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Posts posted by Ben

  1. Ricer is a cool dude, he is very handsome and is good at a lot of things. He likes to trade players and break their hearts which is a very chad thing to do and I look up to Ricer. He makes very good players that a lot of times score a lot of goals and they are my idols that I adore!


    Ricer is a Canucks fan which is not very cool but I guess it’s better then being a Blues fan so that is that. He also is very protective of his  Canucks just ask Sam about a time that he yelled about Sam disrespecting the Canucks! He also is a very busy person and has like a lot of kids so I wonder how he still has time to GM a entire franchise!


    Overall Ricer is a very cool dude and I decided to write about that for my extra and final two TPE to max this week!

  2.           Well I’m sunburned and it’s way too noisy to do a podcast so I’ll just talk about a idea I have! That idea is to give 1/2 free weeks for people to use in the off-season! Before you say “you are lazy you just don’t want to write media spots every week! And your right! To be honest I hate having to do media sports in the off season like nothing is happening! So why not jut give everyone 1 or two free weeks so that we can be lazy for that amount of time! It’s not like I’m too busy but I want to enjoy the off season. Let’s look at pro sports for a example do players have camps in the off season yes, but most of the time they are recovering and stuff!





            By adding this to the league the off season wouldn’t be as dreadful and we would be in a actual off season! Like seriously it is not the deep BoG just give us our free weeks! Of course you can donate and blah blah blah but who cares! I’m sun burned from playing 5 hours of pick up basketball and I’m tired! This is the last thing I wanted to do tonight but since I don’t want to let my team down here I am! So most of us in the off season just talk about random things while the form and discord is dead and waiting for the season to start. Of course it a longer off season which I support but like we should be able to take a break in the off season you feel me!







          We need the off season to be that off season! Having to come up with 500 words and slap it onto a page for 4 straight weeks while nothing is happening is sort of  not smart in my opinion! We need to let people have a break and enjoy the off season it literally won’t hurt the league to let people take a break! A ton of other leagues do stuff like this and they don’t get hurt. So why be so mean you BoG goblins, let us have a break we aren’t a industrial rebound sweatshop! Like let us just sit around and just be chill on the discord with a break from form and stuff! Make part of the off season feel like the off season!


    So I am almost done with my weekly 500 word rant and yeah that is all I have too say we need a break in the off season! Give us a 1or 2 week of free weeks! I guarantee that this will probably stop burnout too, like seriously who wants to do a bunch of work in the off season key words “off season.” Like seriously BoG stop worrying about other things and give us putt break in the off season I know I can’t be the first person to think of this idea! So BoG members this is my official rant on why we need 1 or 2 free weeks in the off season!

  3.         Well here I am I was planing to make a podcast but guess who had construction going outside so it was constantly loud! So I am here to just type out my thoughts and stuff so that I can get to 500 words and I can go to bed peacefully!


    So I’m gonna just make up a fake story for my player since what else is their to do!



    So my guy was planing to play Fortnite with his teammates right! Turns out all of his teammates lied and ended up going to the bar and having a fun time so what did he do as revenge? Well he got to practice early and put laxatives in all of his teammates drinks so that they would experience the worst feeling in the world! It was the best he recalls, I felt like I was on the top of the world and no one was gonna stop me! I guess you can really say that Ben likes to be sneaky, But of course everyone got suspicious and where wondering why Ben was the only one not having a hard time so they went and jumped him and took all of his money!


    Alright so I’m at like 200ish words right now so I’m gonna talk some more!


    So the draft is like two days from now so of course I’m hyped and ready. A lot of good future prospects are in this draft and I can’t wait to see where they all go as a player and a AGM! Also I have been helping my king ricer get in shape for his trip to Mexico! The Calgary locker room is kind of dead since we like trades half of the players lmao! I also now have beef with Dil because I said we have beef so if Dil your reading this I just want you to know that we have beef! So like for real though I am very excited for the draft and the off season I know a lot of people don’t like it since it is going to be longer! Even though I like it since it provides a nice little fun break from all of the chaos this league has to offer.


    I also feel though the ledge is getting boring we need some more crazy stuff to happen like it does most of the time! I guess maybe I have just seen a lot so in return that is what I am expecting? Man I’m so close to getting that 6 TPE I just have to get their. Also the April’s fools joke by Josh was very funny and made me laugh and stuff. I also am hyped for these new hybrid attributes to take place in the real sims and we can see the new face of the league! I feel like their will be less goals scored as a result but it will also make people have a variety in builds and will force GMs to actually have skill to make a good team!

  4. Week ending 4/7

    red panda GIF


    1. Calgary has made a few trades what are your thoughts?


    2. What have you done with the new hybrid attributes updates!


    3.  The draft is two days away from when I’m writing this are you hyped?!?!?


    4. Sugar or salt?


    5. Do you like April fools day?


    6. Thoughts on spring?

  5. Week ending 4/3April Fools Joke GIF


    1. We have made our first trade of the off season what are your thoughts?


    2. We are having a long off season, so what are your off season plans!


    3. Have you ever thought of changing positions, if you have explain why you did!


    4. Left or right Twix?


    5. The NHL playoffs are coming up how is your favorite team doing?


    6. Have you met a celebrity, who was it?

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