been extremely poor and could be a major contributing factor as to why the Mississauga Hounds haven’t been on the winning side of our recent games. I need to focus on being effective not only in the offensive zone but most importantly in my own end. Physicality A stat that I am proud of is where I am with hits after nine games. I have twelve hits over these games and that tells me I haven’t been afraid to shy away from the physical side of the game. Although, looking back I wonder if some of the physical play has put me out of position leading to odd man rushes the other way and ultimately costing us goals against. Ways to Improve As proud as I am of being more physical and aggressive I need to focus more on other areas of the game. Over the next few weeks I will be constantly training on the defensive side of my game. I will be working at improving on angling players off of pucks, increasing the effectiveness of the stick check without taking additional penalties and last but not least my effort when it comes to back checking. As my defensive game improves the offence will not be far behind. By committing myself to constantly growing as a player it will help the Mississauga Hounds turn the corner and become a playoff contender. I will check back in after another set of games to breakdown the ups and downs of my performances and the impact it makes on the Mississauga Hounds. Word count : 547
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