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Head Moderator
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  1. Like
    samx got a reaction from Josh for a status update, As of today I've been in this league 4 year. Holy shit. At least I'm not as old as Be   
    As of today I've been in this league 4 year. Holy shit. At least I'm not as old as Bek though.
  2. Fire
    samx got a reaction from Subject056 for a status update, I think we should all start putting flyers up around our respective towns to get recr   
    I think we should all start putting flyers up around our respective towns to get recruitment up. That will do the trick.
  3. Like
    samx got a reaction from v.2 for a status update, Come back sir   
    Come back sir
  4. Fire
    samx got a reaction from Fradin99 for a status update, buffalo chicken pizza>>   
    buffalo chicken pizza>>
  5. Hmmm
    samx got a reaction from JardyB10 for a status update, wearing socks to bed is superior   
    wearing socks to bed is superior 
  6. Like
    samx got a reaction from Thunder for a status update, Come back sir   
    Come back sir
  7. Like
    samx got a reaction from Masu Chan for a status update, wearing socks to bed is superior   
    wearing socks to bed is superior 
  8. Hmmm
    samx got a reaction from Fradin99 for a status update, if you were to have an eye in the black of your head, how would your brain process it   
    if you were to have an eye in the black of your head, how would your brain process it? like would u switch back and fourth or would it just be 360 views
  9. Sad
    samx reacted to Moon for a status update, We all miss @ Shindigs   
    We all miss @Shindigs
  10. Fire
    samx got a reaction from rory for a status update, still waiting for @ MexicanCow123 farm tour from last years holiday drive   
    still waiting for @MexicanCow123farm tour from last years holiday drive
  11. Fire
    samx got a reaction from rory for a status update, paying for something in cash feels like I'm not spending anything   
    paying for something in cash feels like I'm not spending anything 
  12. Love
    samx got a reaction from leandrofg for a status update, totally not biased but cologne is best E team choo choo   
    totally not biased but cologne is best E team choo choo
  13. Like
    samx got a reaction from MubbleFubbles for a status update, Pokemon channels are the most annoying channels in discord. you heard it here first   
    Pokemon channels are the most annoying channels in discord. you heard it here first 
  14. Cheers
    samx got a reaction from diacope for a status update, happy thursday   
    happy thursday
  15. Sad
    samx got a reaction from Brandon for a status update, will moscow finally win?   
    will moscow finally win?
  16. Boring
    samx got a reaction from rory for a status update, Don't draft me if you don't scout me πŸ‘   
    Don't draft me if you don't scout meπŸ‘
  17. Like
    samx got a reaction from Jack Johnson for a status update, Yo who wants thier player to be part of a project im working on. You dont have to do   
    Yo who wants thier player to be part of a project im working on. You dont have to do anything just tell me your player name.
  18. Fire
    samx reacted to Gustav for a status update, I've officially graduated!   
    I've officially graduated!
  19. Like
    samx got a reaction from JardyB10 for a status update, The old time vhlers dream came true. Forum leauge now lol. rip discord   
    The old time vhlers dream came true. Forum leauge now lol. rip discord
  20. Like
    samx reacted to Danferg16 for a status update, Excited for my first game with the Halifax 21st, time to get the W!   
    Excited for my first game with the Halifax 21st, time to get the W!
  21. Haha
    samx got a reaction from Shindigs for a status update, @ Beketov is both the scariest person in this league and also not at all. I can't exp   
    @Beketovis both the scariest person in this league and also not at all. I can't explain it but it makes sense.
  22. Haha
    samx got a reaction from rory for a status update, @ Beketov is both the scariest person in this league and also not at all. I can't exp   
    @Beketovis both the scariest person in this league and also not at all. I can't explain it but it makes sense.
  23. Hmmm
    samx got a reaction from JardyB10 for a status update, I've been here for 2 years... Who let me stay?   
    I've been here for 2 years... Who let me stay?
  24. Like
    samx reacted to KaleebtheMighty for a status update, After a long week of trips back and forth to labor and delivery due to some little re   
    After a long week of trips back and forth to labor and delivery due to some little red flags, happy to say that my baby girl was finally born this morning! πŸ‘¨β€πŸΌ
  25. Like
    samx got a reaction from fonziGG for a status update, I thought college was supposed to be a great time... why you all lying   
    I thought college was supposed to be a great time... why you all lying
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