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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. shut up shut up shutup shutp shut up shutup shut UP
  2. New week PC we goooooo 1. Moscow beat Warsaw in 4 games in the wild card round. Was this the expected result for you? 2. We face London next in the second round, who have just as strong goaltending as Warsaw did. How do you keep the momentum rolling into this series? 3. Totally theoretical, but if we had injuries on and you could make your player "accidentally" injure someone on London, who would it be and why? 4. Who do you think will be the "X-Factor" for our series with London? As in whose contributions might be most impactful to decide the series in our favor? 5. Now that it's mid-July, how are you enjoying your summer? Too hot? Just right? Any cool stories to share? 6. Would you rather win the cup this season and be banned from the VHL forever, or make the cup finals each of the next 5 seasons, lose them all, but win regular season MVP in each season?
  3. New week presser! 1. Playoffs are right around the corner! It seems like our wild card opponent will be either Riga or Warsaw. Which team would you rather face and why? 2. Across both the NA and EU, who do you think is the favorite to win it all? 3. Which playoff team do you think could be the dark horse in the playoffs and why? 4. Moscow currently has 8 players at 67 points or higher in 69 games played. Do you think all 8 can finish at or above PPG? What needs to happen in these last few games? 5. With the regular season essentially over, how do you feel about your player's performance this season? What went well, what do you hope to improve upon? 6a. Have you been paying attention to NHL free agency? What's the wildest move you've seen so far? 6b. If you haven't been paying attention (or just want to answer this one too), what do you hope your favorite team does in this off-season period?
  4. I'm firing you next time I get pinged here
  5. I definitely did not forget to do this sooner 1. We've started picking up a few more wins, what do you attribute this success to? 2. Joseph Reed, @BrutalBoost, is 6-2-0 on the season. How important is it to have a solid backup goalie in this league? 3. How did you participate in theme week last week? Would you have preferred a different theme? 4. What's a movie you've seen recently and would recommend? If you haven't seen any movies, what movie would you want to watch? 5. Did you watch the Stanley Cup playoffs? How did you feel about the Panthers winning their first ever championship? 6. Do you think your favorite NHL team has a chance to win the Stanley Cup next season? What's your most biased opinion about your team and their chances?
  6. Rebuilding is fun and you'll never get to do it now smh
  7. Can just flip with Ricer in the M no biggie
  8. Spartan

    SDM/HFX; S94

    Was my fault, there was a piece being held up in the approval of a prior trade
  9. Spartan

    SDM/HFX; S94

    Who are the GMs involved?
  10. Glad I'm in front where I belong
  11. Replace the McDavid jersey with Crosby and switch out strawberry for orange or berry mist and this might be 100% accurate! I won't even get into the urinal habits though lmfao
  12. Could this not be done in the main VHL server if it's just channels? We already have recruitment roles in the main server and laid out GM roles as well.
  13. Spartan

    The VHLM?

    Damn @Gustav got exposed
  14. Scram
  15. I didn't read it all but I'm down if I'm an auto 12
  16. Do I get a pay raise and royalties?
  17. Spartan

    DAV/MOS; S94

    it's about to be 1/2 gg
  18. Spartan

    DAV/MOS; S94

    Go take down Homelander @Sen, best of luck with Davos! Cheers on the chats @Alex @Rjdixon01 welcome to Moscow! Hope to do some great things with you here
  19. I don't think I've written a theme week article in a hot minute, but since it's about the M I can't help but decide to write something for this season's theme. Nothing I say here is the official VHLM stance unless I explicitly state it is, mostly just my personal opinions and a peek behind the curtains of the green machine. The biggest question regarding the M, to me at least, is what are the underlying goals of the VHLM? There's always a ton of factors to consider with a development league oriented for new members. When designing a developmental league, how much freedom for competitive advances should we allow? How much GM freedom should there be? League oversight and interference? Beyond the core pillars of the M, in development, retention and engagement, there's still so much more that goes into the M and its macro/micro components. Without any GM freedom at all (ex. trades, waiver involvement) we see that there's a struggle to hire new candidates. It's a significant issue, as the M faces the highest amount of turnover from season to season due to poaching to the E/VHL, or even just burnout from GMs for having to be the most engaged group on the site on a daily basis. It's a tall task to be a GM in the minor leagues. Even with the pay increase, it's still a tedious job where your efforts will often fall on deaf ears. Even with waivers, we've had ongoing discussions regarding the current waiver system and what can be done for waivers to make more sense/be more fair to all teams. We've had our first(?) major waiver change back when Gus and I took over as commissioners, removing the manual, forum-based approach in favor of a semi-automated, portal-based system that eliminates 24/7 GM lurking and puts the decision-making power into the hands of the players. It's certainly not a "fair" approach with waivers, but it does let players pick the spot where they feel they'd be most engaged in. If someone wants top line minutes, it doesn't seem fair to them to have them get claimed to be a 3rd line forward, or vice versa with someone who wants to be on a contending team in playoffs. But it does lead to some wonky roster sizes (especially after trades) that doesn't really make sense in a development league. Walking that line with GM interest and competitiveness is a difficult one. Lastly there have been some unfounded rumors that the VHLM is going to contract or teams will be realigned to the VHLE for whatever reason I can't be assed to figure out. Just want to squash those OFFICIALLY and state that there have been absolutely 0 discussions about moving M teams to the E. We feel that 10 teams is a pretty comfortable spot for the M, especially with recruitment seemingly doing ok with getting some drives out every other season or so. With an active recruitment team and a drive planned for this season (in the works, hopefully its done), the M should see some new faces this season to help flesh out the emptier rosters.
  20. Damn I'm back on presser duty, someone better remind me or I'm gonna forget lol 1. @Steve recently stepped down as our AGM, what did you appreciate most about his time as AGM? 2. Do you think I should get a new AGM, or fly solo? Who do you think would make a good AGM if I should get a new one? 3. We've had a rollercoaster of a season, but have been notching a few more wins recently. Is this just us getting lucky, or a sign of good things to come? 4. @N0HBDY has been asking to be my AGM for a long time. Why should I keep denying him the role? 5. Do you think Moscow should explore any trades before the deadline next week? Why or why not? 6. Do you have any fun plans lined up for the summer? Tell me about it!
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