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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Hi there new folks! Just wanted to make a post to let all of you know that the S92 VHLM Dispersal Draft has now concluded, and you are all able to join a team now! You can click on this link to get there, and you should see the following view: However, you'll have the option next to "See Pitch" to join the team of your choosing. Take a glance at the teams' positional needs. Don't pay too much mind to the standings, as we've yet to begin the season - all teams are in the same boat right now! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! My discord is sp_rt_n if you'd like to DM me on Discord. Tagging all of our amazing new creates who joined after the draft cutoff and will need to join waivers now: @shadowbloxgame @FabioF04 @FiZi @Sweffey @Tallen @DrTieDude @Jaden_Mehler23 @Jay.Wright @Holyz @Tic_Tax @Joel33 @Ari54 @Lando10 @FreshOceanCod @Xav23 @Jonny34 @TrinityMonk @Anaheimducks @Ddog @itsuu @Mutti @KNGLushkaYT @Rumpumbum @creamingpie @Nathan Ecker @WeeThoast @Kamos @betta57 @Njschwartz03 @Leafs011 @MSouthworth @Big22blik @DeclanTheDominator @YeoEsMin @Thayer @raichu111 @Swifty35 @Boogie @Highlife4059 @CFreer @Timmi0748 @Christopher @guru @epicsparky @pattymahomes15 @yacobi
  2. Shoot I did the wrong week just now. REDO time. 1. A tesla circa 2013? Really good but everyone just doesn't know it yet! 2. Of course, I think it shows that our development is going well and that we're in a good spot in our rebuild. 3. I'm not much of an ideas person really. Not the most creative guy, but fairly rational/logical to solve problems as needed. 4. I don't know if I'd be a fan really, but I've enjoyed Naruto and One Piece. Haven't watched much else really. 5. Menaces to society. That's all. Bearded king, I've got no fucking clue. 6. 11. I don't know how anyone tolerates me! 7. I think Axle Gunner could have a top 10 forward season with the work he's been putting in. Maybe OSCB as a defenseman as well? Lot of potential all around the roster.
  3. 1. Realistically I'd really hope we can make a playoff push this season. 4 forwards and 3 defensemen are over 600 TPE with a goalie around 550 TPA for opening day. But if not, we know we just need to keep grinding. 2. Not really, I think I'm still young in my career and have had some success here and there which is keeping me going. Maybe I'll regret it if I suck in the VHL. 3. I've kicked off the new year with a new apartment so there's that. Might be a lot of lifestyle adjustments in the process as well which I'm totally open to! 4. Podcasting? Job pay??? I think you could be really good at podcasts and you'd be great in any league job if you were up to it. 5. Personally I like VHL.com articles since I can do a thoughts dump each week in as many or little words as I please. I never write under 150 so its the easiest task to me. 6. I don't do resolutions. Improvement is daily, resolutions are meant to be broken. Everyone should try to be a little better every day.
  4. You genuinely are perfect for Moscow. 5 championship losses in fantasy to ours in the VHL. Sorry for your tuff fantasy loss though. Appreciate the kind words about the asset management. Means a lot coming from a storied GM! Enjoy hearing about your thoughts about our trades, would be really curious to hear some of your thoughts on trades around the league as they're always contentious!
  5. Spartan

    LAS/MOS; S92

    You said PPG season if he wasn't on your pairing, I assumed 2PPG season if he was off the team!
  6. Spartan

    LAS/MOS; S92

    Trade Condition: After the season concludes, and draft order is determined, Moscow will swap 2nd round picks with LA, should Moscow's 2nd be higher than the two currently possessed by LA. Moscow will receive the lowest 2nd of S92 LA 2, S92 RIG 2 and S92 MOS 2. @InstantRockstar to accept
  7. @Josh how was this send down eligible? Think the logic is still being wonky
  8. Spartan

    Games: 16-20

    How does a goalie get ejected in WJC games, wtf
  9. Can I get a consolation championship win
  10. I assume its this one where Wallob had a significant advantage in every category except shutouts. Also went on to almost win the community MOP vote with no other goalies being recognized. Can't see how you say the voting shouldn't have gone the way it did if the winner almost won the community vote for best VHL player as well. That's fair, but I think there's a pretty clear difference between empathizing with someone who feels slighted vs agreeing with the notion that the league targets certain members ( right before they put out a post complaining about being targeted). I personally would have gone either Reingaard or Bennett if I was involved in the voting, but it's definitely more of a toss up than usual because of how there wasn't a single exceptional defenseman like there usually is. I just don't see the point in tricking yourself or others into thinking the league is out to get you. Just because someone doesn't agree with your line of thinking doesn't mean they hate you forever and will go out of their way to screw you over.
  11. Just a tad bit of an overreaction here I'd say. This voting was done by E GMs. M voting is M GMs. Most VHL award voting is the BoG which sees new faces join every 2-3 seasons with no commissioner votes. I don't think there's a systemic "fuck that member" baked into the voting system at any level. And I don't see where anyone is ganging up on anyone. People in this thread have explained that Rin is not a first gen to clear up that area, and also discussed their own opinions on how close the award was. The fact that he's won 4 championships now is definitely does not support your idea that the league is holding him down. Could this frustration possibly stem from your goalie not being eligible for RotY awards due to how many times you were played during your first season? And then not qualifying for the award when you became the starter? Nothing in this thread is anti-Plate but this suddenly flies in with no examples or references.
  12. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2021094411 @twists claiming 1 week
  13. You're heading straight to WAR in a couple seasons lil bro
  14. Spreadsheet boy is dropping his favorite job (again)! VHFL is everyone's favorite (or most rage inducing) offseason game, and I'm looking to bring someone on to replace me. The job itself is most involved in the offseason between getting sign-ups posted, groups made, and then making sure groups are going smoothly. You will have to handle conflicts and try to figure out a rational solution. Super Coach is a little bit more straightforward, but the end calculations are a bit trickier due to the uniqueness component - most of it is a template by now though. I will continue to maintain the spreadsheets in the background and can assist if needed, so you don't really have to be an Excel/Sheets pro. Would be nice if you at least knew how some basic stuff worked. Requirements/Would be nice to have in an applicant: - Available in the offseason to create groups and manage them - Decent at handling conflict - Will not delete stuff in Sheets for no reason - Fairly organized - Can spell player names properly Pay is 2 TPE/week when VHFL is running and Super Coach is being set up/paid out. Apply below or DM me to discuss. Would also like to stress that this will be a quick hire since VHFL will be starting up in the next day or so due to season start next Wednesday.
  15. I wouldn't mind having it as a trial task for a season or something. I can definitely see the value of giving members a topic to discuss to get the creative juices flowing, or some motivation to write about something.
  16. Hire someone for that role, money leagues all can manage it. It doesn't have to be nearly as vague as our theme weeks since the intent isn't to make something friendly for the entire league. It's just an option for people to participate in if they want to.
  17. This argument assumes that what Ricer is talking about is actual critically thought and relevant feedback, vs in reality its just blatant trolling that should already be covered in CoC. I agree we should never discourage legitimate feedback. But what's being brought up is just "hur dur league bad" on repeat in gen chat.
  18. So that'd be changing the fundamental earning process of the league. I don't think it'd fly since earning has always been built around half your cap comes from a PT, and the other half comes from supplemental tasks. When we introduced Game Recaps as a task, I learned a lot about what can/can't work as an additional supplemental task. When I was suggesting various themes or game write-ups before they went into game threads as an "activity booster," the feedback was always "why can't people just write these as VHL.coms in the first place?" Someone can write 2 player recaps for 75 words each in a vhl.com article, for the same amount of TPE. Player career review/statistical review are great media spot ideas! Maybe that I'm hearing is that like the money leagues, perhaps we need the league to be putting out thematic ideas for users to complete tasks around. For example, it'd be specifically themed vhl.com articles, lets say "topic of the week" as a theoretical name. Maybe this week the topic would be your player career review - users can pick a retired player to write 150 words about or make a graphic about them for the 2 TPE. Next week it could be statistics. Week after could be league leaders. Or it can be much more creative like the SHL and their season-long story line about being abducted by aliens or some shit like that. Maybe then we'd hire someone to be posting these weekly "topic of the week" threads for folks to reply in, and then they can also do their normal, independent vhl.com article. Sound interesting at all? I actually think this could be an uncapped(?) season-end task run by the commissioners. Have thought about it before and might try to get it implemented myself after discussing with RGB crew.
  19. If you have specific task ideas, I'd recommend writing them in a vhl.com or media spot and tagging me. I can forward it into BoG for further discussion and give you my thoughts as well if you'd like.
  20. The portal still needs to be updated to show the correct depreciation numbers. TPA tool is outdated with old numbers, and the player store descriptions are also outdated and wrong, causing this sort of confusion. % fighters drop you down a full depreciation tier, it's not a 5->4% drop like it was before. That'd probably be my contribution to this thread for now, that we get depreciation numbers fixed on the portal since it's been wrong for a long time.
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